Going to Australia with P4 - any suggestions

Gary Vaughan. Just thought I’d share a few of our favorite places South of Sydney. You can google them to check them out.

As far as being drone friendly places I’m not sure but they are great places to visit anyway I would talk to” With The Birds” he seems very knowledgeable.

Seven Mile Beach at Gerroa (2hrs south of Sydney)

Hyams Beach on Jervis Bay (3 hrs south of Sydney) There’s a nice place to eat just off the beach and the sand is supposed to be the finest and whites there is.

Greenpatch on Jervis Bay a bit out of the way but a beautiful place as well.

Pebbly Beach near Batemans Bay (4hrs south usually has lots of kangaroos grazing near the beach)

I’m sure people will have other places to recommend as well. These are just a few.

I suggest you wear a watch on your left wrist at all times to remind you which side of the road to stay on when driving and make sure your wife is always ready to yell at you when make a turn and find you are on the wrong side of the road (No joke can save your lives)
Gary Vaughan. Just thought I’d share a few of our favorite places South of Sydney. You can google them to check them out.

As far as being drone friendly places I’m not sure but they are great places to visit anyway I would talk to” With The Birds” he seems very knowledgeable.

Seven Mile Beach at Gerroa (2hrs south of Sydney)

Hyams Beach on Jervis Bay (3 hrs south of Sydney) There’s a nice place to eat just off the beach and the sand is supposed to be the finest and whites there is.

Greenpatch on Jervis Bay a bit out of the way but a beautiful place as well.

Pebbly Beach near Batemans Bay (4hrs south usually has lots of kangaroos grazing near the beach)

I’m sure people will have other places to recommend as well. These are just a few.

I suggest you wear a watch on your left wrist at all times to remind you which side of the road to stay on when driving and make sure your wife is always ready to yell at you when make a turn and find you are on the wrong side of the road (No joke can save your lives)
Im no Guru Mate LOL.... you have mentioned a few awesome spots, i would recommend all. That little stretch down south is gods country and usually not to overpopulated.


It's funny because the CASA website doesn't say anything about the $9k fine for recreational use (although being a nervous flyer, I would most likely not even come close to people or flying too far away). I'll absolutely be safe like I am here in the US - I won't even fly in the city of Atlanta where I know it's safe because I'm empathetic to people who may not enjoy drones as much as we do.

The wording in the statement about airfields, it seems it's an "option" to stay 5.5km away (you should) because in the 2nd statement about flying under 400 feet, it's mandatory to stay under 400 (you must).

  • You must not fly in a way that creates a hazard to other aircraft, so you should keep at least 5.5 km away from airfields, aerodromes and helicopter landing sites

  • In controlled airspace, which covers most Australian cities, you must not fly higher than 120 metres (400 feet) above the ground.
Either way - I think we've decided to do the drive up the Gold Coast to Brisbane. I'm sure there are plenty of "off road" places to fly along the way. And we're going to try and do a tour company flight to the Great Barrier Reef - which again - probably has great remote places to fly.

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