Filter sizes? Is the P4 Version 2.0 different

Jul 8, 2018
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Bought several filters from a buddy who said they would fit my new P4 P V2.0. They don't slide on.
The filters and the camera barrel are the same size, prohibiting the attachment of said filters.
Does the P4 P V2.0 have a different physical camera barrel size? Shouldn't these filters just slide/snap on?
Thanks to all in advance!
Droning is amazing!
The camera on the P4PV2 is the same as the P4P and P4A. So, the filters should fit if they are made for the P4P/P4A.
P4 filters screw on, you first need to remove the UV filter then screw in your new filter. Look closely at the front of the camera, you will see a faint seam. Grab the front of the lens, and lightly twist, you should feel the filter start to unscrew.

Filters for Mavic and spark fit over the lens mount like you mention but no P4.

Paul C
I tried to "unscrew" the front of the lens on P4 Pro and ended up breaking the protective glass. That won't affect the quality of the camera (which is SUPERB), but there's no way that front piece is coming off with a "light twist."
I tried to "unscrew" the front of the lens on P4 Pro and ended up breaking the protective glass.
Did you use tools to attempt to unscrew it? If so, you might have bent it.
Yes, I eventually used pliers, but not until I tried using all the strength my fingers could manage - with no movement of the front piece whatsoever. So, when I want to use ND lenses or a polarizing lens I attach them with electrical tape. Nothing seems to be bent.

Both of my P4 cameras it just came loose.

Others have reported similar situations where the filter is stuck. May just have been done too tightly at factory.

DJI sells a replacement UV filter which should have been the one you broke.

Paul C
Thanks for the heads-up about the UV replacement filter, but I'd not be able to use it since I'm still unable to unscrew the factory-tightened front piece.

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