I lost it.. :((

Sorry to hear about your loss. You can't be "under the impression " of how the Phantom works. You need to KNOW how it works.

Yep, that quote needs to be a sticky or something.

Things to practice and make sure that they work the way you think are all three modes of the RTH in a safe place so that you KNOW what it will do at signal loss.

And see what it feels like to take over from an "auto land" while it's right in front of you and not over some far out factory.

A few minutes of ATTI flying at the end of the flight with those leftover minutes on the battery may come in very handy some day.

Yep, that quote needs to be a sticky or something.

Things to practice and make sure that they work the way you think are all three modes of the RTH in a safe place so that you KNOW what it will do at signal loss.
And see what it feels like to take over from an "auto land" while it's right in front of you and not over some far out factory.
I think I used RTH once and let it land automatically the rest of the time I land it,

A few minutes of ATTI flying at the end of the flight with those leftover minutes on the battery may come in very handy some day.
Well it has been working the way its supposed to two other times I tested it out and I didnt change any thing sooo

also besides doing all the above indicated, initiate a claim with DJI, send them the flight logs and see what they say. If they can't find pillot error it should be covered under warranty. At the same time, if you have used an american express , their 3 months warranty coverage is normally foolproof. Definitely explore every single option available to you before giving up. sorry to hear, losing a drone is a painful experience, unfortunately i know first hand.
I still cant figure out how to download the flight record but I did find it in the controller ,Ipad and I weent back by zooming in on the map and its last position was at the edge of a park on the waters edge and it was headed in the direction of the water so ... Its swimming with the fishes about now..
Dang this sucks man! Hate to hear your bad news man. Do you remember if you had your RTH setting to Hover instead of come back to you? Just saying, 10,000ft out around city at all is gonna be pretty sketchy im guessing. You said you had no direct line to your transmitter. Does that mean you went behind buildings or just other stuff between you and transmitter? That far out you really want to have a clear shot to your bird I'm guessing. It still should return home if it's set right though. Good luck and hope you find it.
Here's a pic of what I think is the last screen before I got the "Aircraft Disconnect " pop-up
I just found the flight record in the app an hour ago I went back down there and theres nothing there . Iwasted all morning trying to download it on my computer..
Do you happen to know Casey Neistat? LOL He might post something for you about your drone. He lost one on a big bridge there in New York. Someone nabbed it for him. He flies in and around New York city all the time and doesn't seem to have too much trouble. He prob doesn't go out 2 miles maybe? He might have some good advice on flying in that area though. Of course he is flying some pretty crazy stuff for most peoples standards. Not sure how he gets away with it tbo! So I'm just ribbing ya about Casey actually. I have been hooked on his Vlog for almost a year and he ended it 2 weeks ago. Wacky talented fun dude though!
But we need the flight record to see what happened, why RTH don't save him, and you can learn from the error to be a best pilot! Try again!

Enviado desde mi Nexus 6P mediante Tapatalk
A few things I think I should mention. First of all sorry about your drone. We all dread it happening each time we fly. Anyway onto 'those things'

I looked a your picture and did you notice it was pointing inshore and flying away from those piers?

I know this is a suggestion 'after the horse has bolted' so to speak but did you put your telephone number and 'reward' on the drone and batteries? I also put my details and reward offer in a note on the SD card.

Have you contacted the river police, or whatever they are called in the states? They may spot it when they are patrolling but dont know who to return it to. They could also keep a look out for you, gives them something to do, they may even call it an exercise for you.

Probably not of much use now but I hope it gives you something to thing about. Hope you find it and return to here with good news.

Good luck. FrankC
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This video clearly explains how to retrieve TXT flight logs from an Apple device:

When followed closely, even the most non-savvy computer users can be successful.
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Is it possible for someone who finds a drone/quadcopter to look up the owner info from the FAA registration number?
Is it possible for someone who finds a drone/quadcopter to look up the owner info from the FAA registration number?
No. The FAA could look it up though.

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