Installed new ESC still shows error

Dec 6, 2017
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I recently installed a new UFC part number 96 on my phantom three professional and I’m still getting an ESE error. Also when I turn it on the camera and gimble move around crazy I get a picture but it just starts moving around and I can’t control the gimble at all. Can somebody help me please? Thank you
Hi there just saw this thread and was wondering have you got any idea what is going on with my drone i am doing some research on your situation also
Me again I would say something has gone wrong on your mother board ( the main board) it will probably need replacing
I recently installed a new UFC part number 96 on my phantom three professional and I’m still getting an ESE error. Also when I turn it on the camera and gimble move around crazy I get a picture but it just starts moving around and I can’t control the gimble at all. Can somebody help me please? Thank you
Wow, your thread was hijacked in record time!

Did you reflash the FW after you changed your main board?

Also, there have been reports of people getting erroneous ESC errors when they updated to 11.20 and that DJI has provided 11.30 to them upon request. Have you read up on those cases? Perhaps it could help you as well assuming your motors are all good.
I don’t mean to hijack anyone’s thread it’s just I need help quick and my thread is taking forever to upload
Yes I did but I’m gonna try and put the last fw before the newest One you know what I mean. See if that works if it does I’ll try the new firmware again. I also just noticed I have one motor that has turned black on the inside I believe it’s Burner from going to replace that as well. I don’t know What else to do. I’ll let you know what happens thank you
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Me again I would say something has gone wrong on your mother board ( the main board) it will probably need replacing
Others got in before me but .... I think that I and others have already given you guidance about how to set about sorting out your problem (ie first out - you crimped a joint when it should be soldered) but I find it a bit unusual that you should now be saying that you have the same problem as this OP (you don't) and advising them to ditch their motherboard.

On what research on behalf of this OP are you basing your advice? Did he crimp his motor cable as well?

And yes - as others have warned you, pepper-posting your problem everywhere you can think of is against the forum rules... See #6 here:- Community Guidelines

Physician, go heal thyself.... :)
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I am another phantom pilot I am allowed to try and help other people and try and get help with my situation BTW my esc has gone not my connection
I am another phantom pilot I am allowed to try and help other people and try and get help with my situation BTW my esc has gone not my connection
Sorry to hear that because it's not a cheap item - but I note that the OP on this thread has already replaced his motherboard and he still has the same ESC problem. I sincerely hope that your purchase will resolve yours.

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