P4 Firmware v02.00.0106 Released (2017-07-06)

No crashes! Exactly, go fig! See most people just carry on, yeah it sounds different, if your not confident i suggests you take up some flying lessons because if you cant trust it you shouldn't buy it! I'm not having a go it's just honest advice, and remember you see all kinds of topics on fw, if you believed everyone you'd never fly again! Its too unbalanced to say everyone is having issues, for all we know millions will be flying happily now, ignore the extra noise and get out [emoji1303]
No crashes! Exactly, go fig! See most people just carry on, yeah it sounds different, if your not confident i suggests you take up some flying lessons because if you cant trust it you shouldn't buy it! I'm not having a go it's just honest advice, and remember you see all kinds of topics on fw, if you believed everyone you'd never fly again! Its too unbalanced to say everyone is having issues, for all we know millions will be flying happily now, ignore the extra noise and get out [emoji1303]

Hi Ryan
Where aboust are you in U.K., I'm in Merseyside, let's have a meet up and you tell me this drone is safe to fly after you've tried it!
I had complete trust in the product at time of purchase and it never missed a beat since getting it up to this update and I certainly don't need flying lessons for this, if I do lessons it will be to get my license for commercial work.
You must be one of the lucky ones if your drone still works and your confident about it, sadly lots of us have been screwed over with this update.
Bird will always shake while descending straight down, this is a VRS - type wobble. Can't be avoided, you have to have a little forward or sideways speed to avoid the prop wash and maintain stability while descending fast. ( > 1-2 m/s descent speed)
You're right, but after the new firmware update, the best way to show all the stability issues is doing what you say: flying forwards while descending. I let you a video footage, I'm flying in P mode with the gimbal in front position, it was scary looking at the P4 and see the way it was flying:
Meanwhile on 1.02.0602 FW I can fly at 92 KM/h descending across the wind and keep a rock steady aircraft... Would be nice if DJI would hurry up with the fixed 2.0 FW...
Based on what I've read here, looks like you also have to update those non working batteries. The one that worked, updated correctly. Just re-do the same process as you did with the working battery.
Thanks, but I subsequently found that I had one bad battery. All the others checked out ok.
You're right, but after the new firmware update, the best way to show all the stability issues is doing what you say: flying forwards while descending. I let you a video footage, I'm flying in P mode with the gimbal in front position, it was scary looking at the P4 and see the way it was flying:

I had to look up VRS in the AACU thread, that lead to some interesting Wiki, did you know there's only one IRL heli that has enough thrust to weight to power out of VRS? the Sikorsky Skycrane, unladen of course.

Anyways now that I've read the article this behaviour freaks me out a little because it seems like it in itself could cause VRS?
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There are really only two ways VRS is going to affect the majority of drone pilots; descending straight down with no forward speed, or flying too close to a wall.
You're right, but after the new firmware update, the best way to show all the stability issues is doing what you say: flying forwards while descending. I let you a video footage, I'm flying in P mode with the gimbal in front position, it was scary looking at the P4 and see the way it was flying:

Hi BCBasher

I have similar issues with my P4 since the update, unfortunately I was so pre occupied with the flight instabilities that I had not even looked at the video and picture quality that my drone is now taking.

Today, I have tried it again, this time taking some pictures and video, the results are disgraceful, take a look at the attached image, this is how they are being recorded now since the dreaded firmware update.

I'm well annoyed now, this drone is useless now !
Seems like some guy in DJI forums found a way to downgrade from the latest P4 firmware back to the previous one.
I havent tried it yet but I thought that I should share it here so people who are fighting with the latest fw problems can find solution for the fw problems.

Here is the link for the post
Aircraft totally unstable and aggressive after recent firmware up...

I did the downgrade myself and it was success, I was able to downgrade it to v01.02.0602
I'll be doing some testing tomorrow
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Here's a way back that was posted on FB earlier today. Couldn't find the post again to give due credit to the individual who posted but it's below:


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