Hey, this is for real.

May 1, 2017
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N.central wv. U.S.
I'm not trying to lead someone on. This is about end time prophecy. There has been so much false cries of the end times, it's like crying wolf.

A friend of mine worked for 9 years on the end times prophecy. What he has compiled and laid out is amazing. It is simple to understand, laid out clearly and has footnotes if you want to go deeper in your understanding. Clear pictures and graphs. You can add up the numbers and see. If you see something wrong with his work, he wants to know. He doesn't want to misinform anyone. He just wants to get the word out. He wants nothing out of it. It's free. Bible Prophecy - Jesus Return, Antichrist Armageddon

It is happening now and much to my surprise most of Revelations has already happened. Yes, from now to 2028, that's it. The dragon in Rev. that was looked to be mortally wounded and was resurrected is Islam. Want to understand 666? Count the years from Daniel. It comes to 2028!

He has laid it out in 2 forms: Bible Prophecy - Jesus Return, Antichrist Armageddon
Welcome to events soon to come
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It’s amazing what can be argued from the association of coincidences given free time and inclination.
You are absolutely right! There are numbers that add up. The Bible is the only book that has specific prophecy. Not wanting to debate. It's there if you like.

The evidence is there. You make the verdict.
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Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think this is the place for it. I go to church to learn about religion. I come here to learn about drones. Thanks.
I'm going to ask EVERYONE to play nicely in this thread. If you don't agree etc then please just skip this thread and don't reply. As WV stated he's not looking for any debate just putting this out there for anyone who might want to read and research for themselves.

Seriously, PLEASE don't crash this thread into the ditches. If you don't agree don't post.
Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think this is the place for it. I go to church to learn about religion. I come here to learn about drones. Thanks.

This is purposely put into the OFF TOPIC thread for that reason. . . . we aren't forced to read any threads and we all have our own "Free Will" to ignore and go to the next thread.
Don't take this the wrong way but I don't think this is the place for it. I go to church to learn about religion. I come here to learn about drones. Thanks.
And drones you can in the other sections but this is Off Topic section and by our set guidlines it is allowed .
  • 13. Discussions about politics, weaponry, and religion are permitted only in association with the topic of this forum or in the “off-topic” section and will be closed or removed if they become disruptive.
I appreciate it Mods. I realize my risks in putting this on. I have done construction work most of my life. (I'm a little thick skinned. lol) I don't try to preach at people. But, somebody may really be enlightened by this.

I am who I am and you are who you are. I have had good friends who disagreed with me. I liked hearing why they do as they do and think as they think. I dislike a put on, be real. Their words and actions don't a fend me in any way. Of coarse, we have to stay in the guide lines of this forum.
I'm going to ask EVERYONE to play nicely in this thread. If you don't agree etc then please just skip this thread and don't reply. As WV stated he's not looking for any debate just putting this out there for anyone who might want to read and research for themselves.

Seriously, PLEASE don't crash this thread into the ditches. If you don't agree don't post.
Big: One of the most sensible things I have read on here in a while. Thanks
You are absolutely right! There are numbers that add up. The Bible is the only book that has specific prophecy. Not wanting to debate. It's there if you like.

The evidence is there. You make the verdict.

The problem with this - well one of many problems but the primary problem - is that it is, like all these prophecies, a classic example of cherry-picked data. Take a large enough set of vague statements and observations (e.g. the Bible) and a loose enough set of criteria by which to interpret what they mean (e.g. the dragon ≡ Islam) and you can validate almost anything. When it's not deliberately misleading, it almost always stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of probability theory.
You are absolutely right! There are numbers that add up. The Bible is the only book that has specific prophecy. Not wanting to debate. It's there if you like.

The evidence is there. You make the verdict.
I have my take on it as each and all are entitled to arrive at and maintain. I am not one to try and dissuade anyone from their belief. All is good. Religion and politics fall squarely in the pointless to argue territory.
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The only reason that I read this was it showed up in the "popular topics" area. I did not see it was originally posted in the off topic area or I would not have replied. I'll be sure to just avoid those areas and stick to my subscribed ones so I don't make that mistake again. Thanks for understanding. I'm new here.
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The problem with this - well one of many problems but the primary problem - is that it is, like all these prophecies, a classic example of cherry-picked data. Take a large enough set of vague statements and observations (e.g. the Bible) and a loose enough set of criteria by which to interpret what they mean (e.g. the dragon ≡ Islam) and you can validate almost anything. When it's not deliberately misleading, it almost always stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of probability theory.
What you said is true, if not taking in all the data. Which would be quite lengthy. First the basics would have to substantiated. Is there Satan and God? If there is, then one force is fighting the other and would have an influence over the way man thinks, responds.

A good book for someone who likes to have nothing but facts to made a analytical decision. It is presented like a court case. Clear evidence, you make the decision. Josh McDowell tried to prove the Bible wrong. He became a believer and came up writing this book.
Evidence That Demands a Verdict
My reason for the post was for the people who believe in the Bible and the urgency of the times which is depicted in Daniel 12:11 and 12: 12.

Here is my two cents. The Bible was written by men. Man according to the Bible itself are flawed and born into sin, thus by the very definition of itself the Bible is flawed. Now here are some other facts. The Bible was written by goat herders pretty much high on poppies, it was written in old Mid East dialects then translated agsin and again and again, from Hebrew to Arabic to Latin, Germán English over 2000 years. Not one book but a collection of stories that was then put together by a papal tribunal. Agsin all of this created by men. Why did the Bible never mention North America? South America. Because the men alive at the time didn’t know it was there. If god wrote the Bible you would have thought he mentioned it wouldn’t you? So for me I’ll pass on the end of days stuff and put my faith in the Jedi and the Force. Lol
Gee, in my lifetime I've lost track of how many times the world was going to end. It seems every religion and every race had THE DAY giving day Month and year. Sorry, but today I just have a little chuckle and be grateful I'm still kicking. Not thanks to any spiritual entity, but thanks to one doctor and his team of nurses and other support people. Now that the Internet has given a platform for these doomsday preachers it seems every second Saturday when there's an R in the month (or that eating oysters?) it seems the world is going to be hit by some planet nobody's ever seen or some forgotten race has figured out it's due to end. Maybe our planet will end up devoid of life, but I'll prefer hearing it from notable astronomers rather than someone who's figured it all out by what may have been written thousands of year ago.

Why wouldn't the religious be thinking the end is coming, it's been coming for perhaps millions of innocent people since man ever decided there were higher beings with awesome powers. Religion has meant the end of life for those unfortunates who chose the wrong religion and it's still going on today. The majority of wars were directly caused by religion. Ours is better than yours and ours is right, yours is wrong scenarios. If that's what religion has done for our world then I'd hardly call it holy or anything else but an excuse for teaching others they picked the wrong religion. Perhaps someone could tell me which worldwide religion hasn't been responsible for making war on another religion. I'm not being smart, I'd really like to know because I can't think of one. One thing is sure, nobody knows when the end of the Earth is going to happen, but I would like to ask the OP if I'm still around in 2028, would he mind sending me his DJI Phantom 7 or whichever Mavic is current just before the deadline? You probably won't need it where you're going. :) Isn't this where I say "Peace"?
The Earth will be consumed by the Star it orbits in about 5 billion years and be inhabitable in less than half that time with humans and other life forms likely extinct sooner due to numerous ‘natural’ or man-made causes.
So much for Intelligent Design so enjoy this short ride cause it’s all you get.
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