This is gonna be fun! (Distance tests)

Yeah I havent changed the settings yet but that was actually a P3P, testing new was a direct 12 mph cross wind so I got out 35,000 feet and didn't really know how fast it would come back so I turned around at 60%. Made it back to my feet at 25% still have a lot left in it
So I got a chance to try out both those new antenna set ups on the PIII standard using the same flight path as I used yesterday where I was getting a lot of drop signals. 1st one

This probably was the best of the two. First things first, that helical with only one mushroom antenna is a BEAST! I was still getting strong interference signals and intermittent video feed but I think it's from the towers I was flying towards I think that's just a bad flight path for the standard. But even with the intermittent video and no signal problems any time there was a signal that control signal was 100% it never went down not one bar no matter what was going on! I cannot wait to test it in a different flight path like the one that I went 7 miles in! I've always had great success with that helical on the P2's and it's just as great with the standard it blows the 5.8 DBS signal out of the water! For the Wi-Fi, those half helical's gave me 100% bars when even when I'm getting great signal the DBS panel is missing one bar so I think once I test this and a good flight path this one is going to be a good combination. I look forward to seeing what I can do.
And next


This one did great as well again never lost control signal it was always 100% and I fly pretty straightforward but I never noticed it being directional at all(although it is by nature). The DBS panel double 2.4 has always worked great with me on the P2 series and it did OK here but unlike the half Helis, when the video feed glitched it seem to glitch just a little longer. And I was still getting strong interference messages. So again it would probably do just fine on a good flight path. Not only did I want to fly this path, to see if they out performed the triple DBS package
That I was having some issues with yesterday but also because the wind limited me to that path. So now these tests have gone kind of backwards to the controller. I'll be testing both these for a couple days
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Oh, and check this out, and just to show you how strong that 15 turn helical control signal is I took this screenshot. As you can see in the pictures I'm flying up where they're tearing down a bridge in my neighborhood that goes over the interstate. So I'm standing in the closed downed street, facing south, and this big semi side dumper rig backs up 2 mph right in front of my controller completely blocking my signal for probably 20 seconds, I mean I'm 8 feet away from the side of his trailer so I took a screenshot !never once lost control signal completely blocked by a metal trailer full of dirt!!
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Holy ****!!!! Thats badass
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Holy ****!!!! Thats badass
Yeah it was totally badass! I wish I wasn't flying with my phone or I would've took a picture. I can't explain to you how close and how slow that big semi was backing up right in front of my signal. I expected a complete loss. And I didn't even realize till I just sent that screenshot that it was 7000 feet out,it felt like the semi was taking forever
NEW Video Aerial Systems 5.8GHz RHCP 16 Turn Helical Antenna 15.5db gain Green
Bet you could contact seller & offer a buy it now for 20 bucks.
Either way this is the cheapest I've seen them. They have a 90° on theirs, I would contact seller and ask if that's removable, unless that's the way it works for you, you could always bring your pigtail right out the front of the remote and use that 90°

I didn't get a chance to look at this until now. Big problem with this: It's NOT an RHCP like he says!
Hey db what dji go version you on? did you get the map on the left!?! Lol
db did you make it all the way back from 7 miles in? You using the same battery mod?
Thats how ya do it Stav! I started flyin one year ago w/ p2v+ & i remember very clearly getting 4000' w/ a couple mods thinking that its so **** far out there and it was[emoji41] keep it going if you get a kick outa that feeling.

These bats are expensive but theyre expendable. When they start acting up cause you run em down to 5% time to toss em.

I did the 8% discharge at the 10th flight and this was it.I never let it go under 27-30% and the cells are all equal.Is there a possibility to see the health rising up again?

/offtopic mode off

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
Hey db what dji go version you on? did you get the map on the left!?! Lol
I was flying with my iPhone 5, so it's iOS I think it's version 1.5.7 but for some reason that don't sound right . I'll check next time I'm plugged in. but that app always has the radar map right, even on my android.
I did the 8% discharge at the 10th flight and this was it.I never let it go under 27-30% and the cells are all equal.Is there a possibility to see the health rising up again?

