Home point off by miles

Jan 31, 2017
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I try to check my home point before takeoff every time but sometimes I forget. I forgot the other day and the result was pretty scary.

I'd got into a situation where I wasn't confident to bring the a/c back manually, so I decided on RTH, but before I did, I checked the home point. It turned out to be nearly ten miles away!

Has anyone ever had a situation like this?
There has been a very serious bug in 3.1.2 DJI Go which moved the home point but it is usually only off by about a mile or 1.2 KM , something like that. There was a big Bruhaha about it and it has now been corrected in 3.1.3 and 3.1.5
FYI, that bug only exists in the Android version of DJI GO 3.1.2.
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Regarding Home Point discusion, I was under the impression each time you flew the ac. A new home point was created from where the ac lifted off the ground from...Is this not true? Thanks...

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
A new home point was created from where the ac lifted off the ground from...Is this not true?
If there is a good GPS signal, a new home point is marked after the motors are started.
Thunderbird, you are correct. As the bird readies itself to takeoff you normally hear a voice say something like "Home Point Recorded". I am just speaking about the Android version I have.

B U T the bug which we were talking about somehow reset your HP during your flight to a location far far away, and in the event you used the RTH function, your bird would hike over to the next county, rather than come home.

Well, not really the next county, but it was estimated in some cases about 1200 meters and I THINK there were a few which were farther.
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Hi, OP again. I should have added that I was using Litchi at the time. When you use the Go app, a voice says "your home point has been updated - please check it on the map". I always do when I hear that message, but as I say, I was using Litchi this time.

I have to say, I'm one of these people who panics easily when the a/c is a good distance away - a voice in my head starts repeating things like 'you've lost it', 'it's gone', 'you'll never see it again'. This particular day, I'd let it get far enough to be really small in the sky, then took my eye off it and lost it completely. Rather than sort it out calmly, I jumped straight to the RTH remedy, and looking down at the tablet, couldn't see the RTH point.

I had to shrink the map down before I could see it, and when I saw the home point, my local area looked really tiny. I said the home point was ten miles away, and it might have been, but to tell you the truth, I was too panicky to think straight. I got the a/c back by orienting the little red 'paper dart' towards me then just held my breath until I heard the motors and finally spotted it in the sky.

I'm not sure what edition of the Go app I have, but I'd have thought it was the most up to date, as there is no alert to say my firmware needs updating.
Oh that's a course of a different follow then. I don't know of anybody having reported anything like that in Litchi. There is one thing you need to be careful of with Litchi. At some point when planning or flying a mission it is possible for an inadvertent finger 'touch' on your screen to set an additional last waypoint Way far away.
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Hi, OP again. I should have added that I was using Litchi at the time. When you use the Go app, a voice says "your home point has been updated - please check it on the map". I always do when I hear that message, but as I say, I was using Litchi this time.

I have to say, I'm one of these people who panics easily when the a/c is a good distance away - a voice in my head starts repeating things like 'you've lost it', 'it's gone', 'you'll never see it again'. This particular day, I'd let it get far enough to be really small in the sky, then took my eye off it and lost it completely. Rather than sort it out calmly, I jumped straight to the RTH remedy, and looking down at the tablet, couldn't see the RTH point.

I had to shrink the map down before I could see it, and when I saw the home point, my local area looked really tiny. I said the home point was ten miles away, and it might have been, but to tell you the truth, I was too panicky to think straight. I got the a/c back by orienting the little red 'paper dart' towards me then just held my breath until I heard the motors and finally spotted it in the sky.

I'm not sure what edition of the Go app I have, but I'd have thought it was the most up to date, as there is no alert to say my firmware needs updating.
There was a thread earlier with posters including myself noting that in Litchi ( I was as setting up a mission) the home point was, in my case, the next suburb. I couldn't reset it without shutting down the app and opening it up and starting a new mission. It's happened twice using iOS 1.15.5. I understand litchi is also looking at some sort of mission lock function to prevent the inadvertent additonal waypoint being added.
Thunderbird, you are correct. As the bird readies itself to takeoff you normally hear a voice say something like "Home Point Recorded". I am just speaking about the Android version I have.

B U T the bug which we were talking about somehow reset your HP during your flight to a location far far away, and in the event you used the RTH function, your bird would hike over to the next county, rather than come home.

Well, not really the next county, but it was estimated in some cases about 1200 meters and I THINK there were a few which were farther.

They need to do a better job all the way around testing firmware updates and app updates. I would like to see only about one update per year personally.
I would like to see only about one update per year personally.
Fortunately, firmware updates are optional. So, you can update once per year right now if that's what you'd like to do.

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