Sending someone to GPS point

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Dec 24, 2016
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I want to use my drone to assist hunters to find the animals they want to shoot. Normally that takes time, searching for the game in a wide open space - which takes time and money - driving while searching..

If I fly the drone over the area where the game should be, and I spot them, I want to send the hunters to a point - I assume I can send them a GPS coordinate where they must go to.

The question - is - HOW do I get the info I see on my screen, linked to a GPS coordinate which I can then use a normal GPS to go to the location?

Maybe my fellow pilots have better ideas?
im planning on using my drone to herd animals away from people in the woods. personally, the last place id want my bird flying is in an area thick with rednecks carrying guns just looking for anything to kill... i prefer the odds in my favor when i roll the dice, just sayin'....

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Possibly against the law. Check local regs on assisted hunting.
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Possibly against the law. Check local regs on assisted hunting.
This ^

New Mexico Hunting Regulations - ISSUING AGENCY: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. USE OF VEHICLES AND ROADS IN HUNTING:
D. Harassing protected wildlife: It shall be unlawful, at any time, to pursue, harass, harry, drive, or rally any protected species by use of or from a motor-driven vehicle, powerboat, sailboat, drone, or aircraft.
F. Use of aircraft for spotting game: It shall be unlawful to use aircraft or drone to spot or locate and relay the location of any protected species to anyone on the ground by any means of communication or signaling device or action.
G. Using information gained from air flight:
(2) It shall be unlawful to hunt for or to take, or assist in the hunting for or taking of, any protected species with the use of information regarding location of any protected species gained from the use of any drone at any time.

Seems many states follow this, and some even ban electronic thermal devices to hunt with. Some states even ban drones from flying near hunters as well.
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This ^

New Mexico Hunting Regulations - ISSUING AGENCY: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. USE OF VEHICLES AND ROADS IN HUNTING:
D. Harassing protected wildlife: It shall be unlawful, at any time, to pursue, harass, harry, drive, or rally any protected species by use of or from a motor-driven vehicle, powerboat, sailboat, drone, or aircraft.
F. Use of aircraft for spotting game: It shall be unlawful to use aircraft or drone to spot or locate and relay the location of any protected species to anyone on the ground by any means of communication or signaling device or action.
G. Using information gained from air flight:
(2) It shall be unlawful to hunt for or to take, or assist in the hunting for or taking of, any protected species with the use of information regarding location of any protected species gained from the use of any drone at any time.

Seems many states follow this, and some even ban electronic thermal devices to hunt with. Some states even ban drones from flying near hunters as well.
Good spotting. I had heard of such regs before. The animals don't need this kind of unfair balance. You want to hunt? You put the effort in. (I'm all for hunting when needed, but play fair and by these rules) ( I love animals...and yes, they can be delicious..)
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Using a drone sounds more like Harvesting than Hunting.

Glad to see these laws have 'kept up' with or closely follow the tech.
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Sorry guys... the idea was not to get carried away with the whole hunting example ... maybe my bad..

I just use that as an example, Let me try another example...

Natural disasters ... same principle - I fly over an area... I do have people ON THE GROUND with a normal GPS. I spot some people or interesting ... I need to give the people on the ground something how to get to THAT SPECIFIC spot - I see in my disply. In my reference, I was thinking about a GPS coordinate, but maybe you have a better solution.

As far as I know there is not a way to see a GPS coordinate.

Maybe the opposite - I understand tap fly etc - but can I send the drone to a GPS coordinate?
Yes... but you talked cute bambi type animals....
understand i run an animal sanctuary... rehabilitation, and rescue... understandably my views on such, whether legal or not, are highly unfavorable, despite my heritage and my upbringing. i grew up in the woods of west by god, hunting fishing, and just being a part of nature... im also american indian, (half by blood quantum) and was raised with a deep respect and reverence for ALL living things. real hunters dont need to kill.... killers will never be real hunters. there is a huge difference in my eyes. again, just one persons opinion, but you asked.

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understand i run an animal sanctuary... rehabilitation, and rescue... understandably my views on such, whether legal or not, are highly unfavorable, despite my heritage and my upbringing. i grew up in the woods of west by god, hunting fishing, and just being a part of nature... im also american indian, (half by blood quantum) and was raised with a deep respect and reverence for ALL living things. real hunters dont need to kill.... killers will never be real hunters. there is a huge difference in my eyes. again, just one persons opinion, but you asked.

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Excellent view. (Blackfoot view)
I am still looking for s solution ... Can I send my drone to a GPS point and how do I "mark" a location?
I'm not a hunter. Never have been. If using a drone were legal for spotting for hunters, I'd be first in line to get a drone tag. Only seems fair right? It would be like skeet shooting only better.

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Lets spot Deon for others...enjoyment. Bet he runs real fast....
In the New Mexico regs posted above, if the game animal is being legally hunted during legal hunting seasons, are they still 'protected' species? Seems like that regulation refers to protected, non-game species.
I'm sure it's possible to mark a gps spot while flying some sort of survey type flight. That's a good question as to how. I'll be following this thread because it sounds useful. The hunting example probably was a poor example of its use. I know drones are being used by search and rescue teams around the world. Unless you're affiliated with such a team here in the states, its highly discouraged by most authorities and potentially interferes ongoing rescue efforts. Personally, I'd love to get involved and provide that service someday. What a great way to justify spending more money on something bigger like an Inspire? Lol

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Not an expert mmp but they refer to two different classifications, Game, and Protected.
Don't see how it could refer to the same animal at the same time unless they use Protected class. for when out-of-season which is a bit clumsy and could lead to a lot of confusion (thus your question).
In the New Mexico regs posted above, if the game animal is being legally hunted during legal hunting seasons, are they still 'protected' species? Seems like that regulation refers to protected, non-game species.

read the next paragraph... F. clearly takes care of any ambiguity on that...

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I should hope Deon gets an answer and I will explore it myself today when I get home by looking through the menus and such.

I'm not sure what the **** inspired these diatribes other than mentioning hunting. I'll remind others that in Texas we have a hell of a feral hog problem and you can use all sorts of weapons and vehicles nor a license for killing them. So if he's using the drone for spotting hogs then he would be perfectly legal. So regardless of your personal beliefs on the matter it is a question that deserves an answer.
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