You hit a tree 75' up in the air, what do you do?

Sep 22, 2013
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I was recently flying fpv shooting my neighborhood and clipped a tree limb 75" in the air. I saw the branch in the goggle right before the collision but could not stop. My first inclinatioin was to kill power based on my years driving a car. In the video the Phantom tumbles through branches and lands on concrete breaking a medium sized list of items.

Question is: If you hit a branch, should you kill throttle, or come in with full throttle in hopes of possibly saving the craft. Any experts want to weigh in on what might be the best thing to do? Maybe 1/2 throttle? Any videos to back up your ideas? I would show you mine but it was a bit disturbing.
Full throttle the second it starts to tumble out of the sky. The Phantom has a gyro and will correct. It might pull out of the dive before it hits the ground or slow its decent. You might hit more stuff on the way down but as long as the Phantom is not stuck in the tree you are doing okay.

What exactly did you break? Give us pictures!
One question is whether the tree is climbable? If you give it throttle you may arrest its descent enough to stay stuck in a branch or end up higher. If that happens, the only way you're getting it back is climbing.

You broke stuff, but you got it back.
It totally depends on how it hits a tree, what kind of tree, and if all the props are still intact.
. which are hard to compute the moment of impact.

My instinct would be to give it throttle, as a few times I've clipped treas, the craft has indeed recovered, or at least when given throttle the props that are still intact will provide some kind of lift so that it will lessen damage on impact.
I doubt there is a "right" answer here because there are a near infinite number of variables and circumstances that can be encountered. That having been said, if your fpv show you that you are freely tumbling (and not hung up in the tree) 3/4 throttle would likely be your best bet to slow the descent and give the copter its best chance of minimized damage, or even allow you to fly away if you are REALLY lucky.

If you are hung up in an unclimbable tree, go home, get some highly colored (orange is my favorite) kite string and a fishing sinker (like 3 oz.). Tie them together. Throw the sinker up into the tree until you snag the branch and PULL ON IT, shaking it like a mo-fo until it falls out. If it is a really THICK branch you will need to attach a heavier rope to the string, haul it up and over the branch, and use that.

I and my buddies have recovered many a model airplane this way.

Lesson learned...When flying FPV it is a pretty good idea to have a spotter, for this reason among others. Most folks I know who do use FPV wouldn't think of flying without another pair of eyes...just sayin

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