Is it possible to do tiny planet photos with DJI Phantom 3?

Feb 19, 2018
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I won a DJI Phantom 3 a few months ago and am just getting around to playing with it and am wondering if it is possible to take those tiny planet photos on it, or at least panoramic photos with it that I can edit as a tiny planet.

Thanks in advance!
Possibly but will take real creativity, and probably Litchi, rather than DJI Go, to do it.
Absolutely you can take those with a Phantom3. It's just a series of pics that you capture and then "Create" the finished product in another program later.
On P3S and P3A - I also use Litchi (it does wander sometimes) and then microsoft ICE which instantly produces the Tiny Planet effect.

What options do you use in ICE for a Tiny Planet? I stitch them in ICE and migrate over to PhotoShop to complete the transformation.
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You don't need any special app to shoot the photos. You can manually take the photos with some overlap and stitch them with ICE. You can also use ICE to create 360 panoramas from video.
What options do you use in ICE for a Tiny Planet? I stitch them in ICE and migrate over to PhotoShop to complete the transformation.
A set of Litchi Pano photos Imported into ICE, then Select 'Fisheye' or 'Stereographic' from the projection types, then on the orientation below select 0, -90, then 0

I usually export to photoshop for some tidying up and 'false clouding' :)

ICE is great but when using RAWs it makes tiny images for some reason - unless I'm missing something obvious.
I won a DJI Phantom 3 a few months ago and am just getting around to playing with it and am wondering if it is possible to take those tiny planet photos on it
Do you mean like this one? Oh wait, probably not. ;)

20150714 Phantom at Pluto.jpg
A set of Litchi Pano photos Imported into ICE, then Select 'Fisheye' or 'Stereographic' from the projection types, then on the orientation below select 0, -90, then 0
Thanks for this!! I downloaded ICE and was able to salvage a tiny planet pano I took today with Litchi which it wouldn’t stitch. Here it is. Rondout Light in the Hudson River. P4P using Litchi. Litchi did it’s job taking the pics. Just didn’t stitch them right. Only thing is that I didn’t need to change the angles it set automatically in ICE.
Excellent result ! - the 0,-90,0 angle settings just ensure that ICE gets the initial shape right. It can sometimes be interesting to play with these a little.
0,-90,0 gives a polar transformation and the classic small world look while 0,0,0 gives a perfect sphere as above.
0,-90,0 gives a polar transformation and the classic small world look while 0,0,0 gives a perfect sphere as above.
That was not 0,0,0.

It was more like 180, -85.946, 180.

These values were auto picked.

I don’t understand the difference you are referring to wrt to small world vs. perfect sphere. I’ll have to play some more. But if you have an example you can point me at it will be appreciated.

By the way, off topic but I meant to reply to you elsewhere. You say the noise profile of the P4P is pretty bad wrt color noise. I’ve taken a few of my P4P raw images into Camera Raw and cranked the color noise reduction up to 100%. And at full magnification I can’t see any difference while flicking it on and off. If you have side by side comparisons I’d be very interested in seeing them. I suspect it’s a matter of conditions under which the photo was shot.
That was not 0,0,0.

It was more like 180, -85.946, 180.

These values were auto picked.

I don’t understand the difference you are referring to wrt to small world vs. perfect sphere. I’ll have to play some more. But if you have an example you can point me at it will be appreciated.

By the way, off topic but I meant to reply to you elsewhere. You say the noise profile of the P4P is pretty bad wrt color noise. I’ve taken a few of my P4P raw images into Camera Raw and cranked the color noise reduction up to 100%. And at full magnification I can’t see any difference while flicking it on and off. If you have side by side comparisons I’d be very interested in seeing them. I suspect it’s a matter of conditions under which the photo was shot.
0,-90,0 will give you the same result as a polar coordinate transformation in Photoshop, so worth a try. Effect is more pronounced when some object are above the height of the drone (closer to the ground).

I posted this example earlier regarding noise:

quoting myself: "here is a 100% crop (ie fullsize pixels) sample of a high-contrast and shadow-lifted iso 100 capture from yesterday.
Along one axis, color noise is reduced (lightroom setting 50), and the other luminance noise is reduced (lightroom setting 15).
As this demonstrates, color noise is the deamon here, and must be addressed for a good result."

Note that I have had two p4p, and they had the almost exactly the same noise-profile so I assume it is a general problem.
0,-90,0 will give you the same result as a polar coordinate transformation in Photoshop, so worth a try. Effect is more pronounced when some object are above the height of the drone (closer to the ground).

I posted this example earlier regarding noise:

quoting myself: "here is a 100% crop (ie fullsize pixels) sample of a high-contrast and shadow-lifted iso 100 capture from yesterday.
Along one axis, color noise is reduced (lightroom setting 50), and the other luminance noise is reduced (lightroom setting 15).
As this demonstrates, color noise is the deamon here, and must be addressed for a good result."

Note that I have had two p4p, and they had the almost exactly the same noise-profile so I assume it is a general problem.
Yes. I see it there. I’ll have to keep an eye out for it. It may have been the shadow lifting introducing the noise. Maybe I should provide you with the raw image I was experimenting with and see if you can demonstrate the same results. It was a sunny midday. No shadow lifting performed.

Thanks for the info.
Really odd, 0-0-0 for me comes out completely wrong (when using a Litchi Pano set).
You are right, 0, -90, 0 is the way to go, but one can play a bit around with the last parameter for fun effect. Also, I believe stereographic is a more useful option than fisheye (when a square image is the intended destination).

Clicking auto gives 0,0,0 so not sure where those other numbers mentioned earlier might have come from.
Yes. I see it there. I’ll have to keep an eye out for it. It may have been the shadow lifting introducing the noise. Maybe I should provide you with the raw image I was experimenting with and see if you can demonstrate the same results. It was a sunny midday. No shadow lifting performed.

Thanks for the info.
Please share. Could be that they have improved the noise on later units which would be interesting. You should be able to upload the .dng directly here
Please share. Could be that they have improved the noise on later units which would be interesting. You should be able to upload the .dng directly here
When I get to my desktop I will do.

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