DIY Sun Blocker?

Thanks for giving me the thought to visit eBay.CA!!! I just finished ordering it.

This is my first purchase from eBay ever. I was always an Amazon guy. I guess I'll be doing a lot of comparing for future purchases. Here's what my $10 got me:

Glad that worked out for you. I've bought two sunshades off eBay. They were both less than $10 but, they're for phones. They both work well, although I prefer one design over the other.

Due to the types of items I generally buy, I spend far more money on eBay than I do on Amazon. I've found the pricing to be competitive and I can often get free shipping without a min $$ order like Amazon. On the downside, it can take longer to get your stuff because it often comes from China.

The other reason I prefer eBay is that I'm talking directly with the actual seller, and I can often negotiate much better pricing for items I want to buy, even if the seller doesn't offer a "Buy It Now" option. Or I'll bundle several items from a seller to reduce the cost and shipping fees. Try doing that on Amazon.
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Glad that worked out for you. I've bought two sunshades off eBay. They were both less than $10 but, they're for phones. They both work well, although I prefer one design over the other.

Due to the types of items I generally buy, I spend far more money on eBay than I do on Amazon. I've found the pricing to be competitive and I can often get free shipping without a min $$ order like Amazon. On the downside, it can take longer to get your stuff because it often comes from China.

The other reason I prefer eBay is that I'm talking directly with the actual seller, and I can often negotiate much better pricing for items I want to buy, even if the seller doesn't offer a "Buy It Now" option. Or I'll bundle several items from a seller to reduce the cost and shipping fees. Try doing that on Amazon.

I always thought that eBay was strictly an auction sort of deal and I'm really not a fan of that. If I want something I like to have yesterday :grin: So I've never used them. I think I've looked at their site twice.

I use Amazon to get things that I can't find in brick and mortar stores. Their prices are competitive for the most part and their shipping is usually fast. But... there are times when they will add all taxes and shipping charges that end up doubling the initial price of the item. Or on occasion their price may be too high. The sunshade for example. For these items I will not place the order - unless it is something that I REALLY need or want. Finding out how eBay really works is a real game changer. Amazon now has competition.
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Finding out how eBay really works is a real game changer. Amazon now has competition

eBay is primarily an auction house however, there are a large number of sellers who offer items with a "Buy it now" option along with the auction, or as a stand-alone option. I have nothing against Amazon. Amazon works well for what it is but, as you pointed out, too many times they add fees and taxes so your final cost is well beyond what you originally thought it would be. My other issue is the shipping fees. Unless you can pull together enough stuff to meet the order minimum, you'll pay for shipping. A lot of my buys are well below Amazon's minimum order. When that happens, I'll check eBay and can usually buy what I need for less and often get free shipping as well. For me, eBay is a much better option for the things that I buy, although I fully understand that may not be the case for everyone. It all depends on your own situation.
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I made this for my Autel XSP controller but the idea would work on any controller.

The best part is, I used some politician's campaign poster to make it. It's made out of some sort of air bubbled plastic stuff. I was able to make it as big as I wanted so even in the noon sun here in Nevada I can still see what I'm doing. I just sprayed the 'interior' with flat black paint and got a non-glare stick-on for my Samsung Tab. The folds are held down with sticky velcro stuff. Seems to work just fine. Cost? Zeee-row. Wifey had the velcro already here for some silly lady project (don't tell her I said that!).

It gets a bit unwieldy at this size but hey, ya just gotta hold on . . .
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I must admit that the sun is a pain, Even here in North Wales UK. I've found that the best plan is to stand under a tree. And there are plenty of them around here. Some of the later 'phones do seem to be better in daylight than they used to be
I know this questions is going to sound tacky and I apologise for that but I honestly do want to know the reason. And the reason I want to know is because I'm in the business of making professional custom Sunshades for several different industries. Drones being one of them. And.... The ones we make are high dollar. (I would put a link here but I'm currently not advertising with and Im honoring their request to not promote when not advertising)

Ok to the question.

Wheas we have spent $1500 for a drone and probably another $500 on batteries and accessories. Add to that another $800 to $1000 for a phone or tablet. Many will have spent $50 to $100 on a case for their phone or tablet. So all in your sitting around 3k.

Why is it that on the actual piece of equipment that is probably one of the most important pieces of your settup. The sunshade. We tend to baulk at paying a decent price for a great one?

It's like playing golf with a wonderful set of clubs and when you get to the green in two you pull out a putter made from cardboard and duct tape. Then five putt.
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I know this questions is going to sound tacky and I apologise for that but I honestly do want to know the reason. And the reason I want to know is because I'm in the business of making professional custom Sunshades for several different industries. Drones being one of them. And.... The ones we make are high dollar. (I would put a link here but I'm currently not advertising with and Im honoring their request to not promote when not advertising)

Ok to the question.

Wheas we have spent $1500 for a drone and probably another $500 on batteries and accessories. Add to that another $800 to $1000 for a phone or tablet. Many will have spent $50 to $100 on a case for their phone or tablet. So all in your sitting around 3k.

Why is it that on the actual piece of equipment that is probably one of the most important pieces of your settup. The sunshade. We tend to baulk at paying a decent price for a great one?

