More channels hack

Weird thing happened.
I did the Terminal Command lint thing:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES.

Relaunched the Finder. Then went to iTunes and this time I did see the.DJI Configs file.
Added it to the folder via iTunes - and this time it asked if I wanted to Replace a NEWER file already there. I did.
Then it did not show up. And I can't see it in my finder windows again.
Did the Terminal thing several times. Tried to extract again from the RAR file.
Still invisible. I know I saw it for a moment in iTunes....
Let's try this again. Slowly.
I want you to Hide all files by doing the Finder thing but enter this on the command line:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO.

You won't need the universal show files command.

Now follow the instructions suggested in the link I sent you in my last post here.

As you can see, once you get to the "Add" command in iTunes, iTunes will pop up a special "finder" window. You can now select either the "Icon" or "Column" view. (EDIT: I only have luck using the ICON view). Now look for the folder where the .DJI.config is hiding. Open the folder to the blank contents (because the file is hidden) Then, press the COMMand key, the SHIFT key and the PERIOD key simultaneously. The hidden file will appear.

Next select the file and click to add.

If asked to overwrite, select yes.

Finally SYNC your device

You should now have 32 channels
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Very clear. Thanks. Will try this evening whe. I get home.
Someone confirm:

This hack for Android with the last app version, doesn`t work, right?

I have all 32 channels on OFF mode, but when i turn ON the P3A....bye bye.
Also, i did insert my country as USA..nothing.

I even have acess to Custom/Auto this normal? Im European.....
Someone confirm:

This hack for Android with the last app version, doesn`t work, right?

I have all 32 channels on OFF mode, but when i turn ON the P3A....bye bye.
Also, i did insert my country as USA..nothing.

I even have acess to Custom/Auto this normal? Im European.....
It Does work...must be in custom mode on channel select page
It Does work...must be in custom mode on channel select page

But custom is dropped from the last update correct?

I did mine and I only see the 20 channels but I do not see the blue line indicating the channel being used, so I presume that the channels 21 to 32 are not being shown but are being used.

I first installed GJI GO 1.07, did the channel hack and then updated to latest version.
But custom is dropped from the last update correct?

I did mine and I only see the 20 channels but I do not see the blue line indicating the channel being used, so I presume that the channels 21 to 32 are not being shown but are being used.

I first installed GJI GO 1.07, did the channel hack and then updated to latest version.
Nope, custom is still there
But i have no options!!! Neither manual or Auto.

However....if i install 1.1.0 version, i have the options of Auto/Manual....
Yes I did custom select when I was on 1.07. After that I updated to the latest and the custom disappeared but when Tx and Phantom are ON I enter the frequency page and the blue line on where the channel is does not show. So I am thinking that although the custom is not shown, the channel used (32 in this case) is still being used by the app.

The problem I have is that the Samsung S5 does not let me change language to US so it might be this the problem. However, when I had 1.07 I could see the custom channel screen.
I have the 2.1.0 Android version and no options! Check it nad re-check it many times! I can`t even control the quality of signal.... so regret to update from 1.1.9...... :(
Maybe i should uninstall and install from Google Store?
I did use a Apk from someone.....
I have the 2.1.0 Android version and no options! Check it nad re-check it many times! I can`t even control the quality of signal.... so regret to update from 1.1.9...... :(
Uninstall dji go and delete dji folder from device storage, and reinstall the go app, re-add config file and retest
Btw, it was advised to erase app and delete folder prior to install of latest app version by a few of the dji testers of the latest firmware release.
App from store...nothing.....

Going to delete ALL folders on Android......this is weird!

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