Do you fly or want to fly commercially?

Mar 4, 2015
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Hi all,

We just ran a Q&A with one of our drone lawyer advisors, Jeff Antonelli, on our blog and I think he gave very insightful and useful answers for anyone flying a drone commercially. I've seen a fair amount of people on this forum either currently flying commercially or wanting to fly commercially, so I thought it'd be of use to post here.

Here's the questions I asked him:
  • As an aspiring drone commercial pilot what do I need to do to take me from an amateur to a certified professional?
  • What is the biggest mistake you see new drone companies making with respect to legality?
  • In general, are there any common denominators you see successful drone companies do that separates them from the rest? (anything from well-connected networks of clients to efficient operations)
  • What are your thoughts on Part 107? What do you like about it and what do you feel needs improvement in the future?
  • What are the most major regulatory changes you foresee happening in the near-future?
I hope it's useful information! Click here to read his answers.
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Reactions: JWH
@Dronez UK glad you found it useful! What were the driving factors for you starting the business?
Thank you for posting this, Kevin. I am hoping to get a drone business "off the ground" soon. I was focused on learning the drone until recently. It is now time to work on the business and marketing end of things. I am also working on a web site.
@JWH No problem - I am hoping to post more of these types of articles soon. I think many pilots are so enamored with the technology that the business-side takes a backseat.

Have you figured out which verticals you are going to focus on?

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