That was scary... what happened?

This thread may be dead at this point but if folks are still reading it I would really like to know what would cause a flight to go unrecorded. That may help explain what happened with this particular flight. The flight data is completely absent as if it never occurred. I see the one before it. I see the one after it but its not there.
For what its worth I lost the first 7-10 flights on my P3 and I'm not sure why. Would be nice to have them as it was at least 100k ft of flying and another 90 min of flight time for my records.
Actually the screen was active. The video connection stopped with a red banner stating No Connection. I could still see data like the distance to the bird, it's height, speed, etc... But no video. And the flight logs show a gap between where I lost the video and where I gained it back.
I had that happen yesterday. I'm pretty sure the App froze (Android, Samsung Galaxy S5). I tried force stopping and restarting the App, I did it both plugged into the USB and unplugged, and finally I had to restart the phone to get reconnected.
All the while the P3 waited patiently for me to tell it to do something.
Had a similar issue last night...

Night Flight. Flew from a friends house to a near by Mcdonalds about 1/2 mile away (trying to show off!). App lost video signal. Then app showed No signal and nothing worked on the app. Tried closing app and reopening. Got nothing. unplugged the usb...and nothing. App still shows NO SIGNAL. Map view was completely blank. About 2 minutes in, PANIC set in! I press the return to home button on the RC and it just beeps. But it's not the normal beeping sound it makes when it is working correctly. At this point, My friends and I are just staring at the sky with fingers crossed. I'm just begging for it to return to home like its supposed to. Meanwhile my friend hops in her car to look for it at Mcdonalds. She calls and she says "I CAN SEE IT. ITS HOVERING OVER THE INTERSTATE" I'm thinking, ok? Well, thank God we found it... but if it descends on to the Interstate...that's going to be really bad! She then says it's just circling around above the Mcdonald's / interstate area. At this point im pretty close to 20 minutes into flight my friend drives me to Mcdonalds while My wife stays at the home point JIC it returns home. Right as we get to Mcdonalds My friend calls and says "I FOUND IT. I HAVE IT IN MY HANDS!"........PHEW!!!...... But what happened?

Turns out what she was seeing in the air was a plane :\ ...not the drone. She says she noticed a commotion on the sidewalk next to the main street that runs by the Mcdonalds. She then noticed the red/green flashing lights! When she went to pick it up there were about 5 people circled around, asking her what it was? And they explained it just landed there about 10 minutes ago.

When we got back home, there she was sitting safe and sound on the counter top. Immediately, I noticed the battery was showing 4 bars (almost full). So it seems like as soon as the app showed no signal, it landed immediately.

I GOT SO INCREDIBLY LUCKY! The chances of it landing on the sidewalk, v.s. the middle of the street or a slanted roof top or a power line or tree...etc are incredible. I can not beleive I got my drone back unharmed after all thing considered. So thankful!
NO SIGNAL is different than DISCONNECTED, which is what the OP had. No Signal is no signal received back (far left LED on the RC should have turned red). With No Signal, it's good practice to throttle up a bit and hope some added extra height will improve signal.m enough to gain video again. Make sure your Failsafe mode is to RTH and not just land.
Ok guys here is a new one or an old one if you know about it. A lot of businesses are concerned about wifi security so they have installed Anti Wifi protectors. This will effect wifi video signals as well. Not sure what that tower was but it could be supporting such a device. A lot of people in security call it a wifi jammer. There are hammers for GSM, 2G,3G,4G, cellphone LoJack, WIFI and GPS jammer built into one unit. They sell for around $350 and that's cheep protection for businesses. Some can run as high as $5 thousand dollars. Business have to protect against loss of data protect their secrets will use these devices. If we get to close then it jams our video or worse. Be careful flying around business that may have sensitive info. They probably support jammers. Hope this helps!
Ok guys here is a new one or an old one if you know about it. A lot of businesses are concerned about wifi security so they have installed Anti Wifi protectors. This will effect wifi video signals as well. Not sure what that tower was but it could be supporting such a device. A lot of people in security call it a wifi jammer. There are hammers for GSM, 2G,3G,4G, cellphone LoJack, WIFI and GPS jammer built into one unit. They sell for around $350 and that's cheep protection for businesses. Some can run as high as $5 thousand dollars. Business have to protect against loss of data protect their secrets will use these devices. If we get to close then it jams our video or worse. Be careful flying around business that may have sensitive info. They probably support jammers. Hope this helps!

Not sure about the OP's country but in the USA them jammers are illegal and the person/company can go to jail and/or pay a big fine for running one.
I had trouble with my video last Saturday.
I went to an old shopping malls parking lot and flew on my first battery with no problems.
But it was hot, 82 and we were on blacktop. My friend suggested we go back to the local park where we had flown before. So I packed the P3 away and off we went. The second and third battery flights were not fun at all. As soon as I turned it on I got gimbal overload, compass errors, etc.

Finally got it to be green and ready to fly with GPS so I took off. The video kept breaking up and going black, and now and then I got the weak signal or no signal errors.

It has been parked since in its case. I will wait for new FW before I try to fly again. (unless that itch to fly becomes to strong) lol

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