iPhone 6plus/camera album

Dec 17, 2014
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Scottsdale, AZ
I am using a iPhone 6 plus with my P2V+. Everything works great except I cannot access the camera album. When I try and connect to the album to view stills and video, the only thing I see is a spinning wheel. Why can't I preview the camera album? Thank you for your responses. I said that in hopes of getting some.
I would recommend that you do a reset. Goto to Settings>General>Reset> Reset all settings. This will reset all settings, but no data or media will be lost.
Before you do that ( it will wipe all your stored wifi log in details so you'll have to go around and input them all again) (PITA, BTW), try firstly killing all the open apps on your phone, by double clicking on the home button and swiping up to close the open apps. Worth a try as they may be using up memory in the background.
I did a reset a couple of weeks ago and it was a PITA having to input everything again. I will close the apps and see if that works in the next hour or so. Thank you HD for that suggestion. I can't be the only iPhone 6 Plus user that is experiencing this problem. I will report back soon...
in settings privacy allow DJI app access to photo/video
Thank you, but I checked that a few weeks ago. This is how I have been viewing stills and video during my shoot. I remove the SD card and replace with another one between batteries. Then I download the SD card to my iPad mini to view what I shot. The iPad fills quickly due to file size. Its a royal PITA. I did send a email to DJI, the response should be interesting.
I have the same issue with my iPhone 6, I was able to get a response from DJI and they said that since they do not have the iPhone 6 yet they cannot properly trouble shoot the issue and for me to stay put until they have a fix. If you look at the reviews on iTunes many others are having the same issues with viewing videos and photos taken from the phantom. I have also replaced the phone and tried to get it to work on a different phantom still no luck.
Just like you suggested, in privacy, photos, switch DJI Vision app off and it works except I can not save to the album. Until this issue is completely resolved, this is a better way than removing and downloading between batteries. Thank you
This is the response from DJI and i have to say the responses were really quick.

Thank you for contacting DJI. We apologize for the inconvenience, we are continuing to look into your case for this problem is something that we have not come across before. We will get in contact with you once we are able to provide you with a solution to your issue. Thank you for your patience and understanding

DJI Customer Service North America


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