/offtopic mode off

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
You'll have to excuse me if I don't remember the question. But to add to the topic, I crashed my advanced the other night because sell one was really bad so after 25% it was trying to autoland and I was still a mile away, I charge the battery all the way back up after he had been down to 3% check the balances and now everything's fine so that particular battery just needed refreshed like you're saying I use that battery this morning for that 6.7 mile flight and fluid down to 3%. So I guess what I'm saying is use them when they're working and if you can't fix them by refreshing them/recharging them then toss them
db did you make it all the way back from 7 miles in? You using the same battery mod?
Which flight you talking about D?
The 40000 I got with the standard earlier in this post or my flight this morning with the P3P?
Either way made it back from both of them, just curious which one you want to know about
I guess I got confused, I thought you said you went 7 miles in, in that post that you had the pictures of the 2 controllers you were testing.
I didn't get a chance to look at this until now. Big problem with this: It's NOT an RHCP like he says!
I took a look and you're a genius
Mark!( I'm not kiddin guys if u know Mark, he'a a "details" guy)
It looks like even though they label that as our RHCP if you pay close attention it's actually LHCP The company probably don't even know it, the one I have and the one that is RHCP has red wire coil
And the 15 turn with green wire coil is also 5.8 you can tell by how small the coil is wound but it is a LHCP . So here is the right-hand circular polarization.(i'm still ordering that left hand right now, because I've never seen a left-hand 5.8 that long, and who knows where I might use it[emoji41])
NEW Video Aerial Systems 5.8GHz RHCP 16 Turn Helical Antenna 15.5db gain Red
db did you make it all the way back from 7 miles in? You using the same battery mod?
On my PB ( personal best) flight, which was the p3Standard, 7.6 miles, I was using 2000 mah maxamp 14.8 bats which are small and super light and can get bout 30 min. on the P3S

You tape em on like this and you never even know they're there except for the timer on the app don't start counting down from 25 minutes until you been flying for 10 minutes which on a good day could be close to 4 miles[emoji41]
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I guess I got confused, I thought you said you went 7 miles in, in that post that you had the pictures of the 2 controllers you were testing.
Sorry D, I think I must've worded it improperly, what I was trying to explain was that the flight path that I've been flying the last couple days has NOT been my favorite one!It's just been the one that the wind allows me. I can't wait to test both of these controller configurations out on the same flight path that I got my record flight with, but it seems all the winds are coming out of the East, my best direction for signal is west or southwest in my neighborhood. That flight path for those controllers this morning seems to be very interrupted with a couple big towers I fly towards and a water tower that I fly within 100 feet of, I flew a P3P that same path this morning and even though I was able to get past it, around those same areas I was having trouble with the standard,the signal was getting iffy with the light bridge system.

And I don't think I ever posted, but for the record on those two controllers this morning
The 15 turn 5.8 / (2)half helix 2.4
The 15 turn 5.8 / 2.4 itelite panel
Sorry D, I think I must've worded it improperly, what I was trying to explain was that the flight path that I've been flying the last couple days has NOT been my favorite one!It's just been the one that the wind allows me. I can't wait to test both of these controller configurations out on the same flight path that I got my record flight with, but it seems all the winds are coming out of the East, my best direction for signal is west or southwest in my neighborhood. That flight path for those controllers this morning seems to be very interrupted with a couple big towers I fly towards and a water tower that I fly within 100 feet of, I flew a P3P that same path this morning and even though I was able to get past it, around those same areas I was having trouble with the standard,the signal was getting iffy with the light bridge system.

And I don't think I ever posted, but for the record on those two controllers this morning
The 15 turn 5.8 / (2)half helix 2.4
The 15 turn 5.8 / 2.4 itelite panel

Hey DB, when I get far enough out to where I start to loose signal, if I adjust my height I can get back up to 4 bars on the 5.8. Do you watch the signal and adjust to where you get it the strongest?

But then I seem to have to keep doing this every few hundred feet or so. I did have a stretch at the very end where, I got another thousand feet before I had to head back. I never loose signal on the 2.4, but I am down to 2 bars by the end of the flight, and the video starts to cut out/ choppy.

I had about 23 minutes out of my Midwest Horizon V3 mod, are those externals even being used then? Or is the readings just off?


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Hey DB, when I get far enough out to where I start to loose signal, if I adjust my height I can get back up to 4 bars on the 5.8. Do you watch the signal and adjust to where you get it the strongest?

But then I seem to have to keep doing this every few hundred feet or so. I did have a stretch at the very end where, I got another thousand feet before I had to head back. I never loose signal on the 2.4, but I am down to 2 bars by the end of the flight, and the video starts to cut out/ choppy.

I had about 23 minutes out of my Midwest Horizon V3 mod, are those externals even being used then? Or is the readings just off?


What readings did you get? Do you have the cables and lipo checker w/ so you can check the individual Cell voltages after the flight?

Like in this pic!

Yes, I start at 150' then go out 2miles, move up to 200' then usually plan on going up 50' every 2 miles.thats the plan anyhow. Its easier to aim on the horizon rather than the bird being 500 feet in the air where you don't know exactly what you're aiming at. So yeah, it's all just micro adjustments, tiny little bumps at a time. But usually it's just aiming the antenna out just above the horizon(that's easy for me because I'm on a tripod) and then raising the altitude of the bird here in there to make the adjustments for you rather than moving the antenna.[emoji41]i'm sure that was a crappy explanation but it sounded right in my head

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