Camera tilt servo stuck pointing down

Sep 11, 2014
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Hello all,
I need help with the following issue: the camera tilt servo is stuck pointing down.

Here's what happened (short version): My DJI Phantom 2 Vision (non-plus) fell from about 8 ft causing the camera's gimbal cable (3-wire ribbon cable) to disconnect and the battery to become dislodged. I reinserted the battery (Phantom powered up since battery was still 'on'), then reconnected the ribbon cable. The camera immediately tilted to the maximum 'down' angle and the DJI app that normally controls the camera's tilt can only make the gimbal rise about 10% from its maximum 'down' angle. In the app, when I press the 'up' or 'down' control, the vertical 'slider' in the app moves yet the camera gimbal doesn't react unless the 'slider' is in the top 10% of its range.
I read somewhere that the camera should never be reattached while the unit has power (which is the mistake I made), but no explanation was given as to why you shouldn't. I have also been unable to find a solution, which is why I am pleading for advice/direction.

How do I reset the gimbal?
First.. Check the assistant settings for the gimbal and see if the postion indicator matches actual position of the camera.. IE: Full up and/or full down.

It sounds as though the crash may have stripped the servo gear the camera is attached too. Power off, remove camera and check the servo gears that the camera attaches to on the ear of the camera housing. Once the camera is removed, you should be able to check the servo motor function.

Never plug or unplug ANY cables on the Vision/Camera while powered on.

You may be able to power it on (without camera) and see if the servo gear can be reset to full up.
Check your assistant for gimbal travel "position" and make sure the settings match the position.

Not sure if you can order just the servo motor and gear.

Good luck,
The Rookie
RCRookie said:
.....Never plug or unplug ANY cables on the Vision/Camera while powered on.....
I would not be surprised you fried something. In a different area of working with electronics, satellite TV, you learn very fast to never unplug or plug in a Diseqc switch with any power on the cable. You will be going to the store for another one. Many electronic parts do not like "sparks" or "micro-surges."
From your description I don't think you have fried anything. The servo 'works' - it just doesn't travel though the full range.As RCRookie says, you may have stripped the gears on the servo, though I doubt that since they are tough metal gears. More likely the servo spline that fits into the plastic insert in the 'horn' on the camera needs repositioning. Not a difficult job:
1. remove the small plastic cover on the horn revealing the small screw
2. unscrew and remove the screw
3. using a thin blade between camera and servo box, push the plastic insert out so the servo can move freely without moving the camera
4. power on the Phantom and use the app to adjust the servo to the horizontal position then turn the Phantom off
5. move the camera in the horizontal position
6. push the plastic insert in as far as it will go to lock the camera to the servo
7. reinsert the screw and plastic cover

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