Ha ha. You can actually buy this.

If you became a "licensed" commercial pilot you'd be the first one since 1958 as since the Aviation Act of 1958 all FAA pilots in the USA are FAA "Cerificated" Pilots. FAA Licensed Pilots don't exist in the USA!
Hopefully, we are Certificated, rather than Cerificated!
FAA Cerificated Pilots don't exist either! ;)
At the moment I use a regular safety vest without any, um, presumptuous, writing or labeling on it, and even that does seem to help. Honestly it's amazing what you can get away with in general when you're wearing a safety vest. You can up the cred ante a bit with a well-worn hard hat. If you find one on the side of a highway that bounced out of the bed of a truck, it's probably perfect.
And IF you also carry a "clip board" with a few sheets of printed paper on it....you go near go any where with a pen in your hand and a cell phone stuck in your ear LOL
Ya know, I've been wearing vests like this for over 40 years as a land surveyor......usually just made me a better "target". Never slows down the stupid questions or posers....(hey, if my wife saw that fem referral, she'd call you out)
Shouldn't the hookers vest' say "prostitute", so they are not mistaken for the other pedestrians hanging out on the highway?
The truly suave may consider (in addition to the vest) wearing credentials on a neck strap, like members of the press.

That really isn't a bad idea. As bsartist said, that's a lot more convenient than putting your bird on hold and digging through your wallet. Think I'll look into that.
That really isn't a bad idea. As bsartist said, that's a lot more convenient than putting your bird on hold and digging through your wallet. Think I'll look into that.
Oh my lord, unless the person is some sort of LE with the correct jurisdiction, it’s no ******* business of theirs what licenses I have!
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In my eyes, if it stops just one know-it-all subassembly of a feminine irrigation product from interfering with a flight and wasting precious time and battery resources, and/or at least slows down Officer Cartman and his ilk, it will have done its job sufficiently, typography notwithstanding.

But that's just my opinion.

The truly suave may consider (in addition to the vest) wearing credentials on a neck strap, like members of the press.

OMG! LMFAO!!! Thanks for that!
I wear a HiViz vest when I'm near construction or think I need gravitas. But if people don't see the caution placards and cones near my LZ, I don't think they will read the lettering on my vest.
What are the benefits of becoming a licensed commercial pilot?

@Elgogo First off WELCOME to the forum. We are glad you joined and wish to participate in our group.

I would only call the "Benefit" is obeying Federal Law. If you operate a drone in any capacity other than hobby then you are required to operate as a Part 107 (Commercial UAS) operator. Keep in mind this ONLY pertains to you if you are operating in the USA. Other countries have similar rules/regulations but we are focused on the USA and the FAA's regulations in this discussion.

You get to wear the vest!!! Ha ha :):):)
Seriously? A new member asks a legit question and that's the best you can come up with?

Come on people.. .we are MUCH better than this.
Question is.. Is “licensed” the correct term? Maybe “certified” would be more accurate.
View attachment 97467

Edit: as you’ll see by reading the rest of the thread, I’m finding the lettering amusing. Not the vest or its high visibility.

For the record... Your handle “BSArtist” along with posting this thread is the most amusing part to me. HAHAHA. I laughed out loud. Love the handle btw...
For the record... Your handle “BSArtist” along with posting this thread is the most amusing part to me. HAHAHA. I laughed out loud. Love the handle btw...
Ha ha thanks. My initials are BS and I’m an artist (photographer). In 1996 I secured the bsartist.com domain (check it out. I have some pics there).
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Fantastic. Since 1996. I have a couple of good stories. But mainly nobody has to write it down. It’s too easy to remember. :)
Sometimes that's all that matters! :) No matter how good you are, if they can't remember or spell your URL, they can't get back in touch with you. :cool:
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Sometimes that's all that matters! :) No matter how good you are, if they can't remember or spell your URL, they can't get back in touch with you. :cool:
Well. You also have to be good at what you do. ;-)

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