Cannot set home point using Ipad mini 2

Well, msinger (in this post) advised that the home point should be set when I start the motors, and that is what is happening. I may not have noticed this before. When I use my Samsung S4 I can set the home point as soon it everything is connected, but with the ipad mini it won't do that. Maybe that is due to the S4 having GPS but the ipad mini not having GPS. Anyway as long as I have a home point recorded I'm happy, I wasn't going to fly without a RTH point set. If I was to lose my P3 the Minister for War and Finance (the wife) would never approve the purchase to buy another one. I lost my JXD 509g the other night , flying to high and then the wind got stronger , tried to fly it back but it kept drifting back over behind my house and a row of trees and I lost sight, and the JXD's are notorious for not wanting to come back down, should have crash landed it when I got into trouble. I haven't reported the craft missing yet to the Minister.
Further update, I have just been outside and I was able to set a Home point before flying using the Ipad Mini , so whether it was the update or all the re-calibration I have done , I don't know.
I'm still getting the warning about interference and not flying to far, I'm going away this weekend to our beach Van so will get a chance to fly, not only away from any interference but hopefully get some great beach footage. Seven miles of beach with Ocean on one side and natural bush on the other and only 2.5hrs South of Sydney. Ahh I love Australia.
Have a good time and get some cool footage to share with us :)
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I keep getting a warning that I have heavy interference and to be careful flying long distance. Is this normal? Or do I have a Dud drone. I'm worried because I bought it on Ebay for a good price, by our standards in Oz. I'll check for any previous posts related to this topic as well.



  • DJI_0037.JPG
    4.6 MB · Views: 218

Check this one out,
Strong interference detected

If you got more questions, come back, actually ether way, was it good or bad?

Hi Rod,
Well at least I know I'm not the only one having this issue. The video I put up was taken, as you can see, if a fairly semi rural type of area and I was still getting the warning, But in the Van park (Trailer park) they have the place covered in Wifi, so there are some high mounted wifi aerials putting out probably stronger than normal wifi transmissions. Also, I didn't notice this problem until I also did that latest firmware upgrade, not that I used my ac that much before the upgrade but It certainly didn't do it initially. So I will wait, like a lot of people are doing, for Dji to fix it in the next firmware upgrade.

After reading some more of those posts on interference it gets confusing, what is your opinion?
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My impression is, you may have trouble flying it, but more so the Telemetry and Video may be disrupted. After reading many posts, I decided the if the Home Point is correct, GPS is working and the compass is working and your RTH is set correctly, you won't have a fly away.
Yep, just four simply things. :rolleyes:

Yes it is interesting and I noticed in the app store it has only just been updated on the 5th , yesterday for me but probably today for you.
Well I have already uninstalled, restarted my device and reinstalled the latest version.
Will try it a little bit later, fingers crossed.

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