Lets see those mods.

Using two transmitters at the same time will NOT increase your range as they will NEVER be at the same exact frequency and will cancel each other to some degree.
Use only one or the other.
It has nothing to do with rang. It is for reception in noise areas.
In the video where the EFPV antenna is giving me trouble, I am flying
under 200 meters and a distance of over 800 meters. The area is over 610 loop, and the Astro hotel. ENERGY Stadium , this area has
A lot of noise. It is still in the experimental stage.
I can say all of my mods have made some improvement. In small amounts.
I want to get more speed, and the power to fly in some wind. Has any one dune this?? Thanks for input.
Using two transmitters at the same time will NOT increase your range as they will NEVER be at the same exact frequency and will cancel each other to some degree.
Use only one or the other.

That's diversity is all about. Maybe a little reading will help you to understand how it works.
That's diversity is all about. Maybe a little reading will help you to understand how it works.
You misunderstand diversity!
ONLY one tx is ever on at the same time, and ONLY one rx is ever on at the same time.
NEVER are BOTH tx's on at the same time or you WILL get interference from the two "beating" each other.
And the sarcasm is NOT necessary either!
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That's diversity is all about. Maybe a little reading will help you to understand how it works.

Diversity is about RX not TX exactly as @Pomonabill220 says. Instead of being a smart alec, maybe you should do a little reading yourself.
This controller just sent my p2 7k !!
ImageUploadedByPhantomPilots - DJI Phantom Forum1441126065.624434.jpg

The P2 is rather plain I call it "lite bird".It's just a 600 fat shark camera, 600 immersion TX and a flytrex unit.
Light and fast so I can get the maximum range out of it, and not all decked out like my other units so I don't mind if I lose it, or should I say when I lose it!
ImageUploadedByPhantomPilots - DJI Phantom Forum1441143131.954723.jpg
Stock controller antenna kept turning around at 3.2 miles and I still have 30% battery when I landed
It's nothing much to brag about it just a 12 inch cable hanging there
It's nothing much to brag about it just a 12 inch cable hanging there

I hope this isn't a stupid question, but with the antenna hanging like that, is that light enough to not have the Phantom lean/pull in that direction?
That picture was from an earlier test now I have it fastened to where it sits just below the legs .but no, you never knew it was there
It has nothing to do with rang. It is for reception in noise areas.
In the video where the EFPV antenna is giving me trouble, I am flying
under 200 meters and a distance of over 800 meters. The area is over 610 loop, and the Astro hotel. ENERGY Stadium , this area has
A lot of noise. It is still in the experimental stage.
I can say all of my mods have made some improvement. In small amounts.
I want to get more speed, and the power to fly in some wind. Has any one dune this?? Thanks for input.

If you are seeing an improved reception, that's great. Having multiple TX can help in noisy urban areas. You are employing a spatial diversity technique. Both TX are sending on the same frequency (5.8GHz) out two different antennas. Just make sure that the antennas are not exactly one wavelength apart, or they could interfere more with each other. In other words, at 5.8GHz, your wavelength is about 5cm. As you experiment, try to space the antennas apart exactly (n * wavelengh) + .5 wavelength and see if that improves the reception (based on distance between phantom legs, that would be about 18cm apart).
Hi there reflection. Not sheer I understand what you are saying. The Tx are on the same Chanel. May be I will try using different antennas?/ It is all experimental.
4 miles , awesome congrats , what was the altitude ?
Hi there reflection. Not sheer I understand what you are saying. The Tx are on the same Chanel. May be I will try using different antennas?/ It is all experimental.

same channel = same frequency

It's correct to use the same channel. Your receiver only listens to a single channel at a time.

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