Commercial with the Vison Plus

Do you not read all these stories about phantoms going out of control and crashing for no reason? I think you seriously need to rethink about the places you film and stop posting them where all the rule makers can use them against our hobby :twisted:
Well yes, I have I have been flying these puppies and other puppies for a few years now. It`s like another airplane you have to the safe drill first. If you don`t trust your phantom? Way to buy and fly them??

Nice video! Like you said, why spend $1,300 on a machine you don't trust and can't use the way it was intended? I saw nothing wrong with this video in terms of being dangerous. It seemed like everyone was well aware there was a quadricopter flying around taking video.
Bjorn Thore said:
Well yes, I have I have been flying these puppies and other puppies for a few years now. It`s like another airplane you have to the safe drill first. If you don`t trust your phantom? Way to buy and fly them??


Safe drill flying around kids WTF, if the phantom suddenly threw a fit and started dropping out of the sky and started heading for an adult they would likely think " that looks dangerous" and get the hell out of the way. If the same thing happened with a kid they would probably shout hey dad look at this toy doing crazy things and just stand there watching it till it smacked them in the face? Kids do not have a good understanding of danger. Safe drill means planning for all eventualities good or bad not sticking your head in the sand thinking my first 200 flights have gone ok so everything is going to stay ok. Guess people in Norway think differently to others in the world? In the UK we are not allowed to fly within 50 metres of people or buildings have you checked the rules in Norway?
YeeaaBoii said:
Nice video! Like you said, why spend $1,300 on a machine you don't trust and can't use the way it was intended? I saw nothing wrong with this video in terms of being dangerous. It seemed like everyone was well aware there was a quadricopter flying around taking video.

I agree... thumbs up
Madwak said:
Bjorn Thore said:
Well yes, I have I have been flying these puppies and other puppies for a few years now. It`s like another airplane you have to the safe drill first. If you don`t trust your phantom? Way to buy and fly them??


Safe drill flying around kids WTF, if the phantom suddenly threw a fit and started dropping out of the sky and started heading for an adult they would likely think " that looks dangerous" and get the hell out of the way. If the same thing happened with a kid they would probably shout hey dad look at this toy doing crazy things and just stand there watching it till it smacked them in the face? Kids do not have a good understanding of danger. Safe drill means planning for all eventualities good or bad not sticking your head in the sand thinking my first 200 flights have gone ok so everything is going to stay ok. Guess people in Norway think differently to others in the world? In the UK we are not allowed to fly within 50 metres of people or buildings have you checked the rules in Norway?

Im sorry i don't want to offend anybody! Well it`s clear that you don`t trust your machine and thats ok. If you look at youtube there are several people flying around in the neighborhood and in the city. If you don't trust your parachute don't jump. Like i said i have been flying these drones for a little while now, in my experience there are human errors that make the accident. Like if you don't have enough knowliged, practice or haven't check you machine before every flight.

Airplane can also fall out of the sky.

I thought it was a very nice video!
Don't listen to all these people who buy their phantom and keep it tucked away under their bed because they are afraid to use it.

Good job!
amkorp said:
I thought it was a very nice video!
Don't listen to all these people who buy their phantom and keep it tucked away under their bed because they are afraid to use it.

Good job!

Thounsends thanks to you :)
amkorp said:
I thought it was a very nice video!
Don't listen to all these people who buy their phantom and keep it tucked away under their bed because they are afraid to use it.

Good job!

Yeah ... might as well get your flights in now cuz unimaginative, weak brained and selfish people like you will have this hobby ended for us all soon enough.
I've gotten my head bashed in on these boards for promoting safe flying. But, you've done all you can to make sure your bird is airworthy, then knock yourself out.

Its up to the individual flying to determine what is safe and mitigate the risk, because with risk comes responsibility if something goes wrong.

I see nothing wrong with this cool, inspiring video of what the Phantom can do. Nice job!
amkorp said:
I thought it was a very nice video!
Don't listen to all these people who buy their phantom and keep it tucked away under their bed because they are afraid to use it.

