Fly away

And I've literally walked about 25 miles looking for it in trees. on the ground, in the woods , talking to Neighbors and neighborhoods, putting in Flyers all over the area, walking in fields surrounding within a mile radius.... that's why I Turn to You guys for the help. You are pretty much my last hope and you've actually given me a lot more information than you realize

Was there any chance that your contact information or registration number was somewhere on the bird? Sorry if that was already discussed.
Was there any chance that your contact information or registration number was somewhere on the bird? Sorry if that was already discussed.
I did a lot of research before I ever bought the bird. I never once saw anyone talking about putting my information or a GPS locator on it so I didn't really know that I needed to. It does have the serial number on the inside as well as the FAA registration number on the outside but as far as contacting me no. Next time we'll definitely be different this has been a huge learning experience for me.
Here ya go

That's the one. This was clearly GPS failure:

19.020 : 3498 [L-WL][LOG]wl_cur_info.is_pos_available:1=>0
19.079 : 3501 [L-FDI]ns req:fdi,0to0,reason:gps.signature_invalid,result:fail for same index
326.480 : 18871 [L-WL][LOG]wl_cur_info.is_pos_available:1=>0
327.681 : 18931 [L-FLYMODE][Ctrl<1>] REQ_RC_NORMAL ATTI ctrl_atti
327.799 : 18937 [L-GPS]<GPS ERROR>m8_check_hash_failed[1] gps [0][0]||
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I guess I was a little bit naive in thinking that this would never happen to a brand new p4p.

If it's any consolation, you're definitely not alone in your thinking. Thinking that your Phantom could somehow end up MIA with no easy way to locate it is most likely the last thing that many new pilots think about, if at all. Something told me to put my contact information on my Phantom last spring. My first thought was, why do I need to include my contact info, but I decided to put that info on a label on the belly of the drone. Several months later, I experienced an event where the Phantom disconnected from the controller, disappeared from the radar map, and went MIA. I spent hours looking for it but didn't find it and very reluctantly left when it got too dark to search. By the time I got home, there was a message waiting for me from the woman who found my Phantom. I hope you get a happy ending for your situation.
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It's surprising the number of people that come here asking for help and never come back to even see what people have said.
We've had a few like this in the last few days.
I agree there have been more of these lately.

Also so many cases of people quickly receiving instructions for finding, uploading to the viewer, and posting links to their logs, but then later in the thread they post that they don't know how to find or post their logs.
I agree there have been more of these lately.

Also so many cases of people quickly receiving instructions for finding, uploading to the viewer, and posting links to their logs, but then later in the thread they post that they don't know how to find or post their logs.
I simply wasn't getting my notifications that you guys were trying to talk to me.
If it's any consolation, you're definitely not alone in your thinking. Thinking that your Phantom could somehow end up MIA with no easy way to locate it is most likely the last thing that many new pilots think about, if at all. Something told me to put my contact information on my Phantom last spring. My first thought was, why do I need to include my contact info, but I decided to put that info on a label on the belly of the drone. Several months later, I experienced an event where the Phantom disconnected from the controller, disappeared from the radar map, and went MIA. I spent hours looking for it but didn't find it and very reluctantly left when it got too dark to search. By the time I got home, there was a message waiting for me from the woman who found my Phantom. I hope you get a happy ending for your situation.
Thank you I appreciate it.
I can't extract any accurate inertial data from the DAT file, but it appears that the aircraft probably drifted off to the south or south east. The wind looks to have been around 10 mph out of the NW.
I applaud your efforts sir thank you for everything you've done!
Although the GPS module seemed to be having problems starting at 333 secs it did come back on at 580 secs for about 5 secs The GPS data shows the P4P being here

The relativeHeight was 81 meters but it was descending at 27 m/s so it didn't travel much further. @Kissthesky did your search include this location?

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