Are you guys registering your Phantoms?

The real cowards are the ones in this thread wanting mods to ban folks like me for expressing how We feel about it all.
Play by the rules and you have no worries. :)
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Thank you StumbleBee and LuvMyTJ. I have literally been sitting here staring at my screen with my mouth hanging open. I cannot believe the suggestion made. You two have given me hope that the world is not completely falling apart.

When I went to school, there were no courses in ethics. My parents taught me right from wrong, and my bottom quickly learned the consequences of bad choices. Times have changed and we need college professors to school the youth on ethics. Sad.

I am highly relieved to learn I am not the only one who saw the complete lack of morality involved.
I hope they take the opportunity to also correct the misuse of a lot of terminology. On the referenced website I found the answer to an earlier question about those people who buy after 12-21-15:
"Owners of any other UAS purchased for use as a model aircraft after December 21, 2015 must register before the first flight outdoors." This being the case I agree that sellers should advise their customers to register.
Play by the rules and you have no worries. :)

I feel like I have. I'm a mod on a navigation branded fourm. I know how it work.
Do you think the 17 year old girl working the cash register at Best Buy is worried about drone registration while she stares at her freshly manicured fingernails rolling her eyes, sucking through the gaps in her teeth?

(I had to bring laughter to this typically serious thread.)
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Thank you StumbleBee and LuvMyTJ. I have literally been sitting here staring at my screen with my mouth hanging open. I cannot believe the suggestion made. You two have given me hope that the world is not completely falling apart.

When I went to school, there were no courses in ethics. My parents taught me right from wrong, and my bottom quickly learned the consequences of bad choices. Times have changed and we need college professors to school the youth on ethics. Sad.

I am highly relieved to learn I am not the only one who saw the complete lack of morality involved.
The vast majority of people are ethical and responsible. The ones who aren't are remarkable for their rarity. I don't (and doubt you do) think that those who oppose registration are unethical, most of them have very ethical reasons for opposing it. We may disagree with them, but their opinion is as valid as ours. What we don't like is irresponsible and juvenile behavior. And that's what got us into this position with the FAA in the first place.
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Do you think the 17 year old girl working the cash register at Best Buy is worried about drone registration while she stares at her freshly manicured fingernails rolling her eyes, sucking through the gaps in her teeth?
Hey, was that you in line behind me? The girl sounds familiar. I was in an Apple store the other day (got an iPhone 6) and saw that they have a large display of drones. The P3P was featured prominently. I can't say whether their clerks are informing purchasers of the requirement.
All it would take is for them to stuff a flyer in the bag, or to attach a notice to the box. I imagine the profit margin on these things is pretty good and well worth the extra expense to 'notify' purchasers.
FAA saying that as of right now over 40,000 people have registered. I wonder what percentage of them are drone pilots since everyone flying between .5 and 55lbs has to register. Could be a of
model helicopter and fixed wing aircraft owners in there.
Man this forum has change a lot. I rarely stop by because all these whiners. I registered. I don't see the problem, we all knew it was coming. $5 for 3 years? I don't know why 3 years... kinda of a odd number. They said we are allow to write our tags inside the battery case. I don't know about you but ima just get my label out or marker and just write it on

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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It's called being a responsible person and not a coward. No one forced you to fly a UAV. You know the risk so you man/woman up and take responsibility if there is an issue. Such is life.;)

Again, how do you know what happens out of your sight? If I saw my drone fly into someone I would take responsibility. I knew you guys would take that bait as a chance to call me inhumane.

Speaking of inhumane, I don't want the inhumane, litigation happy loser society to find my drone on the ground and claim it hit them of their property if it really didn't.

I did not purchase a product that was required to be registered.
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I'll answer that. Your 'insurance' is not sued. You would be. If you have coverage your insurance company would ask you if you would like them to represent you in court. The reason they would suggest it is that they have money to lose if the judgement is against you. Most people accept the offer because it costs them nothing to obtain the legal defense.
If my drone damaged property or hurt someone I would man up about it. I have when my car did and I would expect no less from another responsible person.

You were in control of your car, correct?
Oh good lord! Another "real" pilot has joined the forum! Gonna tell us how experienced and important he is, and how he's gonna run the show now!! You guys come and go, so try not to be all holier-than-thou. We're not flying Cessna's, just toy quadcopters. Get over yourself.

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Yes I registered... numbered both my drones. Took the P3 out for a -pre-dusk flight, and low and
behold, it was exactly the same as last week before I registered. Phew... I still think it's over-regulation,
but the Gov't loves throwing away money, and they'll soon see (like guns) people that plan to do bad
things with them have no regard for rules and regulations, and will fly (un or) registered drones into crowds
and through restricted airspace anyway. Regulating law abiding citizens cracks me up, and is a waste.

I'm seeing a lot what ifs, and imagined conjecture on what this registration 'means' to a UAV Pilot... All
seemingly worse case scenarios for what can happen while flying, and absurdly enough, what the FAA
and local Law Enforcement Agencies will do. It's a lot of conspiracy theory, because as stated before,
the FAA hasn't done ANYTHING with the supplied information yet... All it does is tie you to your UAV and the safety rules.
Believe it or not, first time you booted up your DJI GO app, DJI did the SAME THING through registration. (minus the rules)

People are putting their names and addresses on their drones, they're installing GPS locators, the drone
itself is logging flight data... The first camera shot on the SD Card is probably YOUR MUG as the drone hovers in
front of you... the movie footage MIGHT show the whole flight, including where you took off from... The registration
isn't going to be the tell all in an investigation... It will give them contact info, and confirm you were aware of the
safety rules when you started your flight.

So... IF you're planning on using your drone outside of the safety regulations specified by the FAA, don't register it.
You are technically going to be flying illegally anyway, so what's one more infraction at the time of your arrest?
If you don't get caught, good for you! I'm completely impartial to the decisions you make. Fact is you've got until
Feb 19th, 2016 to hash it out!!
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................. So... IF you're planning on using your drone outside of the safety regulations specified by the FAA, don't register it.
You are technically going to be flying illegally anyway, so what's one more infraction at the time of your arrest?
If you don't get caught, good for you! I'm completely impartial to the decisions you make. Fact is you've got until
Feb 19th, 2016 to hash it out!!
Your premise that those who do not want to register are flying outside of the "safety regulations" is just plain wrong. Most here are just debating the merits of registration, period. That seems to piss off the Statists, though. By the way.................. I registered yesterday. To me, this battle is already lost. Time to move on to another battle. But that in no way implies that I don't support those who see it as an unnecessary intrusion by the government.
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Only in a country that has gone full-bore, full-tilt to the hardcore Left extreme, would someone not liking drone registration be called an extremist. Just sayin'.
And, you took my comment out of context. Just saying.
And, you took my comment out of context. Just saying.

No you have to be left wing guy. You love more government from your comments. That is obvious.
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No you have to be left wing guy. You love more government from your comments. That is obvious.
Really? Why do you insist on badgering people? I think you're on the wrong forum...

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