optical alignmentd

Jun 28, 2016
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Hello Phantom Pilots. A week ago I bought a Phantom 3 Advanced and tie to fly with it. Because of my poor eyesight I also bought new spectacles specialy adjusted for use with a iPad Mini.
I also tried to fly with VR googles but had a very poor expirience. The sight was OK for blocking sun light was to "unsharp". My optician made a optical alignment to solve tith problem. New lenses are placed in my google and now I am very happy to fly with a very sharp sight.
I have posted this message for anyone who has the same promblems with his / her eyes and like to have a go solution.
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I bought a very simple type. One to fit my iPhone 6 and working together with Phantom 3. a video of the product:
almost any brand or type will do as long as the glasses are changeable, and the space between the eye center is adjustable.
My optician (she is a optometrist) works with patients with very bad to almost zero eye sight.
See it as a substitute for my glasses. Special calculated for use on a very short distance (to the iPhone).
Other problems such as "funny feeling" in my head and resting for about 10 minutes before continuing are no longer there. Standart googles have almost none possibility for adjustment, only -2 correction. Now I can do the same as I do with my regular glasses.
She also made special glasses for me to continu my work as technician.
I have asked her to join the forum to answer questions about this subject.

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