My one P3 wish, other than being able to operate on FCC mode, is that this new shell has had the propensity to develop stress cracks around the motors in the P2 addressed. This has happened in two of my phantoms without a single crash. Personally I find these stress cracks annoying and ridiculous to say the least. Besides, with ever stronger motors, maybe a mil more on that shell would fix a lot of structural integrity issues. The P3 is a new shell. For those that think its just the arms, have a look at the lower center part when looking head on. The shape is different so it's a brand new mold. So I hope we all finally have the luxury of no longer worrying about cracks. People don't mention this issue much in theses forums but believe me, it happens often. It's unacceptable on non crashed phantoms. People complain about broken gimbals but for that they key is not to crash. Cracks can be stopped by not flying. Balancing the motors? Been there, done that, stress cracks still come.