Propeller apparently broke off mid flight...Part II...

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Although it could be qualified as “profiling”, one look at this arrogant and obnoxious poster’s screen name may be the first clue as type to avoid offering assistance to in the future. You all were way more polite than I would be to this guy. So unnecessarily combative and as an outsider looking in I’m pretty confident the majority of readers of this post had the same feeling. Good luck receiving any help in the future mister Harley “DUDE”. Clearly, you’re way too perfect for the rest of us.

Mr. Kirk;

We can agree to disagree. I asked a question. It wasn't answered. Instead of answering my question, the other guy eluded that this was my fault. So, yeah, I got bent out of shape. I will try to be more patient in the future. I'm not a "profiler" or "arrogant." I just have low tolerance for people who avoid direct questions and, instead, accuse me of misinstalling a prop in the face of irrefutable forensic evidence. My bad. I'll try to be more tolerant in the future.
Fortunately for us, there are many smart people here who volunteer their time, effort and skills to help others understand what went wrong when they have a problem. Even though I have not yet had a crash, I appreciate their help and have learned from help given to other members - maybe you should too!

My friend, I KNOW what went wrong. 100%. Honestly, I swear to Buddah, I did NOT ask for other theories or advice. I'm not sure why I'm getting so much push back on this. The overwhelming majority sees me as the bad guy in this, so I will try to curb my irritation in the future. Like my dad used to say, "Sometimes it's best to just smile and nod."
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If it's refurbished then the fith charactor of the SN would be an R or S.

That's very helpful. Thank you, sir.

I assume the "R" stands for "refurbished?" Do you know what the "S" stands for?

Based on the serial numbers 0AXCE8E and 0A30134, it seems I may have received a new bird.
After reading both threads (in their entirety), I'm sure DJI made a sound financial decision... :)
After reading both threads (in their entirety), I'm sure DJI made a sound financial decision... :)

Thank you for being so thorough.

Funny....DJI had covered my Phantom 1 years ago when a prop spun off. There was no telemetry data in those days. I had just happened to be rolling ground video at the time. You can clearly see that the drone is flying perfectly, and then just tumbles to the ground from roughly 60'.

In that case, the drone actually fared quite well for landing on asphalt, but the NAZA unit died. They sent a new NAZA unit. I was very impressed. That was an eBay drone.

Fast Forward to last week, and we have essentially the same situation 4 years later; prop ejection at altitude, eBay drone (second owner). This is why when I purchase drones on eBay, I always insist on seeing a purchase receipt. The DATE of purchase is really VERY important. I don't know what DJI's official policy is, but they definitely have some leeway regarding WHO crashed the drone. It seems that, as long as the drone is < a year old, they will consider a warranty replacement/repair.

Good information to have.
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I'm not sure why I'm getting so much push back on this.

One reason might be that you came back on here after DJI found in your favour, announced it, then pointed out that sar104 who was only trying to help was wrong (even though he didn’t have access to your AC). I think you were lucky and very fortunate that your case went your way, but instead of being grateful for the result you come back and try to ‘rub it in his face’.

What bothers me is that it is people like you who discourage members like sar104 and others who use their expertise to help others, from possibly helping others in the future or being more careful who they choose to help. I am happy for you that you got a replacement unit. Just be grateful and leave it at that - no need to come back here and say ‘Hah, I told you so.’
My guess is the Phantom 5 is in the pipe, and they are buying "good will" with overstock P4P's.
(If they spent as much time discussing it as we have, they would lose more money than the actual replacement cost!) :)
One reason might be that you came back on here after DJI found in your favour, announced it, then pointed out that sar104 who was only trying to help....

He accused me of misinstalling the prop. So I made a video to prove that flying a P4P with a misinstalling a prop is literally impossible. I showed that the prop dislodges itself immediately upon motor spin up. This is by design. Here is the video:

Perhaps what you read looked like someone trying to help. What I read looked like, in the face of absolutely irrefutable evidence, someone trying to push the blame on me. Perhaps that was not his intention. But after the third or fourth push back and dismissal of my points, I took offense. IMHO, anyone who reads through the entire exchange OBJECTIVELY will agree with me or at least see my side of the story.

...was wrong...

He WAS wrong. But that, in and of itself, is not a big deal. We've all been wrong. It was only after I PROVED his theory impossible, and he still insisted, that I got bent out of shape.

Look...I don't mind owning that maybe I took it too personally. What I do mind is the one-sidedness of all this. I showed photos of the undamaged motor and undamaged hub. And I showed a screen capture of the motor RPM graph from the DAT file. All this painted a VERY clear picture. With minimal explanation, I could sell such a case to anybody...let alone someone who supposedly owns and flies one of these beasts. Nobody needs to see the drone. The photos and screen captures are enough. I guarantee when DJI received the drone, they looked at the .DAT file, then looked at the motor and the hub, and were done.

...(even though he didn’t have access to your AC).

For what purpose? Other than looking at the motor/hub and DAT file, what other evidence do you think DJI gathered? That's an honest question. Remember, it was an automated flight using mapping software. So there was no other evidence. There was no log file in the iPad, and there was no log file generated by the RC. The RC was literally on a stand when the prop fell off. Read: No user input.

I think you were lucky and very fortunate that your case went your way, but instead of being grateful for the result you come back and try to ‘rub it in his face’.

I am absolutely grateful. But the ruling wasn't because of "good fortune." DJI has a set of protocols they follow for warranty work. In a nutshell: If the drone is < a year old, and the user didn't cause the crash or program the drone to fly into a building or tree or set RTH too low so it flew into a hill side, they warranty it. Period.

What bothers me is that it is people like you who discourage members like sar104 and others who use their expertise to help others...

No sir. I do NOT discourage "expertise." I embrace expertise. I PINE for it. What I DO discourage is ERRONEOUS conclusions. What I vehemently discourage is continuing down that path, even in the face of irrefutable evidence. I appreciate contributions. That's why I join ANY forum.

...from possibly helping others in the future or being more careful who they choose to help.

I would LIKE to think that san104 will think twice before pushing a completely false narrative. And believe me, I can live the rest of my life without enduring completely erroneous post-mortem theories. Maybe you call that "just trying to help" or "expertise." I don't. We can agree to disagree.

I am happy for you that you got a replacement unit. Just be grateful and leave it at that - no need to come back here and say ‘Hah, I told you so.’

san104 learned he was wrong. So maybe next time he'll think twice before accusing me or others of "misinstalling a prop" or whatever. I wasn't rubbing anybody's nose in anything.

If you looked at this with a more objective eye, at the very LEAST you might see WHY I got upset.

Good day, sir. Maximum respect.
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We are better than this . . . .
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