Hey, this is for real.

What a great thing to believe in. The end of the world where if you believe and stick by the rules you go somewhere nice and if you don't believe you rot in **** for ever. What a fantastic way to bring up children. Scaring the **** out of them just because a bunch of people made up stories 2,000 years ago. A bunch or people who's world mostly consisted of their village and maybe one 4 days walk away. A world covered by a glass dome with angels sitting on clouds. A world where the only entertainment consisted of sitting around listening to some guy telling fairy stories. Fairy stories which got passed from one person to another and suitably embellished as they did so. Like the Colonel at the front line sending his fastest runner to relay a message to HQ. He told the runner to tell the next base "Send reinforcements, we're going to advance" This message was given to 6 other runners in the relay and the final guy got to HQ out of breath and tells the General " Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance"
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I have no opinion on the topic of this post as I haven’t looked into the specifics. But the title of it got my attention and I had to check it out.

I have no issue with WV posting this in the off topic area and I do not understand for the life of me why anyone would. On one hand I agree with BigAl that if you don’t like this post just move on. I guess that’s because that might be the civil thing to do. But then I read a little more and there’s these dissenting opinions being posted. From what I know about WV he’s not going to get his feelings hurt by dissection or the possibility of a debate over this off topic subject. He’s a mature and thoughtful adult. He’s even following the forum rules.

Part of those rules were also posted -what I assume is a paste of a line item forum rule that says discussions about “politics, weaponry and religion” (you’d think that should read OR religion) are singled out as topics that can be discussed only if it doesn’t become “disruptive”. Really?

So much of the very usage of drones has become very political and this also includes weapons. I’ll be the first to agree that I cannot think of how religion relates to this forum in general, but so what? If the moderators are going to have an off topic area then should we not all understand that topics in an off topic area are often controversial? Debate, idea exchanges, disagreement over politics, weaponry and / or religion should not be too offensive for any forum member to see and have the freedom to post or comment on. Nor should they post in fear that if the subject content is possibly offensive to a moderator that if they deem it disruptive or the convo has “gone in the ditch” it gets blown up. I don’t think that’s how the real world works and these rules, although perhaps made with the best of intentions creates an unnecessary amount of policing those who complain or disagree - leaving moderators like BigAl to have to make warnings like “if it goes in the ditch”...so the arbiter of that verdict is one person?

You guys can’t have it both ways. Off topic posts should be tolerated by all forum members, period. If you don’t like the post then you move on. And debates within posts political in nature or mentioning weaponry or religion do no harm to anyone nor do they disrupt the industry of interest within this forum. Perhaps a debate that any moderator deems “disruptive” needs to be better clarified as to exactly what it is in this forum that cannot possibly be “disrupted”?

I thought a big part of current event drone usage and discussions revolve around how they may or may not disrupt our lives and those we fly near. Everyone has opinions about that. Everyone could possibly get offended by posts anywhere online. It always makes me chuckle when people whine about having their safe space violated with mentioning any given topic that they individually don’t like. We all have those kinds of varying biases and would we not all be for the better if we allowed the off topic area the freedom to be without the threat of deletion or being silenced.

I can’t stand it when basic human rights are violated anywhere. Even in here. And I may be alone in this, but I’ll speak up and fight for those rights in here or anywhere. Popular or not I strongly believe it’s the right thing to do.
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Ya said what.gif
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I have my own opinions as well, but I believe letting the Word of God speak for itself is more powerful than anything I can say of my own accord.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 King James Version (KJV)

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God

2 Timothy 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV)

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

2 Peter 1:21 King James Version (KJV)

21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
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I have no opinion on the topic of this post as I haven’t looked into the specifics. But the title of it got my attention and I had to check it out.

I have no issue with WV posting this in the off topic area and I do not understand for the life of me why anyone would. On one hand I agree with BigAl that if you don’t like this post just move on. I guess that’s because that might be the civil thing to do. But then I read a little more and there’s these dissenting opinions being posted. From what I know about WV he’s not going to get his feelings hurt by dissection or the possibility of a debate over this off topic subject. He’s a mature and thoughtful adult. He’s even following the forum rules.

Part of those rules were also posted -what I assume is a paste of a line item forum rule that says discussions about “politics, weaponry and religion” (you’d think that should read OR religion) are singled out as topics that can be discussed only if it doesn’t become “disruptive”. Really?

So much of the very usage of drones has become very political and this also includes weapons. I’ll be the first to agree that I cannot think of how religion relates to this forum in general, but so what? If the moderators are going to have an off topic area then should we not all understand that topics in an off topic area are often controversial? Debate, idea exchanges, disagreement over politics, weaponry and / or religion should not be too offensive for any forum member to see and have the freedom to post or comment on. Nor should they post in fear that if the subject content is possibly offensive to a moderator that if they deem it disruptive or the convo has “gone in the ditch” it gets blown up. I don’t think that’s how the real world works and these rules, although perhaps made with the best of intentions creates an unnecessary amount of policing those who complain or disagree - leaving moderators like BigAl to have to make warnings like “if it goes in the ditch”...so the arbiter of that verdict is one person?

You guys can’t have it both ways. Off topic posts should be tolerated by all forum members, period. If you don’t like the post then you move on. And debates within posts political in nature or mentioning weaponry or religion do no harm to anyone nor do they disrupt the industry of interest within this forum. Perhaps a debate that any moderator deems “disruptive” needs to be better clarified as to exactly what it is in this forum that cannot possibly be “disrupted”?

