New DJI GO iOS update

I have had a total 48 flights all flawless with the latest FW and latest GO app. Using iOS 9.02 on an iPad Mini2. I only run the iPad in airplane mode and all other apps closed. And I keep the iPad only for flying MRs, no extra apps at all. I think this helps a lot.

I have been flying various MRs for 5 years now. With only 2 incidents in thousands of flights. Neither resulted in any serious damage. I always fly in sight and maintain orientation visually as well as on the iPad, I never fly FPV. Often I use a safety pilot when concentration on video or second operator for the camera on bigger MRs.

Even if the app crashes, mine never has, you still have perfect control of the MR. And if GPS cuts out you still have perfect control of the MR you just have to compensate for the wind manually and orientation is easy to figure out, turn left traveling forward, if the MR turns right you are heading towards yourself, if it turns left you are flying away from yourself. This is how you do it on a model airplane. Orientation is a basic skill you really need to have, you should never count on a good GPS signal. I have lost GPS many times, but never orientation. The early MRs (and some current ones as well) have a manual mode with no stabilization it was all up to you, just like model helis, flying those really teaches you how to fly and gives you confidence for when something goes wrong.

Summary of my logs from HD.

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When my p3 and air 2 came in, it was a day before the newest ios go version hit. I knew enough to not update ios from 8.4 and as luck would have it, I was just in time to turn off app updates as well in the air 2. All has been rock solid. I also have an android tablet so I was able to tweak all the new stuff for the gimbal, which sticks even when flying ios. The reports of no problems with IOS 9.x and the newest go version are too few compared to the reports of problems. I won't be changing anything for the time being, which could be a long time lol.
Same crashes very frequently. I just want to fly without worrying the whole time that I'm going to look down and see my home screen.
Hey CoolRain, since you know you have problems, I recommend you get very familiar with the RTH button. Use it a couple times so you know how it's suppose to work, what the controller does, how to take over control when the craft gets close, etc. Also become proficient at ATTI mode as an additional backup if you see something strange going on with the craft. If the craft every gets a mind of it's own, be prepared to quickly switch to ATTI, know where that switch is by instinct. Having the experience flying ATTI helps in tense moments when you least expect them. Practice, and be ready. Also, I'm sure you know by now that your display crashing doesn't keep you from controlling the craft LOS. If you have sight of the craft, you should be good, with Go or NO GO.
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Well Darnit. I thought I waited long enough and read about no overwhelming issues with upgrading my iPhone 6 to iOS 9.02 (from 8.41) and upgrading the GO app to 2.3.

Back to really crappy video download dropout but I am still seeing full bars on the "HD meter" on the App. Everything else seems to be fine so far.

I guess I will see if I can come up with a procedure to minimize this. I had to come up with a new start up procedure to make my previous configuration work. (Start TX--plug in device--Accept "Trust this computer"---Start Quad--wait until quad shows slow flashing greens on rear LEDs---Start GO app).

My advice---- if you haven't upgraded---DON'T
Went on 5 flights over the day, I did have the GO app crash once but I restarted it an all was well. Still no video lag or black screen I had before the new version. One thing I should note is I have a dedicated mini-4 it only has 5 non-Apple Apps on it. (DJI GO, AutoPilot, Dropbox Evernote and Evernote Sketch)

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