It's like playing golf with a wonderful set of clubs and when you get to the green in two you pull out a putter made from cardboard and duct tape. Then five putt.
Ya pay for a new drone what ya pay, unless you get a killer deal on used.Same on other parts . Why pay crazy money if you don't have to. My Fire tablet works quite well. A lot of people are quite happy fabricating something simple and cheaply.
I made this for my Autel XSP controller but the idea would work on any controller.

The best part is, I used some politician's campaign poster to make it. It's made out of some sort of air bubbled plastic stuff. I was able to make it as big as I wanted so even in the noon sun here in Nevada I can still see what I'm doing. I just sprayed the 'interior' with flat black paint and got a non-glare stick-on for my Samsung Tab. The folds are held down with sticky velcro stuff. Seems to work just fine. Cost? Zeee-row. Wifey had the velcro already here for some silly lady project (don't tell her I said that!).

It gets a bit unwieldy at this size but hey, ya just gotta hold on . . . View attachment 97298
Wow... that's pretty neat!!! I'm going to keep this photo - just in case my $10 thing doesn't work out. I can get that kind of "plastic bubble" stuff, as you call it, at Staples for next to nothing - a small "for sale" sign being one option. Another good thing about your design is that it virtually weighs nothing - no extra weight on the RC. Thanks for this !!!
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Another good thing about your design is that it virtually weighs nothing - no extra weight on the RC. Thanks for this !!!

You're welcome Oscar. The biggest weight monster is my Samsung Tab. When I was flying my original P2V I used an old cell phone - which weighed nothing. When I decided I wanted a bigger screen for my aging eyes I got the Tab. Damned thing gets heavy! I have a strap for my controller but that only works when there's no weight pulling down on the top of the controller, and it never gets used like that.
I have tried several store bought shields for my Nvidia shield. And I have tried making my own - many, many different designs. Every one has their downsides. Shielding effectiveness, portability, and being able to actually touch the screen with the shield in place. My conclusion - there is no substitution for buying a tablet with a really bright screen.

I had seen a recommendation saying you want a minimim brightness rating of 500 nits. I bought an external monitor rated at 1000 nits and it is awesome - really doesn't need the shield that was included with it. Having an external monitor is not my preference because it is an extra component to lug around and set up. But next time I upgrade my tablet I will be looking for something with 500 nits minimum. This is not a solution for those of you that are having difficulty spending $20 on a shield and would prefer only to spend $10. But I am just trying to provide some food for thought. I got aggravated trying to come up with the perfect shield and never finding it. I am willing to spend the extra money up front next time for a brighter screen to avoid all the aggravation.
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You're welcome Oscar. The biggest weight monster is my Samsung Tab. When I was flying my original P2V I used an old cell phone - which weighed nothing. When I decided I wanted a bigger screen for my aging eyes I got the Tab. Damned thing gets heavy! I have a strap for my controller but that only works when there's no weight pulling down on the top of the controller, and it never gets used like that.
I'm wishing that the weight of my iPad 4 was my biggest problem. Unfortunately it can't run the DJI app... too old, I guess. :(

Buying a new device isn't an option right now so until I do get something newer I'm making do with my iPhone 6+. But it could be a lot worse...The screen is pretty big and up until last year I had an iPhone 4.
Hi all... After hunting on Amazon.CA I found one sun blocker for my iPhone 6 plus. Price is around $50.

I'm just wondering if anyone has made their own, or am I going to have to bite the bullet and shell out what seems like a lot of money for something I really don't think is worth $50?

To date the best solution I've found is: Plan and fly with the drone in front and the sun behind. wear a dark blue or black shirt. I'm at that point in life where I can easily cast a shadow on a 10.1" tablet, and by angling the RC so I see my navel reflected in the screen, most of the glare is gone. Do not waste money on polarized amber glasses, etc.
BUT, kudos to all the inventors out there that have made their own solutions with their own hands and brains!
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You're welcome Oscar. The biggest weight monster is my Samsung Tab. When I was flying my original P2V I used an old cell phone - which weighed nothing. When I decided I wanted a bigger screen for my aging eyes I got the Tab. Damned thing gets heavy! I have a strap for my controller but that only works when there's no weight pulling down on the top of the controller, and it never gets used like that.

What version of a Tab do you have? I have a TabS 8" that is just ounces. I had a Galaxy Tab that was too heavy and my wife uses it now for her Kindle reading
I made this for my Autel XSP controller but the idea would work on any controller.

The best part is, I used some politician's campaign poster to make it. It's made out of some sort of air bubbled plastic stuff. I was able to make it as big as I wanted so even in the noon sun here in Nevada I can still see what I'm doing. I just sprayed the 'interior' with flat black paint and got a non-glare stick-on for my Samsung Tab. The folds are held down with sticky velcro stuff. Seems to work just fine. Cost? Zeee-row. Wifey had the velcro already here for some silly lady project (don't tell her I said that!).

It gets a bit unwieldy at this size but hey, ya just gotta hold on . . . View attachment 97298
MrTommy... do you think you could post a picture of the back of this for me? I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow.
I made one from the left-over cardboard backing of a large drawing tablet. Pictures show is spread out, partially folded around my iPad Mini, mounted on my controller with the iPad, and folded for storage and transport. The wings fold around the back of the iPad and the clamp on the controller holds everything securely in place. Note the holes for the clamp, iPad power switch, and the USB cable. The cardboard has a nice matte finish that does not reflect sunlight.
I mounted my phone in my old FPV mask works fine. I fly it FPV but it is easy to flip it up and see the phantom

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