When we come across bad apples

Naw ya didn't.gif
Tell me something:
Do you call 911 when you see;
a speeding car
A driver texting and driving
Lady putting on make up using that make up device on the wind shield while driving
Guy eating his fast-food with one hand, drink in the other, driving using his knees
Etc etc etc, any of which would be a lot more dangerous than a capable person flying a small drone, just because it it's up there doesn't mean it's going to fall, or you just don't trust the technology?
And please don't point out all the crashes, as that number is negligible vs the number of drones flying at any one time.

Why is it when it comes to quads, you guys come out of the shadows and start being the self appointed "drone police".

Listen, drones are here to stay, so don't worry about our little toys or tools for the pros who want to make money. It will be a much more restricted hobby for sure, but not because of people that you think are irresponsible but because of the sheer number of drones milling about up there!!!

And do remember not everybody lives in middle of nowhere or interested in filming trees, sky, water falls, sunsets etc!

So the answer to your question is: do as you do with everything else in your day to day observations of irresponsible acts: NOTHING

We're losing ground every day. Open google news and type in drones. Do this at least once a week. Scroll down. Go to the second page. It's happening. A lot of it's paranoia from an uninformed public, but sadly, a lot of it's because of ignorant people that feel that since they paid for it, they have the right to fly it however the see fit.

And then there's the fact that when you google phantom drones, this forum is right at the top of the results. So now we have curious public showing up, and seeing people like you saying that they're gonna do whatever the heck they want because they can and it doesn't matter.

That's awesome. You're a real asset.
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Here's my 2 cents:

All you can control is what you do and how you do it. Be the best Ambassador for our hobby possible and try to offset as much of the negative as you can. Get involved with your local community and demonstrate how much fun and SAFE flying a drone really is. Show off how un-spy-like they really are while demonstrating some of the many GOOD aspects of the industry. Be active locally and it might spread globally.

When you see something that is genuinely unsafe and you feel the need to do something more simply report it to whatever agency you feel would be relevant. Just remember not to be too hard on others because karma can come back to haunt us with a vengeance.

With that being said I'm confident that the creator of that video is extremely careless and really shouldn't be allowed to own/operate a UAS in this day and time. Can you imagine the media FRENZY that would have been created had he/she hit one of those support wires on the bridge, tumbled down onto traffic and created even a fender bender? Even if it had only caused a small scratch on a single car it would have read,
"Commercial Drone crashes onto busy bridge causes CHAOS/HAVOC and puts dozens of lives in danger."


"Entire city on lock-down while police, National Guard and US Air Defense search for missing rogue Drone operator who threatened thousands of lives flying inside of bridge support wires possibly causing entire bridge collapse."

And the flight over the beach.. whew that one is so uncool it's not even funny.

Sometimes just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should. Like it or not we are ALL in this together.

On a side note imagine how many extra hits this punks YT channel is getting right now because of this thread LOL.
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You ( Removed) can police your own actions only. Jumping up and down smacking yourselves because you deem somebody else's actions irresponsible doesn't actually make it true!

Art no time did I say because I paid for it I can do whatever I want with it. That is you "assuming" that it's what I said by the content of a few sentences, Which is exactly what you and people like you do every time somebody puts up a picture or a video make you paranoid people scared that their toys are going to get taken away from them.

We're losing ground every day. Open google news and type in drones. Do this at least once a week. Scroll down. Go to the second page. It's happening. A lot of it's paranoia from an uninformed public, but sadly, a lot of it's because of ignorant people that feel that since they paid for it, they have the right to fly it however the see fit.

And then there's the fact that when you google phantom drones, this forum is right at the top of the results. So now we have curious public showing up, and seeing people like you saying that they're gonna do whatever the heck they want because they can and it doesn't matter.

That's awesome. You're a real asset.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots
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What should we do?

Specifically 1:44, 1:58 and 2:02.
This video was fairly well crafted. Not sure about flight permissions, especially the bridge shots, but the remaining sequences were well captured and some nice imagery comes out. The flight amongst the seagulls should not offend anyone as the risks of human injury are virtually 0 and the worst potential outcome is a crashed drone and a scared bird. Other than that, nice video.
I am glad people are talking. That is why I posted this. They say opinions are like _____, everyone's got one. There is no arguing that this clown flew over an active highway in new york city, and that was foolish at the very least, along with the birds and the people...I will not apologize for posting his video, people need to know who the good guys are...maybe I am just a dirty rat...but this chap is persona non grata at my barbecues.
So the answer to your question is: do as you do with everything else in your day to day observations of irresponsible acts: NOTHING
I don't think that's good advice.

I have a front and rear-mounted car DVRs. I always forward clips to the police of people doing stupid stuff.

If more people cared to call out people who do stupid stuff then less people would be doing stupid stuff to begin with.
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Tell me something:
Do you call 911 when you see;
a speeding car
A driver texting and driving
Lady putting on make up using that make up device on the wind shield while driving
Guy eating his fast-food with one hand, drink in the other, driving using his knees
Etc etc etc, any of which would be a lot more dangerous than a capable person flying a small drone, just because it it's up there doesn't mean it's going to fall, or you just don't trust the technology?
And please don't point out all the crashes, as that number is negligible vs the number of drones flying at any one time.

Why is it when it comes to quads, you guys come out of the shadows and start being the self appointed "drone police".

Listen, drones are here to stay, so don't worry about our little toys or tools for the pros who want to make money. It will be a much more restricted hobby for sure, but not because of people that you think are irresponsible but because of the sheer number of drones milling about up there!!!

And do remember not everybody lives in middle of nowhere or interested in filming trees, sky, water falls, sunsets etc!

So the answer to your question is: do as you do with everything else in your day to day observations of irresponsible acts: NOTHING

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots

Just trying to prepare....

I have a front and rear-mounted car DVRs. I always forward clips to the police of people doing stupid stuff.
Most states won't do anything with it because if the cop doesn't witness it it's not probable cause. I have front and back cameras also, simply because I drive one of those kinds of cars that no one seems to see and I want it as a visual record for the time Bubba in his SuperDuty runs over my hood.
I get emails from youtube and the one I got this morning had this clip in it,now this guy looked much worse then the OP's video.I didnt watch it all,just seen him get close to a couple kids and almost hit them and then say it would have been funny if he hit them.edit: I see now he says kids wanted to be in video,guess he wouldnt have posted it if he would have actually nailed one of them
I didn't see anything wrong with this video. [emoji106]

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I did. Being that close to people is not a good idea. What is so interesting about young boys that the pilot needed to stalk them? Hit one and be ready for trouble. Oh, but the kids wanted to be in the video. So a bunch of 12 year olds have the influence for the pilot to break a few laws. The video was stupid and risky.
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I get emails from youtube and the one I got this morning had this clip in it,now this guy looked much worse then the OP's video.I didnt watch it all,just seen him get close to a couple kids and almost hit them and then say it would have been funny if he hit them.edit: I see now he says kids wanted to be in video,guess he wouldnt have posted it if he would have actually nailed one of them

Worst vid I've seen. Feel bad for giving him the view.

Most of them seemed to have no interest in being in his vid and there were several times he could have easily hit one.

Towards the end a kid goes out of sight at bottom of frame, he drops then turns and the kids is only a couple feet away.

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