Using a different tablet/phone with the P3S - Question

Feb 2, 2016
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I have been using a cheap tablet I bought at Best Buy with my Phantom 3 Standard since I purchased it in February 2016. I have never updated the firmware; I read horror stories, so I've just stuck with what works, albeit with some glitches on occasion.

I have successfully done "Point of Interest" mode several times - it's fun. I want to try out Follow Me Mode, but even though the tablet has GPS (the DigiLand tablet - I mentioned it in another thread here: Can I use "Follow Me" with this tablet if I'm away from WiFi? ), it always indicates "GPS signal not strong enough...try again" when I try Follow Me mode on the tablet.

#1: Can I actually use that tablet for follow-me mode? The phantom itself has always had sufficient GPS signals to fly, but the tablet never does. Can't figure out why.

#2: If I skip the tablet and instead use my new iPhone 5s with my phantom 3 (since I know the phone gets a good GPS signal), with the DJI GO app that I just downloaded last week onto the phone, will that force me to update the firmware on the drone, since I have a version of DJI GO that is probably relatively new (downloaded in June 2016) and the drone was last updated in February 2016?
#1: Can I actually use that tablet for follow-me mode? The phantom itself has always had sufficient GPS signals to fly, but the tablet never does. Can't figure out why.
Your mobile device needs to have a GPS receiver in order to use Follow Me.

#2: If I skip the tablet and instead use my new iPhone 5s with my phantom 3 (since I know the phone gets a good GPS signal), with the DJI GO app that I just downloaded last week onto the phone, will that force me to update the firmware on the drone
No. Firmware can only be manually installed by you.
No. Firmware can only be manually installed by you.

Thank you for the reply. I realize that I have to take steps to install the firmware, but my question is whether the DJI GO app on my phone is going to FORCE me to do that -- is it going to say the firmware is not current and I must update before I can fly?
is it going to say the firmware is not current and I must update before I can fly?
I've never seen DJI GO display such a message.
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I think the 5s will download the app, but far as I know your live feed is going to be really poor.
I am using an old iPad 2 messing around and testing way points.
Not good just have to wait to see what I am looking at.
Tell us how the 5s does.

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