This guy needs grounding - FAST !

Why do I care what he is doing?
Because he gives responsible fliers a bad name, that's why.

In the same way that a minority of BMW drivers never bother to indicate and make us assume that ALL BMW drivers won't, the media is spotlighting this guy and giving airtime to his illegal flying. People will assume we all fly like this and thus, more irresponsible people will be tempted to do the same and the problem grows until the CAA decides enough is enough and makes the rules even more draconian.
noiseboy72 said:
Why do I care what he is doing?
Because he gives responsible fliers a bad name, that's why.

In the same way that a minority of BMW drivers never bother to indicate and make us assume that ALL BMW drivers won't, the media is spotlighting this guy and giving airtime to his illegal flying. People will assume we all fly like this and thus, more irresponsible people will be tempted to do the same and the problem grows until the CAA decides enough is enough and makes the rules even more draconian.

And by you being bothered by this is understandable but by you chastising the guy that's gonna change things how?
What's the purpose of going out of your way to participate in that?
What's the expected outcome because you let him know he was doing something you did not think he should be doing?

No need to even respond but when I see the negative posts that's the first thing I think of and that's why it seems like a waste of time and good will to waste my time policing other adults lol which is what this thread incidentally ended up having me doing
You change peoples' behaviour by letting them know that what they are doing is unacceptable.

It's not what I think, but what the community as a whole and the law says that matters.

If he reads these posts, then hopefully the outcome is he gets an understanding that the law says what he is doing is wrong and no one condones his actions. I would call that worth while.
eckoner said:
noiseboy72 said:
Why do I care what he is doing?
Because he gives responsible fliers a bad name, that's why.

In the same way that a minority of BMW drivers never bother to indicate and make us assume that ALL BMW drivers won't, the media is spotlighting this guy and giving airtime to his illegal flying. People will assume we all fly like this and thus, more irresponsible people will be tempted to do the same and the problem grows until the CAA decides enough is enough and makes the rules even more draconian.

And by you being bothered by this is understandable but by you chastising the guy that's gonna change things how?
What's the purpose of going out of your way to participate in that?
What's the expected outcome because you let him know he was doing something you did not think he should be doing?

No need to even respond but when I see the negative posts that's the first thing I think of and that's why it seems like a waste of time and good will to waste my time policing other adults lol which is what this thread incidentally ended up having me doing

It bothers you that people are bothered by irresponsible pilots. It bothers you that some people refer to irresponsible pilots as idiots or call them "stupid."
You're chastising others for being bothered...
I don't see your posts any less negative than those you accuse of being negative.

I think you've all made your points enough times that the proverbial dead horse has been beaten black and blue.
Move on.
Go fly.
BMW drivers will always be a**holes. Bitching about it online won't change anything. Just be thankful that Audi drivers are now considered even more obnoxious and Prius drivers are a menace to society.

The guy flying over the football games doesn't have enough sense to read forums. And even if he did, he wouldn't care what we think. I have no qualms calling someone an idiot when their actions are idiotic. Does he make us all look bad? Yes. Does complaining about it here do anything to change the situation? No.

Lead by example. If you're concerned about people flying irresponsibly, the best thing you can do is counter it by flying responsibly.
Ok I'm done but last word from me

All this was about was to let some of you know your methods of policing have a negative adverse effect and makes the feeling on this board very negative actually extremely negative and some of you seem to relish in it

My point was everyone take a chill pill be adults and stop harassing people you don't know because they flew in a way your opinion disagrees with. Learn how to be mean in a slightly friendlier way lol geeze
eckoner said:
Ok I'm done but last word from me

All this was about was to let some of you know your methods of policing have a negative adverse effect and makes the feeling on this board very negative actually extremely negative and some of you seem to relish in it

My point was everyone take a chill pill be adults and stop harassing people you don't know because they flew in a way your opinion disagrees with. Learn how to be mean in a slightly friendlier way lol geeze


I shouldn't have singled you out, and my apologies for it. The back and forth was starting to obscure the points of both sides.
jeppeson2001 said:
If it's the same guy (and I think it might be?) He has now been grounded....

What does this mean??

Police received reports that the remote controlled aircraft was flying over the East Stand of the ground during Manchester City’s clash with Tottenham Hotspur.

What can a Tottenham Hotspur possibly be, some kind of small animal? and there was a Clash by Manchester City? It all sounds like the wikket has hit the binnger..

I love the english language which I think the English have mangled all up. (I really hope someone is smiling, if I have bothered anyone, sorry)
jeppeson2001 said:
If it's the same guy (and I think it might be?) He has now been grounded....

It seems reasonable to assume it is the same chap going on his previous videos of various football games. The quad they seized wasn't a Vision+ though, so I fully expect him to continue offending if he still has the V+. Hopefully the CAA are robust in prosecuting him. He seems to have little regard for the ANO though.
The article posted above states:

"To better enforce the use of drones, the House of Lords EU Committee has already begun debating tougher rules for drone ownership in the UK. It could mean drone owners are put on a register, making them easier to identify, and asked to broadcast when they wish to fly."

And some people in this thread were saying they don't think someone doing illegal flying will result in tougher conditions for the legitimate flyer?
How close that moron got to the people on the ride, is utterly irresponsible.
EASA is preparing its set of regulations as well. Chances are that all these bodies will follow the ANO 2009 from the UK CAA and all refinements recently added. Would be great to see 1 set of rules and clear laws working all across Europe!
Whilst not wanting to condone his irresponsible behaviour, I think the chap is a very competent pilot. I'm sure there's more risk of someone buying a phantom, getting it out of the box and flying it straight into a dangerous situation.
I for sure, wish I could produce videos of that quality, without breaking the law.

Do we have the making of a Banksey in the world of quadcoptering?
Keelbyfish said:
Whilst not wanting to condone his irresponsible behaviour, I think the chap is a very competent pilot. I'm sure there's more risk of someone buying a phantom, getting it out of the box and flying it straight into a dangerous situation.
I for sure, wish I could produce videos of that quality, without breaking the law.

Do we have the making of a Banksey in the world of quadcoptering?

Just because he produces reasonable videos does not in any way make him a competent pilot. Your definition if competent is different from mine.

It is clear to me that he is not competent. Its not just about proficiency at the sticks and being niffty with a video editor.

Banksey does not create high risk of injury. The comparison is ridiculous, unless you are attempting to be sarcastic about a very dangerous set of activities. So the answer to your question is no.
Keelbyfish said:
Whilst not wanting to condone his irresponsible behaviour, I think the chap is a very competent pilot. I'm sure there's more risk of someone buying a phantom, getting it out of the box and flying it straight into a dangerous situation.
I for sure, wish I could produce videos of that quality, without breaking the law.

Do we have the making of a Banksey in the world of quadcoptering?

I didnt see anything particularly special about his flying skills or video production skills.
I must have been looking at a different video to you.

The only thing that I saw was that he was clearly outside the law and there was no way he could say he didn't realise it. He has had it coming for months.
PaCharger said:
Well - he does have great FPV range and good video skills :eek:)
I watched 2 vids and didn't see anything that appeared overtly dangerous or irresponsible. In the UK it may be considered illegal, but he wasn't dive bombing people or putting folks in undue danger.

I think his video skills aren't that great, personally. A little yaw and that shot over the stadium would have actually been watchable. Gorgeous stadium and field BTW.

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