Walkera TALI H500. What you think?

Has anybody found a manual for the TALI yet? Would love to eyeball it.
CallMeAlan said:
Has anybody found a manual for the TALI yet? Would love to eyeball it.

No, which is very strange, considering they claim to be selling it now. I mean, they certainly took my money, and I didn't see any "shipping soon", or "preorder" labels anywhere. Also strange is the the supposed "stock quantity" remains at a steady (100).

So basically how do you sell a $2000 hex and intend to ship it if there's no manual? I would be shocked beyond belief if it's a printed manual.
All the problems with my p2 h33d flying away and my new p2v plus that I'm sending back this thing is very tempting. ..

Sent from my Galaxy S5 using my neighbors internet
damoncooper said:
Can someone email them and ask if they have taken magnetic declination into account so it'll fly straight?

Never mind, I did it.

Sent this to: [email protected]. I'll post any responses here assuming they don't ask for discretion.


Hi, I have a DJI Phantom 2 and it doesn't fly straight due to magnetic declination in GPS mode.

I'm considering a Tali H500 as my next aerial vehicle as a result.

Can you tell me if the Tali H500 will fly straight in areas of the world that have magnetic declination >0 or <0?

Also, I think it would be very helpful to attract current DJI customers if you had a Phantom comparison chart on you website. There is a LOT of interest in the Tali H500 due to the poor service and quality problems of the DJI Phantom.

Let me know if I can help :)

Damon Cooper
Boston, MA
I'd be interested to see under the hood of one of these things. The standard of workmanship of the cheaper QR X350 was abismal, very poor soldering, stretched and pinched wiring, pieces of solder swarf rattling around the inside. Walkera had difficulty distinguishing the requirements between an electrical connection and a mechanical connection.

It would be interesting to see if Bruce of RCModelreviews got his hands on one of these for a strip down review.


damoncooper said:
damoncooper said:
Can someone email them and ask if they have taken magnetic declination into account so it'll fly straight?

I have a distributor of Walkera here in my home town. Had the opportunity to test drive the pre release version recently. Great machine & all as advertised. However it does not fly in GPS mode, only attitude or manual. Gps is only used for hovering, RTH & programmed independent functions such as Point of interest. Walkera have realized that dummy mode, GPS flight mode, is not possible due to declination/gps conflicts in this design where the GPS/compass is located in the top of the body shell) so are opting for
users to actually fly these machines or use automated functions (auto take off/landing, POI,way points). This is the future of drones & many more of these flight assisted functions will become the way to fly
PS it can use Gopro instead of the one advertised.
I'm closely watching this Hex... as well as Hubsan's new entry. I very much need to own a decent quad/hex with a decent gimbal in the very near future... The TALI looks very, very interesting...

I was also considering a P2v+ or a P2 with a gimbal, GoPro and FPV setup... But... I think I'm pretty much done with DJI. The other guys might be worse, but they're going to have to prove it to me... That'll take a great deal of effort...

gunslinger said:
The other guys might be worse, but they're going to have to prove it to me... That'll take a great deal of effort...

LOL, I hear ya. I think given all the references to the fact that the G3D can do GoPro, this thing could be good. The only reason i ordered the full kit is because I wanted the G3D and the nice TX, and don't already own a Hero3. As soon as the H4 comes out, I'll reevaluate and upgrade.

There are a few variables:

Does the G3D support plun-n-play video transmission? Probably not, although I need to look into it more. The iLook has a built-in transmitter at 5.8Ghz, so basically you just slap it on the gimbal and go. If you hook up a H3 or H4 some day, you need to go with a separate VTX. Other than that, as long as you use the G3D gimbal, camera control is golden.

They're also doing a G3DH which will have 360 degree panning.

Anyway, I'm pretty stoked about this hex, and I don't think I would have been so anxious for news about it over the last couple of months had DJI not dropped the ball so f'in badly with getting their firmware together. The whole 4 months+ and counting just to get the compass working as intended really REALLY leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Tells me they unequivocally do not listen/care about even the loudest customer concerns.
Pazz said:
I have a distributor of Walkera here in my home town. Had the opportunity to test drive the pre release version recently. Great machine & all as advertised. However it does not fly in GPS mode, only attitude or manual. Gps is only used for hovering, RTH & programmed independent functions such as Point of interest. Walkera have realized that dummy mode, GPS flight mode, is not possible due to declination/gps conflicts in this design where the GPS/compass is located in the top of the body shell) so are opting for
users to actually fly these machines or use automated functions (auto take off/landing, POI,way points). This is the future of drones & many more of these flight assisted functions will become the way to fly
PS it can use Gopro instead of the one advertised.

Thanks for that info. I don't think I'm really that concerned with not having full-time GPS mode, although what you said is a revelation, as I hadn't known it was lacking a full-time GPS mode. In wind it's going to be pretty iffy, at least at first. It is using an APM controller (which is highly open), so ultimately getting a full-time GPS mode working is probably not out of the question.
varmint said:
Pazz said:
I have a distributor of Walkera here in my home town. Had the opportunity to test drive the pre release version recently. Great machine & all as advertised. However it does not fly in GPS mode, only attitude or manual. Gps is only used for hovering, RTH & programmed independent functions such as Point of interest. Walkera have realized that dummy mode, GPS flight mode, is not possible due to declination/gps conflicts in this design where the GPS/compass is located in the top of the body shell) so are opting for
users to actually fly these machines or use automated functions (auto take off/landing, POI,way points). This is the future of drones & many more of these flight assisted functions will become the way to fly
PS it can use Gopro instead of the one advertised.

Thanks for that info. I don't think I'm really that concerned with not having full-time GPS mode, although what you said is a revelation, as I hadn't known it was lacking a full-time GPS mode. In wind it's going to be pretty iffy, at least at first. It is using an APM controller (which is highly open), so ultimately getting a full-time GPS mode working is probably not out of the question.

Very exciting indeed! I hope there will be some possibilities to install an independant gimbal or any option to install a proper camera (type RX100 etc)
Looks like Walkera have a page that ask you to pay close to $2000
Where is the specs, prices for accessories (like battery), and manual? How can they expect us to pay the $2000 for just a picture of something?
damoncooper said:
Hmmm...no GPS mode may be an issue for me.

I must admit im a little surprised by that one - it certainly didnt mention that in the info as far as I could tell ??


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