I have Phantom 4 Advanced which shows message "Navigation System Error" and "Check Redundancy State".
IMU and compass calibrated several times and tried with other controller.
No metal objects near the drone.
The drone does not find any satellites and in "sensors state" section there is texts "moving" sometimes on both of gyroscopes and accelerometers, but this can be that it takes some interference sometimes.
Compasses are green as it should be.
I think the GPS-board can be the reason, because IMU and GPS-boards are different on Phantom 4.
So, can I swap GPS-board straight from Phantom 4 Pro to the Phantom 4 Advanced ?
If the GPS-board replacement not working, I will try to swap working IMU-board from Phantom 4 Pro to Advanced, but can I do this ?
Thanks for answers !
IMU and compass calibrated several times and tried with other controller.
No metal objects near the drone.
The drone does not find any satellites and in "sensors state" section there is texts "moving" sometimes on both of gyroscopes and accelerometers, but this can be that it takes some interference sometimes.
Compasses are green as it should be.
I think the GPS-board can be the reason, because IMU and GPS-boards are different on Phantom 4.
So, can I swap GPS-board straight from Phantom 4 Pro to the Phantom 4 Advanced ?
If the GPS-board replacement not working, I will try to swap working IMU-board from Phantom 4 Pro to Advanced, but can I do this ?
Thanks for answers !