P4 = $1400 + Inspire 1 Controller = $400 Why not buy an Inspire 1?

Jul 10, 2015
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So apparently the P4's controller is the weak link when it comes to people getting any distances worth talking about. Now I see people talking about how its a great idea to use an Inspire 1 controller with the P4. I guess the Inspire's controller has greater TX power than the P4's.

This sounds good and all but I'm doing the math:

Phantom 4 is $1400
Inspire 1 controller is $400

$1800 for this or one could pony up an extra $200 and just get an Inspire 1. In this case why wouldn't anyone do this instead?
In this case why wouldn't anyone do this instead?
Here are a few reasons:
  • It's larger
  • Harder to transport
  • Takes more time to setup
  • Has a max flight time of 18 minutes
  • Has more expensive accessories
  • Is not the right tool for the job all of the time (good idea to have a Phantom too)
If you're seriously considering an Inspire 1, you might want to wait a bit to see what kind of features are included in the Inspire 2. I think we might see it before the end of the year.
Phantom 4 is $1400
Inspire 1 controller is $400

$1800 for this or one could pony up an extra $200 and just get an Inspire 1. In this case why wouldn't anyone do this instead?

Here are some reasons:
1. Portability, easy to take on vacation, lighter, smaller to store in the closet or trunk. Inspire is almost impossible to backpack.
2. Ease of operation, setup is much quicker with P4.
3. Less of a loss if crashed, and cheaper to repair.
4. Easier to hand launch and retrieve from boats or other precarious locations
5. Virtually the same camera. Some argue the P4 is better.
6. Longer flight time with P4, and cheaper batteries.
7. Inspire is most useful with 2 guys, one to control the camera. But that's only reasonable for commercial work, usually. Inspire is justified if you're serious about doing commercial work.

You don't want to buy an Inspire today when Inspire 2 is just around the corner. That's what I'm waiting for. Lightbridge 2.

MSINGER, we were writing the same time. You beat me to the punch!
Why not just upgrade the power output component in the RC to something beefier.
Why not just upgrade the power output component in the RC to something beefier.
If someone knew how to do that to a P4 RC, that seems feasible. However I'm unsure of the legality of such an upgrade. But then again, everyone using the Sunhans 2 and 3 watt amps aren't exactly legal either. I doubt if anyone would ever be sited for such an infringement.

You can always buy a used Phantom 3 RC, the older style GL300A from Ebay. Those go for about $150. That RC has more transmit power, and I can get over 2 miles most anywhere with that on my P3P using windsurfer.

What's interesting is the P4 craft seems to put out more video RF power than a P3P craft, which is puzzling. DJI slightly increased the air to ground transmitting power in the P4 craft, but decreased the ground to air transmitting power in the P4 RC. Strange change.
I agree with most comments above but nothing, I mean nothing flys as gracefully and as stealth as the Inspire. It's not even in the same category as a Phantom, I don't think many will argue this. It does have a shorter battery life, it's heavier and not as convenient but how many care if it takes an extra 5 minutes to get in the air? I've bought new batteries for less than $150 and it comes standard with a decent case. It's extra wide landing gear allow for safe landing and takeoff from nearly anywhere without fear of it ever tipping. Most importantly, the flying experience is truly amazing. Don't knock it unless you've tried it. In regards to waiting for an Inspire 2, why spend what likely will be >$3000 when you can buy a I1 V2 for under $2000.
I agree with most comments above but nothing, I mean nothing flys as gracefully and as stealth as the Inspire. It's not even in the same category as a Phantom, I don't think many will argue this. It does have a shorter battery life, it's heavier and not as convenient but how many care if it takes an extra 5 minutes to get in the air? I've bought new batteries for less than $150 and it comes standard with a decent case. It's extra wide landing gear allow for safe landing and takeoff from nearly anywhere without fear of it ever tipping. Most importantly, the flying experience is truly amazing. Don't knock it unless you've tried it. In regards to waiting for an Inspire 2, why spend what likely will be >$3000 when you can buy a I1 V2 for under $2000.
You're right, Inspire is smoother than P4 for sure. For commercial work you need an Inspire. However for most scenarios Phantom 3P is good enough for most people, and P4 is a step up if you upgrade the RC with antenna or something to improve the RC performance to get a solid 2+ mile range.

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