If you plan on starting a new entrepreneurial business like this, do your homework and have reasonable expectations. 80% of new drone businesses will fail. You need to go into this with the idea that you will be exceptional, innovative, and professional. If your business plan is based on clients flowing in from websites like dronebase, hang up your spurs and go home now. That's 80% mentality.
80% of drone businesses are doomed from the beginning because the owners have done poor business planning, or maybe even no planning at all. They will never make any appreciable income and will blame everything but themselves. Here's a self-test: Do you think the whole Part 107 process is useless and nothing but a money-grab by the FAA? Do you visit potential clients wearing a man-bun and uncovered tats? Are you annoyed because sites like dronebase and droners aren't bringing you enough business? If you said "yes" to any one of these questions, you need to seriously reconsider your options.
This is tough love, guys. I know it may hurt some people, but I am revealing a GEM of wisdom to you. If you want to succeed, you have to first separate yourself from the majority of your competitors. You absolutely must get out of the 80% group of people who will fail. Your life will be so much better if you will move to the 20% who excel.