Mavic vs Phantom 4

Precisely! That, to me, is the "Mavic Killer" that the P4 still retains if you're trying to make video rather than use a drone as an accessory while hiking/backpacking/etc... a nice large screen that fits into the RC. I actually use an iPad Air2 so I can have the most screen real-estate I can and still have the device fit on the RC bracket. I really love being able to see the details of the shot the drone is getting without squinting!

I personally think that DJI freaked out when the Karma was announced. My theory is that they had the Mavic (and likely it's follow-on) developed - or nearly so - and threw their marketing plan in the trash when they got some feedback on the market's reaction to Karma. I'd never buy a Karma - simply because I don't like the fisheye "Go Pro" look for the video I take. However, for a large number of potential customers, that doesn't matter. In rolling out Mavic in a knee-jerk reaction to Karma, I suspect DJI really hacked off a ton of dealers who had just purchased an inventory of P4's and are now looking at selling them at break-even or at a loss because the vast majority of the customers will want a Mavic. Similarly, they hacked off a bunch of P4 owners who DO use it in a way where Mavic's smaller size would be a real plus.

We don't have $750 P4's today... but I suspect we will soon. If everything they say about Mavic is otherwise true, looking at its specs, it's a folding P4 in pretty much every respect. If I didn't have a P4, I'd take a really hard look at the Mavic and except for the device-holder on the RC, I'd probably give the remaining nods to the Mavic. Dammit! :)

I would be surprised if there weren't aftermarket mounts out soon, if not out already, to attach a tablet to the mavic controller. Not sure how balanced it would be with an Air2, but only time will tell how good or functional/ergonomic those mounts will be.
I think some are being a little unfair to the P4 here in regards to the portability thing. Yeah ok, the Mavic is a lot more portable than the P4 in the way that it folds up (I won't be getting a Mavic as I don't want a transformer) but the comparisons on YouTube show the P4 being carted around in the Massive DJI case which is just ridiculous (and is purposely being biased towards the Mavic because it's the 'latest thing') when it can be carried around quite easily in the styrofoam case that came with it! It's a much smaller case and carries everything you would need for your P4. If someone would make a hard plastic version of that case it would be a winner for me.
The Mavic was not in reaction to Karma... that is ridiculous... karma has been teasing for months. DJI had Mavic in works for nearly a year I read. Also I believe the mysterious leaked photos of a Mavic on release day for Karma was on purpose.

Let's face it.... karma is not competition for Mavic... not even close. They will draw some GoPro users... if I had a GoPro laying around I would get one.

These are different animals

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The P4 is still a great drone... if you don't need portability the P4 does all the Mavic does, and ten times what Karma does.

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Also P3 prices didn't plummet when P4 came out... why would P4 plummet now??? They will go down, but not to $750 certainly

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Does somebody knows if the range difference is done by model or actual location you are or? (CE FCC)

Stated on RC Groups that there is only one model that adjusts output based on its GPS location

The tablet argument doesn't make much sense to me. You CAN use a tablet with the Mavic, there just isn't a built in clamp for it on the remote. Aftermarket will handle that (there are already prototypes) or you can handle the tablet another way. Supposing you have a large tablet and sunshade next to you on a stand or something, I'd actually be glad to have the weight off my hands.

EDIT: typo. TABLET argument
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Guess we need hacked firmware soon then to get better range in europe :p
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Phantom 4 and Mavic cater to different markets. Even today phantom 4 is still an incredible bird, and for me it's a keeper.
What I heard is dji encourages internal competition. mavic has been developed by a team for two years and gets the nod to go for mass market. The team developing phantoms was stunned initially and has been working on something new to better mavic. Anyway, the competition, whether internal or external, is always good for our consumers.
Phantom 4 and Mavic cater to different markets. Even today phantom 4 is still an incredible bird, and for me it's a keeper.
What I heard is dji encourages internal competition. mavic has been developed by a team for two years and gets the nod to go for mass market. The team developing phantoms was stunned initially and has been working on something new to better mavic. Anyway, the competition, whether internal or external, is always good for our consumers.
I agree with your assessment. DJI is on top of the drone game and is also doing a great job of marketing. I will probably buy a Mavic one day....after my first Inspire maybe. Just have a well rounded tool chest.
I happen to like a bigger screen, and using an iPad really doesn't change the portability all that much. To each their own my friend...
I happen to like a bigger screen, and using an iPad really doesn't change the portability all that much. To each their own my friend...

Not saying bigger screens aren't nice, or there isn't a need for it just on that tiny remote you would have to keep lifted for 20+ minutes....Seems far far from ideal. Also the glare would make it unusable, it's already far from ideal as it is with sunshades and antiglare films...

I think that when the next gen of Phantoms and Inspire kick in with obviously OcuSync remotes able to accommodate larger tablets there will be a sweet demand for those combined with the Mavic.

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