Another P4 takes a bath

Oh lord, don't get me started on fishing! I'm a bass guy.
Now Fishing is something i get over zealous about. live in Colorado so it's mostly trout hence the fly fishing , but i also fly fish for northern pike , 46.5" biggest so far and have spent the last 3 winters in Florida so added a lot of species to my list of fly caught fish . Bass, Snook, Red Fish , Tarpon , pompano, etc. In West Yellowstone MT for the summer and the trout fishing is fantastic .
Why do you say that?
The problem here wasn't that it was being flown in Sport mode.
The problem was that the Phantom was flown into the water.
That could have happened just as easily in any flight mode.
The real lesson here is not to fly distracted.

From one major crash (into a tree...) and one very near miss I *never* talk to people and fly. If I can't simply ignore them, I go into hover, tell them to wait a bit, and finish the flight. I'm happy to chat with people after I've landed and even to pop up and fly in close LOS (terrain permitting).

But it is ALL to easy to do what the original poster did, presbyopia notwithstanding.

Kinda like driving a car.

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