Ufo flies towards my drone

Ok guys the reason I say ufo is because I literally cannot identify it. No one I know can I'd it. I am posting this in hopes to get to understand what it is that I saw

btw it's very fast and small and happens around the 6 second mark a white orb like thing going really fast from far. Even a bullet starts to drop u mediately. I've seen similar videos but on other videos it's coming down and looks like ball of hail. Not in his video
Ok guys the reason I say ufo is because I literally cannot identify it. No one I know can I'd it. I am posting this in hopes to get to understand what it is that I saw
Like all of these reports, it's something quite small and close to the camera.
It could be an insect of a piece of plant matter etc.
Because it's small, it's not visible until quite close and disappears quickly.
It's not as fast as you think since the distance it's moving is much smaller than you think.
Actually my 4k version shows much more and it's coming from quite a distance
What distance would you estimate?
The problem with these things when they are posted is people think they are coming a long way very quickly.
When the estimated distance and time were put together for the last one I saw here, that made for a speed of 42000 mph which is physically impossible down here in earth's atmosphere so it's clearly not at all accurate.
The error in the calculation was the estimated distance away when the object first becomes visible.
Think about how large/small you think the object is.
Then consider how far away something that size would to become visible on the 4K video.
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Ok guys the reason I say ufo is because I literally cannot identify it. No one I know can I'd it. I am posting this in hopes to get to understand what it is that I saw

I also have seen quite a few of these types of videos however this one stands out for many reasons.

If you play this on youtube and use your mouse and click on the 4 second mark you can get this to repeat over and over and the first thing you see are the cars moving in comparison to speed of this circular object.

You can also see when magnified a cross inside the circular object giving this a very erie feeling.

Its moving so fast thats its difficult to capture a frame of it using the pause button on the youtube , which is why the repeat was better for seeing this linear movement .

Its so odd in fact that because it keeps it circle shape , its as if captured death itself leaving in a hurry with purpose..

One thing has become very evident, that you need to post this on youtube in 4K , its well worth it.

I think the fact that this keeps a circular shape makes it stand out more than any other video I have seen.

If you notice the trees are moving side to side so this appears to be flying against the wind.
Pay attention to the two telling trees swaying in the wind opposite the direction of the Circle.


Gear to fly your Phantom in the rain !

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It's something tiny and close, drifting on the wind. The drone is approximately stationary, and I'm sure that a calculation of the wind direction and speed from the attitude data in the txt flight log will correspond closely to the observed motion. And once we know the speed of the object then the size can also be calculated.
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"Its so odd in fact that because it keeps it circle shape , its as if captured death itself leaving in a hurry with purpose.."


"Its so odd in fact that because it keeps it circle shape , its as if captured dust itself leaving in a hurry with purpose.."

From Wiki:
Dust is made of fine particles of solid matter. On Earth, it generally consists of particles in the atmosphere that come from various sources such as soil, dust lifted by wind (an aeolian process), volcanic eruptions, and pollution. Dust in homes, offices, and other human environments contains small amounts of plant pollen, human and animal hairs, textile fibers, paper fibers, minerals from outdoor soil, human skin cells, burnt meteorite particles, and many other materials which may be found in the local environment.
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I am familiar with the silver/white globe in the pics that you posted. I was flying my P3S in our upper pasture and could see the strange appearance. It was too far above the horizon for my drone to video. I called my housemate and ran down to the house to grab one of my Sony 550v video cameras. My housemate was very intrigued as well. She has some type of software that whenever you point the IPhone in a direction in the sky - you see the actual stars/planets positions at the time. When we looked at her software we thought it was a star.She uses it to track the ISS. When I turned on my video cam - it was virtually impossible to focus on the globe as the slightest breath - magnified over distance makes it "move". Thus I used a 12 foot metal panel rail to stabilize the cam. What I videotaped was exactly like the globes in the pics above. Then a few days later we believe the mystery was solved - as other people had seen it as well. Apparently Google had something going on with large balloons at a certain distance - something to do with their developing internet coverage I believe - thus we just let the matter drop as that appeared to be a credible explanation. I did not bother to save the images as I had to head out of town with my cameras for a shoot. Now I wish I had saved them - poor as they were..

You're saying the object at the subject of this thread is a balloon?


You're saying the object at the subject of this thread is a balloon?

No - I could not see an object in the video posted.
I specifically said that the silver/white globes were familiar. And that I never saw the 2 globes move as they were drifting slowly. Was reported in the media... Their flight path took them across the midwest here in Missouri and Kansas...
I need to quit reading these clickbait threads.

Recent buzz-words include:
almost whacked me
Over the top
BBC slagging drones

I watched the video in this OP probably a couple of dozen times, couldn't see the "UFO" - went to bigger and bigger screens, from my phone to my tablet to my computer and still couldn't see the alleged UFO. My son, who has much better eyes, had to watch it a few times before he saw it. It stayed on screen for what seemed about one second, and had I seen it in one of my videos I certainly would not have identified it as a UFO... more like a bug.

Maybe I need to exercise more discretion in what threads I click into
Ok guys the reason I say ufo is because I literally cannot identify it. No one I know can I'd it. I am posting this in hopes to get to understand what it is that I saw

I think many of us would like to see the 4K version can you post it. ?

We got people thinking Dust, balloons even a guy that that thinks is a circle bug and my favorite the soul of death captured. I think the 4K could bring some clarity.

Wow,I delete my other post but I thought where I circle was item mentioned,,where those glasses

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