Litchi app on Android

@RCRobman the fpv video is handled by the SDK, so it's all DJI code and if it freezes it's unlikely to be the app's fault, the app also won't freeze if the fpv video freezes. When it does freeze which is relatively rare (from experience), it should normally come back after a few seconds.
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@Kaehn That being said the video HAS frozen on me 3 times and didn't come back until I exited the application and re-established communication with the copter.
I've had intermittent freezes with the stock app too, rarely but they do happen. Do you always get freezes? Did they happen when going out of range? if so that is a known SDK bug which I'd like to fix eventually.
One time I had a freeze when the copter was a ways out and reported Control Signal Lost but the video came back when the copter got closer.
The 3 freezes in question all happened when the copter was relatively close - one time it was still on the ground with the props spinning BUT the video showed the props as stopped - which is how I determined the video was frozen. The other 2 times it froze and did not come back the copter was relatively close 50 or so feet away and no higher than 20 feet in the air. One of the times I tried to boost the Wifi but the message came back that you can't boost it while the copter is flying - I got the copter back on the ground but the video remained frozen - that time the video was "stratified" meaning it was almost like a puzzle with the pieces out of order. Sadly there is nothing I can do to test it for the next 6 weeks or so as the copter is on it's way to DJI to fix the problem with my altimeter reading too low (btw I thought the app was supposed to 0 the altimeter when the props started?) and to replace the 2.0 ESC boards as I have the 2312 motors and don't want to see this expensive toy come crashing down to the ground! BTW is there a better place to discuss these issues than on this forum?
Anyone had an issue with the recorded video where it goes black for a few seconds then comes back? Just did a flyover of a reef 1.2ks off the coast and the majority of the video of the flight out there was just a black screen. It came back at around 1k out then was fine after that. Weird.
@mmee1992 update is pushed to the store, just need Google to publish it now (usually takes a few hours).

Changelog for pre release version 1.2.4:

  • GS mission files are now saved in a public location, in the phone SDCard in the “VisionPlusApp/missions” folder (old saved missions will automatically be migrated to this new location)

  • auto record now starts recording when motors start, and stops recording when motors are turned off

  • flight logs now start/stop when motors start/stop

  • the location settings popup that tells you when your GPS is not enabled should show up again when needed

  • fpv booster icon should reset properly when the aicraft is rebooted but the app isn’t restarted

  • fixed Wi-Fi connection issues with Android 4.1

  • timelapse can now be stopped before it ends

  • camera settings are now saved permanently

  • removed some camera settings which did not work (iso > 400, 960p video res)

  • fixed rare bug where gimbal would yaw while trying to move it down

  • increased size of aircraft in radar slightly

How can I find the version number in my installed APP?
@Kaehn Joined as a tester yesterday but still haven't received the update notification to 1.2.4. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Really looking forward to trying this.
I hope the pre-planning thing work. I have already saved a few waypoint maps in advance and hope now I can just turn up to a site, boot up, connect and hit go. I hated having to hang around frantically setting up the points in a rush whilst at the really isn't discreet and makes one feel panicky.
Do you reckon one day youll be able to make it so you can set up and save a waypoint map on a pc screen and then transfer it to the app, or import it into the app?
Proper pc screen and mouse would make it even more enjoyable
@nzimmon 1.2.4 is in pre-release, not yet released, hopefully very soon.

@pugnacious Maybe one day but it would take some time to set up and I'm not sure a lot of people would use it, even though I agree that it would make planning easier! I suppose I could have a webpage where you'd have a map and you'd be able to plan your mission there.
1.2.5 is now released (includes previous pre-release changes and a few minor bug fixes).
Hi Kaehn is it possible that the app when sats are below 10, if GPS connection loose one sat for example from 9 to 8 or 8 to 7 to reproduce a sound? Would be useful because sometimes users can't pay attention to the sat number if when take off are the number needed but if during flight sat number from 8 become 7 the user should be warned because is better to come back and fly close to avoid flyaways
Yep more alerts and customizable ones is something I'd like to improve in the app and is on the todo list. Alerts for the satellite count is one of them!

Is it possible to integrate a flight log like this ?
Yes it's possible, we already have something related to this on our todo list but I don't know when we'll get to this so no promises!
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Hi Kaehn,

I have been using your app for a while now, I did 2 test flights with your newest version 1.2.5. and noticed 2 things :
The time lapse photo capture has a few issues. I have to select time lapse capture, and click ok right away without changing the number of images to make the setting stick.
When I open the settings again to change the number of images from the default 2 to like 156, it looks like it sticks in the settings, but it reverts to the default setting of 2. So it will only take 2 shots...

The second thing I noticed, I tried the Return to Home button on the screen, 5 times, and I got a msg saying something like RTH failed because it timed out...every time...

GS works now, great job. Thanks for your work, I like the flight experience with your app.
For timelapse, you have to click OK to validate it, if you don't it will not be in timelapse mode. Also whenever you restart the app, the photo mode is reset to the single capture mode similar to the stock app. If you're still having issues, please describe step by step how to reproduce it, I tried just now and couldn't reproduce the issue you're having.

For RTH, did you try it while in a mission? was the copter out of range?
I did a flight on 1.2.5 tonight on a Nexus 7 tablet running Android 5.0.2. Things over all went quite well, for the most part. I flew out to just shy of 4000', which is when I lost video. I toggled to home lock and started to bring the Phantom back to me but wasn't regaining video (or telemetry) on screen. I got back to approx 2000' before video started to come back, but the on screen data was still way out of whack. I was likely less than 100' away before the data on the screen refreshed and showed proper data. Don't know if that was just a comms issue or what, but I never saw the behavior with the stock app. Also I've noticed that when I'm finished flying my tablet can't log back into my home network automatically (it shows authentication error). If I manually attempt to connect at that point it'll work.

Just my $0.02... Really digging the app though otherwise! Hoping to do a GS run or two tomorrow.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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