Hello guys! It's me again, asking for your help one more time. Few weeks ago I posted a crash on this website and tried figuring out what happend with your help. However, I still don't understand why it crashed. This is the story: I was flying above trees in a forest, returning home (manually), then all of the sudden my drone started spinning counter-clockwise really fast and started falling. I saw a lot of quick errors popping up for a few seconds before the drone crashed in a tree and got destroyed. I remember getting a lot of error messages in the DJI app, but I can't exactly remember them. I checked the flight log and only 2 errors show up: Motor is blocked. and Speed Error. Weird how in the flight logs, the drone shows Motor is blocked in many of my old flights (since april exactly) but this error never appeared in my DJI app. I've walked into a forest for 1-2 hours to retrieve the drone, or what some parts of it, all props were still attached, 2 of them were broken in half, but they broke on impact, not while flying. I'll attach my flight log here and the .DAT file.
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