E300 questions

Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
St Petersburg, Florida
I bought the e300 propulsion system and wired it to the power distribution disk. I was trying to find out if the ESCs could provide power to the flight controller. When I plug in the 11.4v 3cell, all the ESCs beep continuosly. I checked the +5 for power and the is none. Two questions...

1) is the beeping normal if the ESCs are not plugged into a controller?

2) is it not possible to power the controller through the ESC. (Kind of like a BEC)

I am clear on one thing....nothing is clear to me.

E300 uses OPTO ESCs, the red wire is to provide power TO the ESCs, not to power the FC FROM the ESCs.

If you have a Naza, the PMU provides power to the FC, and the FC powers the ESCs, rx, gps and other devices.
Ok, I understand a bit more. I am trying kk2.1.5 controller and still not clear where it's power comes from. This is just to learn what will work with what.

Btw, I have a phantom 2 for more serious flying.

Any comment about the beeping when not plugged into the controller? Starting to think this a normal signal when no FC is attached.
crchisholm said:
Ok, I understand a bit more. I am trying kk2.1.5 controller and still not clear where it's power comes from. This is just to learn what will work with what.

Btw, I have a phantom 2 for more serious flying.

Any comment about the beeping when not plugged into the controller? Starting to think this a normal signal when no FC is attached.

Correct, that's the 'Hey, dummy!' tone ESC's will generate if no control signal is present.
I don't know how KK works, but in theory you should be able to supply power and ground to the ESCs through a 5v bec, and power your KK through the same if it is also a 5v device. You would need to connect the signal pin (and possibly common ground) from the ESCs to the KK. That's just pure guesswork, I'd get on a KK board and ask them how they set up given OPTO ESCs.

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