Correctly Calibrating Compass Phantom 3 Pro

Sep 28, 2016
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Cherry Hill, Southern NJ
I am being told I have been calibrating my compass incorrectly for over a year on my P3Pro. The issue is after the 1st step of holding drone steady nose out and turning 360 degrees. The second step I was taught to hold the drone nose down and rotate... My friend said that is incorrect.. the nose does not get pointed down, instead, the drone is placed on its side and rotated 360 degrees. There is even a picture of the drone being placed on it side (NOT nosed down) in the GO app. Have I been calibrating my compass wrong all this time ??
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It's okay to hold the Phantom either way.
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Did you ever faced any problem?

Your method was not wrong.
The more important question is, why are you calibrating it at all?
I am selling my Drone and new owner was doing "An Acceptance Flight". He wanted to do a Compass Calibration.
The issue is after the 1st step of holding drone steady nose out and turning 360 degrees. The second step I was taught to hold the drone nose down and rotate...
The way you do it is the way I always do it too. I can't remember ever seeing someone do it any different way. Good thing that a compass calibration is not needed much.
Funny, All the youtube videos, every post I have ever seen instructs you to place the nose down in the 2nd step. That said, my friend, to prove his point, took a screen print of the second step of the instructions for the compass calibration in the DJI Go app. It shows the nose pointed out sideways !! Go Figure !!!!! We had a little argument, and I finally told him... Until you fully pay for the drone, its still mine, and we are going to perform any compass calibrations the way I have been taught! Nose Down.
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I've done it both ways and it doesn't matter. In its voice prompt, Litchi will "tell" you to point the nose down.
I am being told I have been calibrating my compass incorrectly for over a year on my P3Pro. The issue is after the 1st step of holding drone steady nose out and turning 360 degrees. The second step I was taught to hold the drone nose down and rotate... My friend said that is incorrect.. the nose does not get pointed down, instead, the drone is placed on its side and rotated 360 degrees. There is even a picture of the drone being placed on it side (NOT nosed down) in the GO app. Have I been calibrating my compass wrong all this time ??

I had the same confusion for quite a while. The answer is... Both methods are correct. Use whichever one is least awkward for you. (they're both pretty awkward IMHO) :)

Thanks To Everyone For All Your Helpful Thoughts... Cheers !!

One thought crossed my mind: Having the nose pointed down might be easier on the gimbal -- less flopping around. Just speculation of course.

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