phantom 3 pro update

Jun 25, 2017
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please can someone help i have tried several times to update this bluddy drone nothing doin failed this failed that dont understand the zip buisness and my laptop froze twice please please help as im not tech savvy THANKYOU if you could explain in a easy way id appreciate
You can find detailed firmware installation instructions here.
thankyou i hope i can understand instructios its so confusing much appreciated
Just take your time and follow those instructions. They are very detailed, but the steps are easy to perform.

If you get stuck anywhere, please post back here with more information about the step that doesn't seem to be working as expected.
You can find detailed firmware installation instructions here.

Hi, I'm also a newbie and attempting to update my new P3P drone and have been unsuccessful for a few weeks now. It was purchased back in the fall of 2016 but I wanted to obtain my Remote pilot license first before flying. Now that I have the license, I can't seem to get the drone and controller talking to each other. I have updated the controller's firmware (V 1.8.0) as well as installed the newest version of the GO app on my ipad mini 2.

Closely following the posted firmware instructions (attempting to update to v1.10.90 though I have no idea which version is currently running), I power on the drone at #9 and the status indicator light never comes on (no red, no green, no flashing). Upon powering up, the gimbal will rotate, then point forward for 10-15 seconds, then drop to facing downward. I've left the drone running for at least 15 minutes for it to register that it needs to update the firmware but nothing happens.

When I attempt to connect the controller to the drone, the controller will repeatedly say that it's in "ATTI mode" but there is no image from the camera in the GO app. In addition, the drone's rear lights rapidly flash yellow, I assume to indicate that it does not have connection with the controller.

I've read through many other posts but I'm not finding anything that seems helpful for my situation. I would appreciate any help. Thank you!
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Closely following the posted firmware instructions (attempting to update to v1.10.90 though I have no idea which version is currently running), I power on the drone at #9 and the status indicator light never comes on (no red, no green, no flashing). Upon powering up, the gimbal will rotate, then point forward for 10-15 seconds, then drop to facing downward.
Was your Phantom doing this before you tried to install the firmware update? Was it crashed/dropped/damaged?
Was your Phantom doing this before you tried to install the firmware update? Was it crashed/dropped/damaged?

Not that I am aware of; it hasn't even been outside the building. My supervisor acquired it from Sept 2016, he handed it over to me sometime in November, then it sat either in the box or on my desk untouched for several months until I started reading/watching videos about getting started with flying it.
What happens if you remove the memory card from your Phantom and just power on your Phantom? Does the gimbal still drop?

You should see a TXT file in the root of your memory card if firmware was installed and/or your Phantom attempted to install it. If that files exists, please post the contents of that file here.
What happens if you remove the memory card from your Phantom and just power on your Phantom? Does the gimbal still drop?

You should see a TXT file in the root of your memory card if firmware was installed and/or your Phantom attempted to install it. If that files exists, please post the contents of that file here.

msinger- Yes, the gimbal does still drop without the memory card installed. I don't see any difference in gimbal behavior or light patterns when it is in versus when it is out.

I have tried installing the latest three P3P firmware versions a few times each with the single BIN file being the only root file present on the card and I check the card after each attempt. There has never been a TXT file; only the BIN file is still there.
There has never been a TXT file
That means your Phantom is not attempting to install the firmware.

Verify that the gray ribbon cable is fully seated in the top of the gimbal (this video shows how to remove the gimbal):


If that does not resolve the issue, then you might need to replace the gimbal ribbon cable.
Verify that the gray ribbon cable is fully seated in the top of the gimbal (this video shows how to remove the gimbal):
If that does not resolve the issue, then you might need to replace the gimbal ribbon cable.

To my knowledge it appears that the ribbon cable is fully seated so I have placed an order for a new one. I will reply to this thread once I've replaced it and tried updating again. Thank you for your assistance so far!
I replaced the ribbon cable and the status indicator light still does not light up. Plus, the gimbal is moving worse than before. Now it won't even look straight ahead at power up; it acts like it can't lift up all the way. I'm so frustrated at this point. Any other suggestions before asking DJI if I need to send it in? Thank you.
I replaced the ribbon cable and the status indicator light still does not light up. Plus, the gimbal is moving worse than before. Now it won't even look straight ahead at power up; it acts like it can't lift up all the way. I'm so frustrated at this point. Any other suggestions before asking DJI if I need to send it in? Thank you.
Did you buy an original ribbon cable or a knock off? I've seen here that the cheap ones cause more trouble.
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I'm giving this thread a little bump because I have the same issue as KarnerBlue32. I've reached the point of confirming the all of the ribbon cables are well seated, though I haven't purchased a replacement. It didn't seem that helped KB32 any, so I've not done that. KB32, did you ever resolve your issue from Jun 30th? I'm woofully out of date on updates and trying to get everything back up. (DJI Go updated. RC updated. iPad updated. PP and battery's are only thing left to update)
(a note: I DID have a bad crash last time I was flying, late 2016. Repaired the cracked upper housing...)
KB32, did you ever resolve your issue from Jun 30th?

Once I changed the cable and still did not have any status indicator light on the front of the aircraft, I contacted DJI online support. They suggested I send it in for further diagnostics. Sad day, it still hasn't even seen any airtime!:persevere:
Did you buy an original ribbon cable or a knock off? I've seen here that the cheap ones cause more trouble.
I bought the one off Amazon that msinger suggested above.
It seems to me that the one in the link is not an OEM cable but in fact a "DJI compatible" knock off. Did you ever try an OEM cable before sending it in?
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Did you ever try an OEM cable before sending it in?
Does DJI sell their cables? I've never seen them being sold anywhere.
Does DJI sell their cables? I've never seen them being sold anywhere.
Hi Mike. I hope you're well and happy! :)
Here is the OEM version of the cable that you linked to in your earlier post.

Knock wood, I have never had the need for one but I assume that this is the one that people use in the numerous posts on the forum to use only OEM ribbon cables.

DJI Ribbon Cable.JPG
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It seems to me that the one in the link is not an OEM cable but in fact a "DJI compatible" knock off. Did you ever try an OEM cable before sending it in?

Thanks, Oso, for the OEM link. I have not tried this particular cable, but I believe the reason for my gimbal acting worse than before I switched it out is my fault. I didn't sit the cable back far enough and now it's rubbing while it moves. Honestly, the sticky points are already coming off and the cable isn't staying where it should.

However, my original problem is the status indicator light. It has never lit up upon powering on. Can someone please verify that the ribbon cable is in some way responsible for the functioning of this light? If so, I will purchase the OEM cable Oso has linked and try again. But if the problem is elsewhere, it seems that my only other option is to send it in to DJI. Thanks in advance!

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