Forced to Take DJI Exam?!?

It's only proof that someone in ICE thinks that but it doesn't prove that their fanciful paranoia is valid..
Granted. It does, however, at the very least, raise some legitimate concerns, that deserve consideration and futher scrutiny, to determine if there is any validity to them. Time will tell.

Assuming their fanciful paranoia is valid, it's a huge bonus for us as consumers, as that means we are buying DJI drones below cost, and DJI has more incentive than ever, to remain at the cutting edge of technology, and to deliver us the most capable drones, with the very best camera imagery, so the Chinese government has the very best photos and video of our country! :p
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Granted. It does, however, at the very least, raise some concerns that deserve consideration and futher scrutiny, to determine if they are valid. Time will tell.
My guess is that someone there just got around to reading the same old stuff that Kevin Finisterre has been pushing for the last few months and got a bit more excited about it than others have.
It doesn't sound like there are any new revelations.
My guess is that someone there just got around to reading the same old stuff that Kevin Finisterre has been pushing for the last few months and got a bit more excited about it than others have.
It doesn't sound like there are any new revelations.
As I read the document, in 2016 DJI was supposedly selling below cost to destroy the competition and corner the market, so they would be the only provider when marketing to law enforcement, government, military, power plants, transportation, and other great targets for foreign governments interested in espionage and vulnerabilities. None of that is Kevin Finistere stuff, which relates to what DJI could do with DJI drones being used by those entities, once in place. It's an interesting theory. Selling below cost to destroy the competition is likely true, but has a legitimate business purpose as well, as does marketing to the aforementioned entities, who need drones for inspections and surveillance, where the recodings and imagery clearly might be of interest to the Chinese government. However, whether this is just clever marketing, or part of some elaborate "long game" Chinese government conspiracy to spy on the U.S. remains to be seen.

In the mean time, I'm going to enjoy what I can do with these marvelous DJI innovations, as long as we are still allowed to buy them! :cool:
And most devious of all, the way DJI kept bringing out products that were so much better than the other manufacturers did.
That's just not fair at all.
I'm loving every minute of that devious market approach! :D
I have no problems with the test. I immediately though that it was a good idea--just like a pre-flight safety check. Has anyone taken the test and failed?? What happened? Anything? Perhaps this is just a safety reminder like, "Hey, don't stick your . . . finger in the props while they are spinning"
I have no problems with the test. I immediately though that it was a good idea--just like a pre-flight safety check. Has anyone taken the test and failed?? What happened? Anything? Perhaps this is just a safety reminder like, "Hey, don't stick your . . . finger in the props while they are spinning"
You are overlooking at least one reliable report where the test pops up in midflight, requiring the PIC to take the test before they can continue flying, while the battery is depleted, while over the ocean! :eek:
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Post #282: "My app crashed in flight and when I relaunched it I didn't see any skip button and had to complete the questionnaire while my drone was out over ocean. That sucked."
Are you calling him a liar? It's a first hand experience by a member. That's reliable enough to me to believe that it has happened, and that it can happen, and to know it should never be able happen that way, and that its implementation is flawed! Not a fan! :eek:
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Not one corroborating post since #282?

‘There’s a sucker born every minute’.
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Not one corroborating post since #282?

‘There’s a sucker born every minute’.
Do you need more than one report to know that it is possible to occur in flight with no option to opt out, even if the condition precedent is a crash of the app? Your skepicism reminds me of all the GEO zealots who refused to believe any reports that GEO's implementation was buggy, and taking over control from the PIC, just because they hadn't experienced it first hand. Knowing DJI's poor track record, and lack of quality control with any of these new "feel good" invasive measures, there will be multiple situations where this "quiz" will interfere with flight and create the very safety hazards it claims to prevent! :eek: By the way, the first report was only 4 days ago! :rolleyes:
Why do you continue to fly a product that you have such seemingly low confidence in it’s quality, manufacturer, and programming?
Why do you continue to fly a product that you have such seemingly low confidence in it’s quality, manufacturer, and programming?
Surely you are not suggesting that you have full confidence in DJI's quality control, programming, and manufacturing that they are completely beyond reproach! :rolleyes: They still make the best hardware for the money, but they are as bug ridden as can be at inception. It takes at least 6 months to get the initial bugs fixed on any newly released DJI product. Tell me I am wrong! GEO is still buggy after over a year of Beta, and a publicly released cram down. I never update unless I have a compelling reason to do so. Mandatory quizzes are not a reason to update! In most cases, they eventually get it right, but almost never at first!
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Wrong. You do have to have a drivers lic to buy the car and drive it. Just my 2 cents.

I’ve bought several cars and not once have been asked for my license! Not one time, now when I bought my own insurance for said cars yes I had to present my drivers license! But you don’t have to have a license to buy one! At least here in Texas!
That is true in Texas. However any blanket statement is likely to be subject to exceptions such as your experience.
I’ve bought several cars and not once have been asked for my license! Not one time, now when I bought my own insurance for said cars yes I had to present my drivers license! But you don’t have to have a license to buy one! At least here in Texas!
You can obtain vehicle insurance with no license too:). At least in California.

I was playing around yesterday and opened up the app and was presented with the 10 question quiz.... best idea I’ve seen in a while. Good, basic questions anyone flying a drone should be able to answer.
I was playing around yesterday and opened up the app and was presented with the 10 question quiz.... best idea I’ve seen in a while. Good, basic questions anyone flying a drone should be able to answer.
Would have been equally as enthusiastic had the 10 question quiz popped up in mid-flight, while out over the ocean, immediately after an app crash, with no apparent option to skip the quiz, like happened to the member in Post #282 this last Monday? :eek:

Post #282: "My app crashed in flight and when I relaunched it I didn't see any skip button and had to complete the questionnaire while my drone was out over ocean. That sucked."
Would have been equally as enthusiastic had the 10 question quiz popped up in mid-flight, while out over the ocean, immediately after an app crash, with no apparent option to skip the quiz, like happened to the member in Post #282 this last Monday? :eek:

Post #282: "My app crashed in flight and when I relaunched it I didn't see any skip button and had to complete the questionnaire while my drone was out over ocean. That sucked."
Ya I replied to that post. Did it really happen? Who knows for sure. I do know that it could of been avoided for sure.

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