P4p returned home for no reason?

Jan 27, 2017
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Was out flying this morning and had a good long flight. I was 2000 feet out at 1000 feet and all the sudden lost my video. Aircraft disconnected popped up and no return to home vocal warning. Just initiated on its own due to low battery. 200+ flights never seen it do this & I've flown down batteries plenty. It has never done this. No return to home point recorded at LOS. Any input?
Seems to be a FW glitch.
It's tough to see what's going on in your screenshots above. It would be helpful if you would upload your TXT flight log here and post a link back here.
Yea luckily she returned and landed no issue. Strange how it all happened though. Was a scary few min. Apparently not a battery issue.
Thank you for the larger screenshots. Unfortunately, AirData filters out about 90% of the most useful data. It'll be hard to troubleshoot with only those screenshots.
Your Phantom is at 851 feet at the end of your flight log. Why does it end so abruptly? Did you restart DJI GO and/or your mobile device?
That's why I'm posting for help or input. No did not stop or restart app.
Was out flying this morning and had a good long flight. I was 2000 feet out at 1000 feet and all the sudden lost my video. Aircraft disconnected popped up and no return to home vocal warning. Just initiated on its own due to low battery. 200+ flights never seen it do this & I've flown down batteries plenty. It has never done this. No return to home point recorded at LOS. Any input?
We don't have much to go on, the flight data just stops at 14:48 with the Phantom 2200 ft away and 851 ft altitude.
There's no indication it was Low battery RTH that brought it home - there's no indication of anything so we just have to guess to fill in the blanks.
It appears that you lost connection for an unknown reason but the Phantom did as it was programmed and initiated RTH on loss of signal.
Yes it did but didn't record it in DJI GO or on my device. Very concerning!
Samsung Galaxy s6 edge plus for every flight never an issue. Haven't flown since.

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