battery swollen till it it broke the plastic even

Yes, it could split, explode and also catch fire (very vigorously). You need to dispose of it safely (search here for methods) or at the very least move it to a place where no consequential damage will result.
Better safe than sorry. Best to spend a few dollars than suffer a fire and injury
Right you are then :) As I said, never owned a P2.

The original answer still holds, bigger is better. Bigger = more flight time.

Even the 5350mah standard capacity phantom 4 battery is “bigger” than this one- At 81.3 Wh it’s got 18% more. It’s the extra cell and higher voltage that does it (phantom 2 is a 3s pack and not HVLipo).
DJI recommends keeping the battery pack partially charged

"Discharge the battery to 40%-65% if it will NOT be used for 10 days or more. This can greatly extend the battery life". They recommend using the battery pack to operate the aircraft to get it down to this charge level.

With my other lithium-ion battery packs I take them to full charge after use but with the ones from DJI they want a half charge.

It is when a battery is full discharged that chemical processes take place that lead to deterioration of the battery and with an alkaline battery there is likely to be leakage and or expansion of the interior volume of the battery. Not entirely different with the lithium-ion battery packs.
So far as the aging of the cells goes your other LiION batteries are no different to the DJI packs. They would also benefit from being stured below rated terminal voltage.
Even the 5350mah standard capacity phantom 4 battery is “bigger” than this one- At 81.3 Wh it’s got 18% more. It’s the extra cell and higher voltage that does it (phantom 2 is a 3s pack and not HVLipo).

I didn't even look at the battery voltage and there for the power density. Just the current rating. Although I've been doing R/C for 27 .. ooops 28 years, another birthday down blast it, the Phantom 4 is the first Phantom series I've owned. I assumed previous models would be the same. Show's what happens when you assume.

hello, have one that looks like yours, still didnt disposed it, keep it in cold because I plan do disassemble it and to take electronics so I can make a battery mod (youtube video is available). Regarding the 3rd party battery I bought powerextra p2 battery which works just like the original, its 5200 I believe. Good luck
Looks like it got stung by a bee!

Obviously very unhealthy. Always keep an eye on the voltage in hot or very cold conditions when flying. I'd also check where you are storing it; in a hot car will kill it or shorten its lifespan. Thess types of batteries also have a finite number of charges/recycles before the cells deteriorate so would also be interested to see how ling it lasted and how you took care of it?


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