Gimbal Sudden Tilt Glitch

I thought these Obsidian models were shipping now. Doesn't anyone have one yet to test for gimbal flips? It's real easy to test. Go fast, 44mph in S mode and make hard a right turn, or left turn. Do you see the camera view flip 90 degrees sideways?
I would add also testing flying into a heavy wind sideways to the right. That's the trigger for my P4P, even at 30mph. Almost all gimbals will flip in Sport mode at full throttle in a tight turn in any wind. If the Obsidian doesn't, sign me up! :cool:
After my gimbal motor burned out I've decided not to use the Phantom if it's too windy. On those days, it's the Mavic. That Mavic performs really well in the wind and the range/penetration of the signal is amazing. And no flip outs.
After my gimbal motor burned out I've decided not to use the Phantom if it's too windy. On those days, it's the Mavic. That Mavic performs really well in the wind and the range/penetration of the signal is amazing. And no flip outs.
On my "flippy" P4P, even into the strongest of winds, unless I am flying sideways to the right, or making a tight counter clockwise turn into the wind, it won't flip. On the other hand, with no wind, no matter how fast I fly sideways to the right, no flip.

However, I have noticed, with no wind, that while flying sideways to the right, with OA turned on, speed will reach up to 34 mph, but flying sideways left always tops out at 30mph, as it should. So, my hypothesis is that the gimbal flip may be due to a defect on OA speed control in sideways flight to the right, allowing it to exceed the max of 30mph, which is a known trigger for gimbal flips.
After my gimbal motor burned out I've decided not to use the Phantom if it's too windy. On those days, it's the Mavic. That Mavic performs really well in the wind and the range/penetration of the signal is amazing. And no flip outs.
You're the first I have heard that has had a gimbal motor burn out on a P3, P4, or P4P. Interesting. I fly my Phantoms in winds of up to 25mph (pretty much my limit) but have got caught in wind increases of 35 and 40mph, which is really scary, required hand catching to get down. However I've never had a Phantom gimbal go bad yet. I've had a bad P4P gimbal fresh out of the box (replaced under warranty), but haven't had one go bad after flying and confirmed good. Contrary to this, on my Mavic my gimbal went bad sitting in my backpack. It had worked fine for at least 20 flights after bought in March 2017, always pampered, never a hard landing, hand caught half the time, then one day I pulled it out of the backpack to go fly and during pre-check it wouldn't complete the startup routine, kept saying gimbal obstruction. When the power was off the gimbal moved freely, no obstruction felt. DJI replaced the drone, all is well now, but now I think Mavic gimbals are fragile, since it went bad sitting in the backpack.
You're the first I have heard that has had a gimbal motor burn out on a P3, P4, or P4P. Interesting. I fly my Phantoms in winds of up to 25mph (pretty much my limit) but have got caught in wind increases of 35 and 40mph, which is really scary, required hand catching to get down. However I've never had a Phantom gimbal go bad yet. I've had a bad P4P gimbal fresh out of the box (replaced under warranty), but haven't had one go bad after flying and confirmed good. Contrary to this, on my Mavic my gimbal went bad sitting in my backpack. It had worked fine for at least 20 flights after bought in March 2017, always pampered, never a hard landing, hand caught half the time, then one day I pulled it out of the backpack to go fly and during pre-check it wouldn't complete the startup routine, kept saying gimbal obstruction. When the power was off the gimbal moved freely, no obstruction felt. DJI replaced the drone, all is well now, but now I think Mavic gimbals are fragile, since it went bad sitting in the backpack.
Mavic gimbals are fragile, which is why they come with two gimbal locks instead of one, but both locks are hard to deal with, so many people leave them off, and just toss the Mavic into a backpack, figuring it will be fine. I keep my Mavic level and handle it with care in a camera bag, to minimize impact, and leave off the pesky gimbal locks. However, I wouldn't go boulder jumping with it that way! :eek: :D Glad DJI covered it. Today they are are far more picky about coverage!
I was told by DJI the Obsidian has no changes in the gimbal, other than the finish. It's likely it well flip also.
I know what DJI is saying about it, but my question is has anyone been able to have the gimbal flip with the obsidian? If so, please reply. If tried and it wouldn't flip, please reply.
I know what DJI is saying about it, but my question is has anyone been able to have the gimbal flip with the obsidian? If so, please reply. If tried and it wouldn't flip, please reply.
Buy me one, and I'll be happy to test it for you! ;)
These last days, I flew with same "windy" conditions as before and I used solely Litchi...
And surprisingly ! No flip at all ! No sudden tilt !!!! Even within triggering conditions: flying sideways, turn P4P to the right while turning gimbal to the left.
Worst thing happened is gimbal got stiff and froze for few seconds. That's all...
I was flying in more or less same spots in HK.

Makes me wonder if DJI Go 4 has some role in triggering the event...
I was out flying my P4P+ when suddenly my gimbal tilts hard out of no where. It scared me because it made me believe I hit something and my P4P was tumbling out of the air from like 350 feet up.

But I didn't hit anything, it was just the gimbal freaking out.

Does anyone else have this problem? Is it a defective unit or just buggy software hopefully soon to be patched out?

Here is a short clip of the incident

Interesting, I have heard of the P4P flip gimbal glitch, but this sounds a bit different. I have a P4 and have never had an issue until today. In this case, I was flying off the beach out over the surf. I got a gimbal engine overloaded error and the camera started bouncing around erratically. I thought it was the drone, but fortunately it was just the camera. Anyway, landed it, blew the sand out of the gimbal, restarted and all was good. You may have just gotten some debris in the gimbal in your case as well, did you get any warnings?

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