I lost it.. :((

Looks like a warranty issue there with the OAS.
I agree. I'm very interested how the rest of this is going to play out. I've had nothing but positive experiences with dji myself. I'm sure it will work out for him
Wow! So glad you got it back Lickity Split! Msinger, you are on it man. Cannot thank you enough for all your help in this forum!
Heres a link to the video ,it looks like crap on my computer .

I was under the (false I guess) impression that in RTH the OA turns on automatically and that's why the reduction in fly home speed. It would make sense that it would. What it does to avoid like go around, over, hover is selectable. ??? So far all my RTH's where well over any obstacles and the only event was me having a major pucker moment. If many are hitting buildings and mountains why does RTH not turn on OA automatically?
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I was under the impression that in RTH the OA turns on automatically and that's why the reduction in fly home speed. It would make sense that it would. What it does to avoid like go around, over, hover is selectable. ???
I agree that it would make sense to have OA activate automatically upon RTH given that RTH is an emergency recovery mode, but it doesn't, not sure why. You need to make sure that OA is activated in normal flight modes and if it isn't, it won't be in RTH either.
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I agree that it would make sense to have OA activate automatically upon RTH given that RTH is an emergency recovery mode, but it doesn't, not sure why. You need to make sure that OA is activated in normal flight modes and if it isn't, it won't be in RTH either.
I keep mine active all the time and check before flight. And I mostly fly in S mode.
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This was a good learning experience for us all. DJI has done a good job with the data logs.

I've outfitted my drone with in a Trackimo.com GPS type tracker. After reading this thread, maybe I don't need it as much as I thought I did. Just another level of safety. It would have helped you find the drone a few hours earlier.
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Since the quad ran right in to a panel of glass does OA work as it should in this situation or will the glass affect the sensors.
OA needs to be turned on manually for RTH. Im guessing the OP didn't set it up
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I'm sorry to hear about your loss, I about lost mine last night, and I've been flying awhile! About 12 minutes into my flight at 150' altitude I encountered a strong wind which blew me off course and I could not get her close to me! Luckily I still was able to still control altitude if not much else, I dropped down to 30'and the wind was worse, so I ascended to 350 to 375 before I could get her headed my way! I was never so happy to hand land her as I had 10 minutes battery left!!!, hopefully you can get your flight logs uploaded and the smart ones here can try to help you figure out if it's a lost cause or not! You never know!!! Best of luck to you!
hopefully you can get your flight logs uploaded and the smart ones here can try to help you figure out if it's a lost cause or not!
See above. The drone was recovered.
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This aint easy on a PC

OK I'm kinda stuck on something in itunes the DJI app is in my purchased apps but not showing in my apps and even after I do the transfer purchased apps thing they still dont move to my apps list ,I'm on a pc if that matters, once I figure this out I'll post it

Can I ask how is it you don't have the DJI go app on your device and have to go to iTunes to get it???, your device you flew with has your flight logs on it??? Or am I missing something here???
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chazzm, start reading from post #1 above ;)
I was under the (false I guess) impression that in RTH the OA turns on automatically and that's why the reduction in fly home speed. It would make sense that it would. What it does to avoid like go around, over, hover is selectable. ??? So far all my RTH's where well over any obstacles and the only event was me having a major pucker moment. If many are hitting buildings and mountains why does RTH not turn on OA automatically?
OA during RTH requires both of the following:

-you were flying in P mode
-you have forward vision positioning system turned on (note that you could have OA on but have this system disabled, it's just one part of OA, but there are other sensors involved in OA so its sort of independent)
-you also need to have enabled the various OA items such as go around/over objects etc, otherwise it will stop and hover until low battery

It is very possible the P4P couldn't see the glass/windows in the OP's case.
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My P4P disconnect twice on me too! Yesterday, close range. 300 ft or so! What's up with that!

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Are you near an area with a lot of wifi noise? Was there an obstacle between your controller and the drone? How do you have your antennas turned on the controller?
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Can I ask how is it you don't have the DJI go app on your device and have to go to iTunes to get it???, your device you flew with has your flight logs on it??? Or am I missing something here???

Im just a newb so forgive my crude description but a few things came into play here and the flight log/record In the app only tracked it so far as you can see from the pictures I uploaded early yesterday show, it just disappears at the edge of the park on the waterfront after taking the great advice on what I needed to do to track it a lot deeper was to get into my phone which tracked it to the exact spot that was circled in a picture posted by a very helpful forum member . I'm sure I had OA enabled because I was testing it out because n a football field on the stadium lighting poles last weekend and it worked fine but I didn't lose GPS and I wasn't in RTH either so it don't really matter much but I'd really like to understand everything that happened yesterday and maybe DJI will shed a little light on it to as to the cause of it .
I'm still having a hard time believing I recovered it .

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