Mavic Pro Crashes into Atlantic Ocean

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Jul 6, 2017
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So I purchased a DJI Mavic Pro on Friday. I got it for vacation with my daughters and wife at the beach. I took a number of flights. I decided to test the 4 mile range. I was super pumped as I hit four miles, but on the return flight, the wind picked up and... the drone crash landed about a half mile offshore. As you can imagine, I have yet to tell my wife the $1000 drone crashed in the ocean because of my stupidity, I am hoping to avoid that conversation with your support.

Here is a link to a gofundme if you see a video of me recounting the depressing story.

Click here to support DJI Mavic Pro Crashes into Ocean organized by Jordan Urness
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Sorry for your loss, but seriously?
Always have to check weather conditions I use UAV Forecast
especially on a long distance flight . If you have to fly in wind you want it to your back flying in , sorry for your loss that sucks but don't give up just maybe plan a little better before you fly...
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While I have a tiny bit of sympathy for your loss, I'm amazed that you would use a service intended to fund charitable endeavors in this way.

Did you even consider what the possible consequences would be? Just imagine if it had been flying over people when it ran out of power.

Man up and explain to your wife what you did. Set a proper example for your daughters on how to take responsibility for your actions.

Unbelievable. If you can't afford to crash your drone you shouldn't have purchased it in the first place. 2 things to plan on when you get into this hobby. Plan on loosing it or crashing it so you don't feel horrible about it. Comes with the hobby. I haven't had it happen to me yet but I try to avoid it with my checklist.
A LOT of balls....

an attorney asking for cash on gofundme
Actually more the opposite, if he had those, he would tell his wife. Don't you think?
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Unbelievable. If you can't afford to crash your drone you shouldn't have purchased it in the first place. 2 things to plan on when you get into this hobby. Plan on loosing it or crashing it so you don't feel horrible about it. Comes with the hobby. I haven't had it happen to me yet but I try to avoid it with my checklist.

There is a lot of truth to this comment when it comes to enjoying this hobby. I own nothing else of this value (P4 with all the accessories I have purchased as well) that I send up and out, away from my direct control (other than proper pre-planning and my remote control). It's definitely a 'leap of faith' each time that I send it off.

At some point in my flying, I began to accept that I may not see it again, and oddly, this is when I started to really enjoy it. Also, this caused me to be very careful about where, and what I fly over, and always assuming that it will just suddenly fall out of the sky, I never fly over people or things that could be injured or damaged if it did so.

Anyway, sorry for your loss, and I respect the fact that you admit pilot error, but to truly 'man-up' - IMO - you need to tell your wife, and then save up some hard earned money to purchase another one. I think you would appreciate and respect it more that way...again, just my opinion..
I think his wife already knows. The GoFundMe link has been posted to his personal Facebook page and I know my wife would notice if my drone disappeared while on vacation. Maybe it's just me but this seems more like an attempt to make people feel sorry for him get more money donated.
Oh dear . Sorry for your loss but even after 400 flights I would not fly this far out, especially with a new aircraft, hope you square it with your partner.
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