I thought a big part of current event drone usage and discussions revolve around how they may or may not disrupt our lives and those we fly near. Everyone has opinions about that. Everyone could possibly get offended by posts anywhere online. It always makes me chuckle when people whine about having their safe space violated with mentioning any given topic that they individually don’t like. We all have those kinds of varying biases and would we not all be for the better if we allowed the off topic area the freedom to be without the threat of deletion or being silenced.

I can’t stand it when basic human rights are violated anywhere. Even in here. And I may be alone in this, but I’ll speak up and fight for those rights in here or anywhere. Popular or not I strongly believe it’s the right thing to do.
The forum has added the "off topic" area as a benefit to the group. The rules you are quoting are to help the staff control the forum. If you read the guidelines page you also read that the forum is not a democracy. The staff will determine what stays and what doesn't. We allow certain sensitive topics if they don't get out of hand. If a staff member sees an issue they may close the thread to head off future problems with it. In a perfect world, we could allow anything but we know this is not the case. In the end, the forum is about rc aircraft and thats what we focus on.
I totally believe him, I’m a Lic Electrician, work everyday, and god has gave me all this work, I fly my phantom 4pro and Mavic everyday, so don’t think that I need a hobby, I just know time of the end is near, no matter when our sun burns out it will be no life here on earth, can’t wait till the 18th , hoping the Mavic 2 with a 1” sensor crossing my fingers
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I'm not trying to lead someone on. This is about end time prophecy. There has been so much false cries of the end times, it's like crying wolf.

A friend of mine worked for 9 years on the end times prophecy. What he has compiled and laid out is amazing. It is simple to understand, laid out clearly and has footnotes if you want to go deeper in your understanding. Clear pictures and graphs. You can add up the numbers and see. If you see something wrong with his work, he wants to know. He doesn't want to misinform anyone. He just wants to get the word out. He wants nothing out of it. It's free. Bible Prophecy - Jesus Return, Antichrist Armageddon

It is happening now and much to my surprise most of Revelations has already happened. Yes, from now to 2028, that's it. The dragon in Rev. that was looked to be mortally wounded and was resurrected is Islam. Want to understand 666? Count the years from Daniel. It comes to 2028!

He has laid it out in 2 forms: Bible Prophecy - Jesus Return, Antichrist Armageddon
Welcome to events soon to come
It was not written to be "figured out"
Only One knows the day and time, no need to worry yourself of end times. Just love one another as Jesus did, and tells us to do. These messages should be held in private and not strung out for everyone to see, as they should also be viewed for what they are...human calculations.

Not to knock the mans work. Or to say it's a waste of time. But one should not make claims to know these things in such a public manner.

God Bless you all and may your hands fulfill His duties.
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I really appreciate everyone's comments. It's a fact that there is a lot of misinformation out there. Religion is man working hard with a bunch of rules trying to reach God. NOT GOOD. Rules don't make it. Going to church religiously won't get you there. God gave the 10 commandments to show you His standards. He cares more about your heart. There is a Satan and there is a God. Do you think Satan is just sitting back, doing nothing? Satan makes counterfeit churches with a lot of false information. I like Paul Harvey's ,"If I were the devil". written in 1965. WOW!
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I never tried to scare anyone and said that the world was coming to an end. (I'm not the best at conveying my thoughts through writing.) I wish I had retitled my topic. The coming of Jesus and the end days is happening. After He returns, there is at least another 1,000 years on earth. So, little children, don't get scared, rejoice.

God who made everything is not going to let His book be mis- written. He can use a sheppard or or Paul, who was a top Pharisee. The first 5 books of the Bible was written by the prince of Egypt. Daniel was second only to the king. The finding of the Dead sea scrolls shows that the bible of today is the same as back then.

Daniel 12:11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. 12. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.
Days = years. From Daniel's time to the dome of the rock which ended sacrifices in the temple was 1,290 years. from that time to forward 1,335 years is 2028.

The site explains many things that has happened and will come to happen. I'm hoping that this will help someone. Those who don't care, continue on.
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This is a very ‘prickly’ subject and am glad you’ve been objective.
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Nobody knows the day or the hour, not even Jesus himself. I like your post, and I know a lot about prophecy, especially in the book of Daniel. I have been a homeschooled Bible student for 6 years, and I have gone through the bible 4 times in courses by the late Chuck Missler. I am happy you are being so bold on the forum, it's just probably not a good idea to put a date on the start of the great tribulation. I agree that the end is near, but let's not make ourselves look like the J.W.s who put a date on the end of the world. We live not knowing when the end is for a reason. So we live uprightly at all times, and so we share the gospel with everyone we know as fast as we can![emoji6]
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Nobody knows the day or the hour, not even Jesus himself. I like your post, and I know a lot about prophecy, especially in the book of Daniel. I have been a homeschooled Bible student for 6 years, and I have gone through the bible 4 times in courses by the late Chuck Missler. I am happy you are being so bold on the forum, it's just probably not a good idea to put a date on the start of the great tribulation. I agree that the end is near, but let's not make ourselves look like the J.W.s who put a date on the end of the world. We live not knowing when the end is for a reason. So we live uprightly at all times, and so we share the gospel with everyone we know as fast as we can![emoji6]
Not bold. You know there is a difference between religion and living for Christ. It's just me. My trust is totally in HIM. I try not to beat people over the head with the Bible. People can't be force fed. We get along better with people by being real. Nooo, I don't walk on water. lol
I hope it gets people to thinking and discussion.

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. -Matthew 24:32-36
It's really near, my friend is not setting an exact date if you were to read his work.

Still, I think it gives a good over view. I love the layout. Makes for easier understanding. Also the fact that things have already happened and we missed it. (Has that happened before?)
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