Follow me - I think it's just a gimmick

One thing that could be a problem is apples stupid wifi assisted gps. Turn that crap off so you get a pure gps location and see what that does. I'm betting that's what caused the strange right turn on the way back to the start point.

That might work. Might be worth another try.
In addition to my P3P, I have a Q500 by Yuneec. The follow me and watch me modes work a little better. However max speed is 15mph. I did the same bike handlebar test, I got pretty good results but I positioned the craft about 150' high and 200' in front of me, providing more tolerance to give the system time to adjust while keeping me in the frame. I went about 4 miles, 2 in lead me orientation and 2 with it following me, but it's called "watch me" mode to keep the camera pointing at the controller, in Yuneec speak.
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