Good job!


let the debby downers and the bubble wrappers be damned :lol:

if all we can do is fly in the country 10 miles from nowhere then why own one
he's not doing 50mph passes through crowds shut up

fly on my freind
Flyer91 said:
amkorp said:
I thought it was a very nice video!
Don't listen to all these people who buy their phantom and keep it tucked away under their bed because they are afraid to use it.

Good job!

Yeah ... might as well get your flights in now cuz unimaginative, weak brained and selfish people like you will have this hobby ended for us all soon enough.



The purpose of these devices is so you can capture content from a totally different perspective... If you fly safe, it doesn't matter where you fly... If the Phantom is going to fail on its on, it could happen anywhere... Who knows... It could just drop out the sky or fly away... We don't know... But we can't live our lives behind the "I'm scary" theroy...

All, please fly safe and enjoy this technology... Take some really cool pictures and videos from the wildest of places and post them for us to see...

Great Video!!!
Bjorn, nice video. I love the look of wonder on the kid's faces. :D Guess I may as well say what I have to say considering some of the replies. It looks to me like Bjorn was flying slowing and carefully in a very controlled flight, something very easy to do with a Phantom. He was basically hovering, not flying all crazy zooming over people at 40 mph. EVERYONE who was watching seems to have been enjoying it and seemed to display the same amazement watching that we feel as Phantom pilots. I can't tell you how many times I fly and people come up to look and inquire about the Phantom.

"What is it? It has a camera? You can see the camera view? How much is it? How far can it go? Where do I get one?"

People are always smiling & waving at the Phantom, and clamoring for a closer look. Heck, I need to start carrying DJI business cards in my wallet! Not that a Phantom is infallible, but flying a Phantom near people is a hell of a lot different than me buzzing the field at 150 mph with my F/A-18 SuperHornet. Obviously a Phantom can cause injury, but it weighs 2.7 pounds. 400-ton aircraft fly over heavily populated areas each and every day, traveling at 600 mph and loaded with highly flammable fuel. Sometimes they actually crash into those populated areas.

It would seem to me that we want everyone to see just how amazing, controllable, and safe the Phantom's technology has become. The way to do that is expose as many people to the technology, so they see for themselves.
semaj said:
Flyer91 said:
amkorp said:
I thought it was a very nice video!
Don't listen to all these people who buy their phantom and keep it tucked away under their bed because they are afraid to use it.

Good job!

Yeah ... might as well get your flights in now cuz unimaginative, weak brained and selfish people like you will have this hobby ended for us all soon enough.



The purpose of these devices is so you can capture content from a totally different perspective... If you fly safe, it doesn't matter where you fly... If the Phantom is going to fail on its on, it could happen anywhere... Who knows... It could just drop out the sky or fly away... We don't know... But we can't live out lives behind the "I'm scary" theroy...

All, please fly safe and enjoy this technology... Take some really cool pictures and videos from the wildest of places and post them for us to see...

Great Video!!!

There is a reason that DJI advises not to fly over people, property, or vehicles.
There is a reason that the AMA advises not to fly over people, property, or vehicles.
There is a reason that international agencies that govern what when and how Radio Control models can fly, advice not to fly over people, property, and vehicles.
But some people are just too dumb to see the reason for that and think they know better than all these experts with decades of involvement with RC aircraft.

We are facing an uphill battle to even fly these things at all ... even if we are all totally in compliance with the organizations that have had historical influence over their flight, and follow the advice of the manufacturers to the letter.

So go ahead and continue fly over kids, people's backyards, their cars, boats and homes, fly up to elevations that neither you nor a full size aircraft can see your bird, and out beyond your control link to test out your RTH and FPV maximums, and see how that works out for you over the next few months.

But at east be honest enough to yourself about what's happening, and keep googling "private drones banned" on a weekly basis to stay abreast of what's happening to the hobby, and how fast it happening.
Dirty Bird said:
Bjorn, nice video. I love the look of wonder on the kid's faces. :D Guess I may as well say what I have to say considering some of the replies. It looks to me like Bjorn was flying slowing and carefully in a very controlled flight, something very easy to do with a Phantom. He was basically hovering, not flying all crazy zooming over people at 40 mph. EVERYONE who was watching seems to have been enjoying it and seemed to display the same amazement watching that we feel as Phantom pilots. I can't tell you how many times I fly and people come up to look and inquire about the Phantom.

"What is it? It has a camera? You can see the camera view? How much is it? How far can it go? Where do I get one?"

People are always smiling & waving at the Phantom, and clamoring for a closer look. Heck, I need to start carrying DJI business cards in my wallet! Not that a Phantom is infallible, but flying a Phantom near people is a hell of a lot different than me buzzing the field at 150 mph with my F/A-18 SuperHornet. Obviously a Phantom can cause injury, but it weighs 2.7 pounds. 400-ton aircraft fly over heavily populated areas each and every day, traveling at 600 mph and loaded with highly flammable fuel. Sometimes they actually crash into those populated areas.

It would seem to me that we want everyone to see just how amazing, controllable, and safe the Phantom's technology has become. The way to do that is expose as many people to the technology, so they see for themselves.

If you do the ballistics on 2 lbs moving 30 mph I think you would be surprised at the energy it would dissipate into a person.

But you don't have to get that fancy.
Just take an egg, give it to your buddy and then stand at the side of the road and have him drive by at a measly 20mph and chuck it out the window at your head.
Then you will have some first hand knowledge to come and talk about how much damage one of these can do. ;)

Doesn't take an F18.
I mean ... c'mon Bird, you are 'much' smarter than that.

All those little kids parents smiles are going to change the first time a kid gets hurt by one of these because people though it wasn't an F18 and just didn't take the time to actually 'think' about that weight dropping out of the sky that fast and hitting them.
Are you willing to let somebody drop 'just the battery' on your head from only as high as the top of your house?

Yes .... unfortunately it will happen, and it will happen soon, unless we all adapt some simple discipline in how and where we fly.
You don't need to be afraid to fly them ..... just smarter then some of us are in the way they are flying them.
Follow DJI's recommendations the same way you would follow any mfg's safety recommendations.
Simple ..... unless your'e a total dork. ;)
Bjorn Thore said:

Enjoy and hope you like it.

Nicely done! Great job! I second Bird's assessment. It was apparent you took measures to be safe and yet still had fun while other's enjoyed as well. Continue the safe flying! Look forward to seeing more great videos like these...
Flyer91 said:
Simple ..... unless your'e a total dork. ;)

So anyone who doesn't share your view is a "total dork" and, from your "self-policing" thread, every time someone does something that doesn't fit in with your idea of right, wrong, and proper, you want to verbally abuse them & have them banned from the forum?

Are you this upset about the 400-ton, fuel-laden aircraft flying overhead?
Hey Dirty Bird, there is no point in even talking to this guy. He's got it in his mind that he is the be all and end all of drone safety, so let him be.

The rest of us will enjoy our aircraft and if the day comes when we won't be able to fly without regulations and licenses it won't be because of the "unsafe" fliers but rather the conspiracy theory, nutcases who are scared of everything and everyone who force legislation to be implemented.
I agree with Bird. We are adults and we can all assume certain levels of risk and assess what is safe for ourselves, our experience, and the situation. We all assume responsibility for any action we take. Someone's opinion about whether or not someone was 'safe' or not is only an opinion, and doesn't say anything for whether or not that person was truly acting in an unsafe manner. One person's idea of safe is relative to a lot of variables. But, that's what is so great about America... one can express their opinion, many can disagree, and we can all keep on flying and having fun in what we each personally perceive to be considered safe and fun! I deem this video to be safe and fun! :)

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